U.S. and Canada

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Urban Planning for Climate Change

Edward J. Blakely

December 2007, English

Working Papers

City and Regional Planning, Climate Change, Environment, Urbanization

December 2007, English

Working Papers

City and Regional Planning, Climate Change, Environment, Urbanization

The Property Tax-School Funding Dilemma

Daphne A. Kenyon

December 2007, English

Policy Focus Reports

Local Government, Property Tax, Valuation

December 2007, English

Policy Focus Reports

Local Government, Property Tax, Valuation

The Impact of Nonprofit, Large Landowners on Public Finance in a Fiscally Distressed Municipality

A Case Study of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Sabina Deitrick and Christopher Briem

December 2007, English

Working Papers

December 2007, English

Working Papers

The Effectiveness of Community Land Trusts

An Affordable Homeownership Comparison

Mickey Lauria and Erin Comstock

December 2007, English

Working Papers

December 2007, English

Working Papers

December 2007, English

Working Papers

An Unfettered Property Tax in Illinois

Nathan B. Anderson and Therese McGuire

December 2007, English

Working Papers

Local Government, Property Tax

December 2007, English

Working Papers

Local Government, Property Tax

The Variety of Property Tax Limits

Goals, Consequences, and Alternatives

Joan M. Youngman

November 2007, English

Other Publications

Local Government, Property Tax

November 2007, English

Other Publications

Local Government, Property Tax

Catastro multifinalitario aplicado a la definición de políticas de suelo urbano

Edited by Diego Alfonso Erba

November 2007, Spanish


City and Regional Planning, Property Tax, Technology and Tools, Valuation

November 2007, Spanish


City and Regional Planning, Property Tax, Technology and Tools, Valuation