U.S. Northeast

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The Case of the Disappearing City

Redistribution without Growth

Barry Lentnek, Alex Anas, and Jean-Claude Thill

April 2001, English

Working Papers

Economic Development, Land Use and Zoning

April 2001, English

Working Papers

Economic Development, Land Use and Zoning

Urban-Suburban Interdependencies

Edited by Rosalind Greenstein and Wim Wiewel

March 2000, English


City and Regional Planning, Economic Development, Local Government, Urbanization

March 2000, English


City and Regional Planning, Economic Development, Local Government, Urbanization

Public Values and Conservation Land

A Case Study of the Norumbega Project, Weston, MA

Charles J. Fausold

September 1999, English

Working Papers

Land Conservation, Land Value Taxation, Local Government, Property Tax

September 1999, English

Working Papers

Land Conservation, Land Value Taxation, Local Government, Property Tax

Using Assisted Negotiation to Settle Land Use Disputes

A Guidebook for Public Officials

Lawrence Susskind, Ole Amundsen, and Masahiro Matsuura

July 1999, English


Land Conflict Resolution

July 1999, English


Land Conflict Resolution

The Price Elasticity of the Demand for Residential Land

Estimation and Implications of Tax Code-Related Subsidies on Urban Form

Joseph Gyourko and Richard Voith

June 1999, English

Working Papers

Housing, Land Markets

June 1999, English

Working Papers

Housing, Land Markets

Land Value Taxation

Can It and Will It Work Today?

Edited by Dick Netzer

January 1998, English


Land Value Taxation, Property Tax

January 1998, English


Land Value Taxation, Property Tax

The Adoption and Repeal of the Two Rate Property Tax in Amsterdam, New York

Donald J. Reeb

January 1998, English

Working Papers

Local Government, Property Tax

January 1998, English

Working Papers

Local Government, Property Tax

Retention of Land for Agriculture

Policy, Practice and Potential in New England

Frank Schnidman, Michael Smiley, and Eric G. Woodbury

June 1990, English


Land Conservation, Land Markets

June 1990, English


Land Conservation, Land Markets