Working Papers

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The State of Local Government Pensions

A Preliminary Inquiry

Tracy M. Gordon, Heather M. Rose, and Ilana Fischer

July 2012, English

City and Regional Planning, Local Government, Property Tax, Public Finance

July 2012, English

City and Regional Planning, Local Government, Property Tax, Public Finance

Where in Connecticut is the Best Location for a Split Tax?

An Analysis of Land Assessment Equity in Several Cities

Jeffrey P. Cohen and Michael J. Fedele

The Capitalization Effects of Development Impact Fees

Commercial and Residential Land Values

Gregory S. Burge

Research Networks and Large-Landscape Conservation and Restoration

The Case of the Colorado River Delta

Karl Flessa

Alternative Futures Modeling in Maine’s Penobscot River Watershed

Forging a Regional Identity for River Restoration

Robert J. Lilieholm, Christopher S. Cronan, Michelle L. Johnson, Spencer R. Meyer, and Dave Owen

The Quiet Corner Initiative at the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies

Mary Tyrrell, Matthew Fried, Mark Ashton, and Richard Campbell

Saving the Florida Scrub Ecosystem

Science and Serendipity

Hilary M. Swain and Patricia A. Martin