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La reforma del impuesto predial de base suelo en Tijuana y Ensenada, Baja California

Manuel Perló Cohen and Luis R. Zamorano Ruiz

January 2000, Spanish

Working Papers

Land Value Taxation, Property Tax, Valuation

January 2000, Spanish

Working Papers

Land Value Taxation, Property Tax, Valuation

La captura de plusvalías inmobiliarias en México

Manuel Perló Cohen

January 1999, Spanish

Working Papers

January 1999, Spanish

Working Papers

La reforma al sistema fiscal sobre la propiedad inmobliaria en Mexicali


Manuel Perló Cohen and Luis R. Zamorano Ruiz

January 1999, Spanish

Working Papers

Land Value Taxation, Property Tax, Valuation

January 1999, Spanish

Working Papers

Land Value Taxation, Property Tax, Valuation