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Book cover for Atlas of Urban Expansion

Atlas of Urban Expansion

Shlomo Angel, Jason Parent, Daniel L. Civco, and Alejandro M. Blei

June 2012, English


City and Regional Planning, Infrastructure, Land Markets, Technology and Tools, Urbanization

June 2012, English


City and Regional Planning, Infrastructure, Land Markets, Technology and Tools, Urbanization

The Unearned Increment

Property and the Capture of Betterment Value in Britain and France

Philip A. Booth

May 2012, English

City and Regional Planning, Land and Property Rights, Land Markets, Property Tax, Urbanization, Value Capture

May 2012, English

City and Regional Planning, Land and Property Rights, Land Markets, Property Tax, Urbanization, Value Capture

The Impact of Climate Change on Land

Robert Mendelsohn

May 2011, English

Climate Change, Environment, Land Use and Zoning

May 2011, English

Climate Change, Environment, Land Use and Zoning

Integrating Adaptation and Mitigation in Local Climate Change Planning

Elisabeth M. Hamin

May 2011, English

City and Regional Planning, Climate Change, Environment, Infrastructure

May 2011, English

City and Regional Planning, Climate Change, Environment, Infrastructure

Making Room for a Planet of Cities

Shlomo Angel, with Jason Parent, Daniel L. Civco, and Alejandro M. Blei

January 2011, English

Policy Focus Reports

City and Regional Planning, Climate Change, Environment, Infrastructure, Land and Property Rights, Land Markets, Technology and Tools, Urbanization

January 2011, English

Policy Focus Reports

City and Regional Planning, Climate Change, Environment, Infrastructure, Land and Property Rights, Land Markets, Technology and Tools, Urbanization

Property Tax Reform

The Northern Ireland Experience

William J. McCluskey and Nigel D. Woods

November 2010, English

Property Tax

November 2010, English

Property Tax

Inclusionary Housing in International Perspective

Affordable Housing, Social Inclusion, and Land Value Recapture

Edited by Nico Calavita and Alan Mallach

July 2010, English


City and Regional Planning, Housing, Land Markets, Value Capture

July 2010, English


City and Regional Planning, Housing, Land Markets, Value Capture

The Community Land Trust Reader

Edited by John Emmeus Davis

May 2010, English


City and Regional Planning, Housing, Land and Property Rights, Land Markets, Poverty and Inequality, Urbanization

May 2010, English


City and Regional Planning, Housing, Land and Property Rights, Land Markets, Poverty and Inequality, Urbanization