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The Case for Climate-Informed Zoning

A Study of Fiscal Impact in Norfolk, VA

Katherine Burgess, Michael Rodriguez, Jordan Howard, Jared Klukas, and Megan Wright

June 2023, English

Working Papers

Climate Change, Land Use and Zoning

June 2023, English

Working Papers

Climate Change, Land Use and Zoning

The 2022 Census of Community Land Trusts and Shared Equity Entities in the United States

Prevalence, Practice and Impact

Ruoniu Wang, Celia Wandio, Amanda Bennett, Jason Spicer, Sophia Corugedo, and Emily Thaden

June 2023, English

Working Papers

Housing, Poverty and Inequality, Urbanization

June 2023, English

Working Papers

Housing, Poverty and Inequality, Urbanization

Can Removing Development Subsidies Promote Adaptation?

The Coastal Barrier Resources System as a Natural Experiment

Hannah Druckenmiller, Yanjun (Penny) Liao, Sophie Pesek, Margaret Walls, and Shan Zhang

May 2023, English

Working Papers

Climate Change, Land Markets, Property Tax, Valuation

May 2023, English

Working Papers

Climate Change, Land Markets, Property Tax, Valuation

Research-Informed Documents of Practice

Helping Urban Planners and Water Managers Direct the Change Needed for Creating Climate-Adapted Urban Landscapes

Paul W. Lander and Mary Ann Dickinson

May 2023, English

Working Papers

Environment, Urbanization, Water

May 2023, English

Working Papers

Environment, Urbanization, Water

Developing a Quantitative Spatial Economic Model to Evaluate Urban Water Conservation Policies in Denver

Juan Carlos G. Lopez

April 2023, English

Working Papers

City and Regional Planning, Climate Change, Environment, Housing, Water

April 2023, English

Working Papers

City and Regional Planning, Climate Change, Environment, Housing, Water

New Hampshire: Heavy Property Tax Reliance and Longstanding School Finance Litigation

Semida Munteanu, Bethany Paquin, and Sydney Zelinka

April 2023, English

Working Papers

Local Government, Property Tax

April 2023, English

Working Papers

Local Government, Property Tax

How Landscape Conservation Partnerships Are Working to Address Climate Change

Ernest Cook, Katherine Lyons, Rashail Deminck, Lucia Portman, and Molly McDevitt 

April 2023, English

Working Papers

City and Regional Planning, Environment, Land Conservation

April 2023, English

Working Papers

City and Regional Planning, Environment, Land Conservation

Assessing the Feasibility of Comprehensively Evaluating Duty to Serve’s Impacts

Esther Choi, Emma Donnelly, Yasmin Givens, Riley Meve, and Serena Shedore

March 2023, English

Working Papers

Housing, Poverty and Inequality

March 2023, English

Working Papers

Housing, Poverty and Inequality