Working and Conference Papers

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Taking Land Around the World

International Trends in the Use of Eminent Domain

Antonio Azuela

June 2007, English

Working Papers

June 2007, English

Working Papers

The Question of the Legal Regularization of Urban Barrios in Venezuela

Teolinda Bolívar Barreto, Teresa Ontiveros, and Julio de Freitas Taylor

June 2007, English

Working Papers

June 2007, English

Working Papers

Do Bylaws Matter?

Evaluating Conservation Subdivision Design

Elisabeth M. Hamin

June 2007, English

Working Papers

June 2007, English

Working Papers

Future Challenges of Sustainable Land Use in Taiwan

Kuo-Ching Lin

June 2007, English

Working Papers

June 2007, English

Working Papers

Global Challenges for Land Administration and Sustainable Development

Ian Williamson

May 2007, English

Working Papers

May 2007, English

Working Papers

The MDB as Mid-Wife

Delivering Property Rights Reform

John W. Bruce

May 2007, English

Working Papers

May 2007, English

Working Papers

Eminent Domain, Inc.

Amnon Lehavi and Amir N. Licht

May 2007, English

Working Papers

Land Use and Zoning

May 2007, English

Working Papers

Land Use and Zoning

The History and Purpose of Tax Increment Finance Policy in Wisconsin

Do Wisconsin Tax Increment Finance Districts Stimulate Growth in Real Estate Values? Do They Contribute to Sprawl?

Russell Kashian, Mark Skidmore, and David Merriman

May 2007, English

Working Papers

Economic Development, Local Government, Property Tax

May 2007, English

Working Papers

Economic Development, Local Government, Property Tax