Working Papers

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Fiscal Self-Sufficiency, Debt Limits, and Fiscal Sustainability in China’s Emerging Municipal Bond Market

Yu Shi, Qing Li, and Robert Bland

June 2022, English

Working Papers

Economic Development, Public Finance

June 2022, English

Working Papers

Economic Development, Public Finance

Determinantes del crecimiento de viviendas en alquiler en asentamientos informales de Lima (1993 – 2017)

Anderson García Cristóbal, Fabiola Moreno Jaime and José Luis Galindo Chillcce

June 2022, Spanish

Working Papers

Housing, Informal Settlements, Land Markets

June 2022, Spanish

Working Papers

Housing, Informal Settlements, Land Markets

The Effects of Payments for Environmental Services on Peri-Urban Land Change in Mexico City’s Conservation Zone

Julia C. Bausch, Elizabeth Tellman, Alison Acosta-Oakes, Amy Lerner, Enrique Castelán-Crespo, and Bertha Hernández-Aguilar

June 2022, English

Working Papers

Environment, Land Conservation, Land Markets

June 2022, English

Working Papers

Environment, Land Conservation, Land Markets

The Longer-Term Potential of Land Value Uplift: Insights from Great Britain and the Yangtze River Delta Region

Ying Jin and Tianren Yang

June 2022, English

Working Papers

Infrastructure, Value Capture

June 2022, English

Working Papers

Infrastructure, Value Capture

What Makes a Fair School Finance System?

Andrew Reschovsky

May 2022, English

Working Papers

Local Government, Property Tax, Public Finance

May 2022, English

Working Papers

Local Government, Property Tax, Public Finance

Designing School Aid Formulas to Achieve High-Quality and Equitable Education

Andrew Reschovsky

May 2022, English

Working Papers

Local Government, Property Tax, Public Finance

May 2022, English

Working Papers

Local Government, Property Tax, Public Finance

Nighttime with a train station in the foreground and tall buildings plus a crane in the background.

The 38th and Blake Incentive Overlay

How Denver Used Land Value Capture to Create Affordable Housing in a Redeveloping, Transit-Oriented Neighborhood

Kathleen McCormick

February 2022, English

Working Papers

Housing, Local Government, Value Capture

February 2022, English

Working Papers

Housing, Local Government, Value Capture

Implementación de Infraestructura Azul y Verde (IAV) a través de mecanismos de captación de plusvalía en la Región Metropolitana de Buenos Aires

El caso de la Cuenca del Arroyo Medrano

Daniel Kozak, Hayley Henderson, Demián Rotbart, Alejandro de Castro Mazarro, and Rodolfo Aradas

February 2022, Spanish

Working Papers

Climate Change, Infrastructure, Valuation, Value Capture, Water

February 2022, Spanish

Working Papers

Climate Change, Infrastructure, Valuation, Value Capture, Water

Regulating Urban Sustainability

Land Regulations, Urban Spatial Structure, Transportation Infrastructure, and Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Paavo Monkkonen, Erick Guerra, Jorge Montejano Escamilla, and Camilo Caudillo Cos

February 2022, English

Working Papers

City and Regional Planning, Climate Change, Environment, Infrastructure, Land Use and Zoning, Urbanization

February 2022, English

Working Papers

City and Regional Planning, Climate Change, Environment, Infrastructure, Land Use and Zoning, Urbanization