U.S. and Canada

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The Political Economy of Voter Support for School Property Taxation

Lindsay Amiel, Jared Knowles, and Andrew Reschovsky

June 2016, English

Working Papers

Local Government, Property Tax, Public Finance

June 2016, English

Working Papers

Local Government, Property Tax, Public Finance

50-State Property Tax Comparison Study

For Taxes Paid in 2015

Lincoln Institute of Land Policy and Minnesota Center for Fiscal Excellence

June 2016, English

Other Publications

Property Tax, Public Finance

June 2016, English

Other Publications

Property Tax, Public Finance

A Good Tax

Legal and Policy Issues for the Property Tax in the United States

Joan Youngman

March 2016, English


Land Value Taxation, Local Government, Property Tax, Public Finance, Valuation

March 2016, English


Land Value Taxation, Local Government, Property Tax, Public Finance, Valuation

Further Empirical Evidence on Property Taxation and the Occurrence of Urban Sprawl

Robert W. Wassmer

March 2016, English

Working Papers

Property Tax

March 2016, English

Working Papers

Property Tax


Duties and Powers of State Trust Land Departments and the Effects of Appraisal Methods and Practices

Maren Mahoney

March 2016, English

Working Papers

March 2016, English

Working Papers

Land and the City

Edited by George W. McCarthy, Gregory K. Ingram, and Samuel A. Moody

January 2016, English


City and Regional Planning, Climate Change, Economic Development, Housing, Infrastructure, Land and Property Rights, Land Conflict Resolution, Land Markets, Local Government, Property Tax, Public Finance, Urbanization

January 2016, English


City and Regional Planning, Climate Change, Economic Development, Housing, Infrastructure, Land and Property Rights, Land Conflict Resolution, Land Markets, Local Government, Property Tax, Public Finance, Urbanization

Do Inclusionary Housing Policies Promote Housing Affordability?

Evidence from the Palmer Decision in California

Ann Hollingshead

December 2015, English

Working Papers

City and Regional Planning, Housing, Land Use and Zoning, Local Government

December 2015, English

Working Papers

City and Regional Planning, Housing, Land Use and Zoning, Local Government

Integrating Exploratory Scenario Planning into a Municipal General Plan Update

Joe Marlow, Hannah Oliver, Ray Quay, and Ralph Marra

December 2015, English

Working Papers

City and Regional Planning

December 2015, English

Working Papers

City and Regional Planning