U.S. and Canada

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U.S. Urban Revitalization in the Twenty-First Century

Hopeful Signs

Eugénie L. Birch

May 2007, English

City and Regional Planning, Infrastructure, Poverty and Inequality, Property Tax, Urbanization, Valuation

May 2007, English

City and Regional Planning, Infrastructure, Poverty and Inequality, Property Tax, Urbanization, Valuation

Eminent Domain, Inc.

Amnon Lehavi and Amir N. Licht

May 2007, English

Working Papers

Land Use and Zoning

May 2007, English

Working Papers

Land Use and Zoning

The History and Purpose of Tax Increment Finance Policy in Wisconsin

Do Wisconsin Tax Increment Finance Districts Stimulate Growth in Real Estate Values? Do They Contribute to Sprawl?

Russell Kashian, Mark Skidmore, and David Merriman

May 2007, English

Working Papers

Economic Development, Local Government, Property Tax

May 2007, English

Working Papers

Economic Development, Local Government, Property Tax

What Happens When a Large City Doesn’t Have a Property Tax But Attempts to Enact One

A Case Study of Mesa Arizona

Jeffrey I. Chapman

April 2007, English

Working Papers

Economic Development, Local Government, Property Tax, Public Finance

April 2007, English

Working Papers

Economic Development, Local Government, Property Tax, Public Finance

Engaging the Future

Forecasts, Scenarios, Plans, and Projects

Edited by Lewis D. Hopkins and Marisa A. Zapata

April 2007, English


City and Regional Planning, Land Conflict Resolution, Technology and Tools, Urbanization

April 2007, English


City and Regional Planning, Land Conflict Resolution, Technology and Tools, Urbanization

Analyzing Land Readjustment

Economics, Law and Collective Action

Edited by Yu-Hung Hong and Barrie Needham

April 2007, English


Land Markets, Property Tax, Value Capture

April 2007, English


Land Markets, Property Tax, Value Capture

Visualizing Density Cover

Visualizing Density

Julie Campoli and Alex S. MacLean

February 2007, English


City and Regional Planning, Land Use and Zoning, Technology and Tools, Urbanization

February 2007, English


City and Regional Planning, Land Use and Zoning, Technology and Tools, Urbanization

Municipal Fiscal Structures and Land-Based Growth in the Phoenix Metropolitan Area

Carol E. Heim

January 2007, English

Working Papers

City and Regional Planning, Economic Development, Local Government

January 2007, English

Working Papers

City and Regional Planning, Economic Development, Local Government