U.S. Northeast

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Competition and Property Tax Limit Overrides

Revisiting Massachusetts’ Proposition 2 ½

Zackary B. Hawley and Jonathan C. Rork

September 2014, English

Working Papers

September 2014, English

Working Papers

The Effects of the Two-Rate Property Tax

What Can We Learn from the Pennsylvania Experience?

Zhou Yang

July 2014, English

Working Papers

Property Tax

July 2014, English

Working Papers

Property Tax

July 2014, English

Working Papers

July 2014, English

Working Papers

A Three-Part Literature Review

Proposition 2½ Overrides, the Efficiency of Public Goods Provision, and the Capitalization of Unfunded Pension Obligations

Jeffrey Zabel

July 2014, English

Working Papers

July 2014, English

Working Papers

Lessons from Sandy

Federal Policies to Build Climate-Resilient Coastal Regions

Robert Pirani and Laura Tolkoff

April 2014, English

Policy Focus Reports

City and Regional Planning, Climate Change, Environment, Infrastructure, Urbanization

April 2014, English

Policy Focus Reports

City and Regional Planning, Climate Change, Environment, Infrastructure, Urbanization

The Window Tax

A Case Study in Excess Burden

Robert M. Schwab and Wallace E. Oates

April 2014, English

Working Papers

April 2014, English

Working Papers

Preventing House Price Bubbles

Lessons from the 2006–2012 Bust

James R. Follain and Seth H. Giertz

June 2013, English

Policy Focus Reports

Housing, Land Markets

June 2013, English

Policy Focus Reports

Housing, Land Markets