U.S. and Canada

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Erosion of the Property Tax Base

Trends, Causes, and Consequences

Edited by Nancy Y. Augustine, Michael E. Bell, David Brunori, and Joan M. Youngman

May 2009, English


Land Value Taxation, Local Government, Property Tax, Valuation

May 2009, English


Land Value Taxation, Local Government, Property Tax, Valuation

Smart Growth Policies

An Evaluation of Programs and Outcomes

Edited by Gregory K. Ingram, Armando Carbonell, Yu-Hung Hong, and Anthony Flint

May 2009, English


City and Regional Planning, Land Use and Zoning, Urbanization

May 2009, English


City and Regional Planning, Land Use and Zoning, Urbanization

Housing Markets and the Economy

Risk, Regulation, and Policy

Edited by Edward L. Glaeser and John M. Quigley

May 2009, English


Economic Development, Housing, Land Markets

May 2009, English


Economic Development, Housing, Land Markets

Property Rights and Land Policies

Edited by Gregory K. Ingram and Yu-Hung Hong

May 2009, English


Economic Development, Land and Property Rights

May 2009, English


Economic Development, Land and Property Rights

Enhancing the Feasibility of School Finance Reform

Andrew Reschovsky and Adam Langley

April 2009, English

Working Papers

Local Government, Property Tax, Public Finance

April 2009, English

Working Papers

Local Government, Property Tax, Public Finance

The Strand not Taken

The Taxing/Taking Taxonomy in American Property Law

Amnon Lehavi

April 2009, English

Working Papers

Land and Property Rights, Property Tax

April 2009, English

Working Papers

Land and Property Rights, Property Tax

What Drives the Property Tax?

A Holistic Examination of City and County Budgets in Minnesota

Aaron Twait and Mark Haveman

March 2009, English

Working Papers

Local Government, Property Tax, Public Finance

March 2009, English

Working Papers

Local Government, Property Tax, Public Finance

March 2009, English

Working Papers

Housing, Property Tax