Working Papers

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Beyond Educational Attainment

Knowledge-Based Investments to Enhance a Region’s Human Capital and Resident Earnings

Todd Gabe

A Critical Review of Property Tax Relief in Wisconsin

The School Levy Credit and the First Dollar Credit

Andrew Reschovsky

Sale of Building Rights

Overview and Evaluation of Municipal Experiences

Fernanda Furtado, Vera F. Rezende, Teresa C. Oliveira, and Pedro Jorgensen Jr.

Outorga Onerosa do Direito de Construir

Panorama e Avaliação de Experiências Municipais

Fernanda Furtado, Vera F. Rezende, Teresa C. Oliveira, and Pedro Jorgensen Jr

Local Land Use Planning and Climate Change Policy

Summary Report from Focus Groups and Interviews With Local Officials in the Intermountain West

David Metz and Curtis Below

December 2009, English

Climate Change, Economic Development, Environment, Land Conservation, Local Government

December 2009, English

Climate Change, Economic Development, Environment, Land Conservation, Local Government

Gestión del crecimiento suburbano

Cambios en el uso del suelo y el mercado del suelo en el área de influencia del Nuevo Aeropuerto Internacional de Quito, Ecuador

Andrea Carrión

November 2009, Spanish

Infrastructure, Land Use and Zoning, Value Capture

November 2009, Spanish

Infrastructure, Land Use and Zoning, Value Capture

Assessment of Climate Change Impacts on Local Economies

Rosalind H. Bark

October 2009, English

Climate Change, Environment, Land Conservation, Land Markets, Local Government

October 2009, English

Climate Change, Environment, Land Conservation, Land Markets, Local Government