Working Papers

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Green Infrastructure, Home Values, Land Value Capture, and Equitable Property Assessment

Jeffrey P. Cohen, Michael Dietz, and Yuchen Huang

July 2023, English

Working Papers

Climate Change, Infrastructure, Property Tax, Value Capture

July 2023, English

Working Papers

Climate Change, Infrastructure, Property Tax, Value Capture

Effects of Flood Hazard on Property Prices in Cape Town, South Africa

Claus Rabe and David Karpul

July 2023, English

Working Papers

Climate Change, Infrastructure, Value Capture

July 2023, English

Working Papers

Climate Change, Infrastructure, Value Capture

The Case for Climate-Informed Zoning

A Study of Fiscal Impact in Norfolk, VA

Katherine Burgess, Michael Rodriguez, Jordan Howard, Jared Klukas, and Megan Wright

June 2023, English

Working Papers

Climate Change, Land Use and Zoning

June 2023, English

Working Papers

Climate Change, Land Use and Zoning

The 2022 Census of Community Land Trusts and Shared Equity Entities in the United States

Prevalence, Practice and Impact

Ruoniu Wang, Celia Wandio, Amanda Bennett, Jason Spicer, Sophia Corugedo, and Emily Thaden

June 2023, English

Working Papers

Housing, Poverty and Inequality, Urbanization

June 2023, English

Working Papers

Housing, Poverty and Inequality, Urbanization

Understanding the Direct and Indirect Health Effects of Urban Greenspaces

A green infrastructure approach to healthy behavior and outcome

Yizhao Yang, Hong Wu, Dong Li, and Jie Hu

June 2023, English

Working Papers

City and Regional Planning, Environment

June 2023, English

Working Papers

City and Regional Planning, Environment

China’s Policy to Limit Use of Public-Private Partnerships by Municipalities to Finance Capital Improvements

A Regression Discontinuity Design Analysis of the Fiscal Impact

Robert Bland, Jingran Sun, and Yu Shi

June 2023, English

Working Papers

Economic Development, Local Government, Public Finance

June 2023, English

Working Papers

Economic Development, Local Government, Public Finance

Overview of the National Park System Reform Process in China

Yufei Wang, Yixin Hu, and Jingyi Liu

June 2023, English

Working Papers

Environment, Land Conservation

June 2023, English

Working Papers

Environment, Land Conservation

The Art of Negotiations

Legal Discrimination, Contention Pyramid, and Land-Taking Compensation Policy in China

Meina Cai

June 2023, English

Working Papers

Land and Property Rights

June 2023, English

Working Papers

Land and Property Rights

Cities in Post-Pandemic China

Impacts of COVID-19 Pandemic on Intercity Mobility Patterns, Migration-Related Attitudes, and Urban Governance

Hengyu Gu

May 2023, English

Working Papers

Local Government

May 2023, English

Working Papers

Local Government