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Willingness to Pay for Climate Adaptation

International Case Studies on Private Developers’ Preparedness to Contribute to Urban Climate Adaptation

Erwin van der Krabben, Alexander Lord, James H. Spencer, and Stephen Buckman

August 2023, English

Working Papers

Climate Change, Value Capture

August 2023, English

Working Papers

Climate Change, Value Capture

Place Profiles: Localizing Understandings of Disadvantage

Lucy Natarajan and Hyunji Cho

August 2022, English

Working Papers

City and Regional Planning, Economic Development, Poverty and Inequality

August 2022, English

Working Papers

City and Regional Planning, Economic Development, Poverty and Inequality

A Global Perspective on Land Use Regulations and Housing Outcomes

Cynthia Goytia and Eric J. Heikkila

June 2022, English

Working Papers

Informal Settlements, Land Markets

June 2022, English

Working Papers

Informal Settlements, Land Markets

Integrated Policy and Planning for Connectivity Conservation

Lessons from Kenya, Romania, and Vermont, U.S.A.

Zachary Wurtzebach 

June 2022, English

Working Papers

Climate Change, Environment, Land Conservation, Land Use and Zoning

June 2022, English

Working Papers

Climate Change, Environment, Land Conservation, Land Use and Zoning

Inclusionary Zoning in New York and Paris

Trojan Horse or Antidote to Gentrification?

Lance Freeman and Magda Maaoui
With research assistance from Xiyu Chen and Yining Lei

June 2022, English

Working Papers

Housing, Land Use and Zoning

June 2022, English

Working Papers

Housing, Land Use and Zoning

The Longer-Term Potential of Land Value Uplift: Insights from Great Britain and the Yangtze River Delta Region

Ying Jin and Tianren Yang

June 2022, English

Working Papers

Infrastructure, Value Capture

June 2022, English

Working Papers

Infrastructure, Value Capture

Composite Index of Local Fiscal Stability, Efficiency, Sustainability, and Livability

Central Eastern versus South Eastern European Countries

Aleksandra Maksimovska, Aleksandar Stojkov, Michal Radvan, and Tereza Rogic Lugaric

January 2022, English

Working Papers

Local Government, Property Tax, Public Finance

January 2022, English

Working Papers

Local Government, Property Tax, Public Finance

Mandating Access to Affordable Housing, City by City

Is France’s Fair-Share SRU Law a Model for U.S. Metropolitan Areas?

Yonah Freemark

September 2021, English

Working Papers


September 2021, English

Working Papers
