Working and Conference Papers

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The Quiet Corner Initiative at the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies

Mary Tyrrell, Matthew Fried, Mark Ashton, and Richard Campbell

Saving the Florida Scrub Ecosystem

Science and Serendipity

Hilary M. Swain and Patricia A. Martin

Travel Behavior and Built Environment

Exploring the Importance of Urban Design at the Non-Residential End of the Trip

J. Richard Kuzmyak, Jerry Walters, Hsi-hwa Hu, Jason Espie, and Dohyung Kim

Special Assessments in California

35 Years of Expansion and Restriction

Dean J. Misczynski

May 2012, English

Property Tax, Valuation, Value Capture

May 2012, English

Property Tax, Valuation, Value Capture

Collecting Land Value Through Public Land Leasing

John E. Anderson

May 2012, English

Land Markets, Property Tax, Valuation, Value Capture

May 2012, English

Land Markets, Property Tax, Valuation, Value Capture

Land Value Capture and Justice

Susan S. Fainstein

May 2012, English

City and Regional Planning, Land and Property Rights, Land Markets, Property Tax, Urbanization, Valuation, Value Capture

May 2012, English

City and Regional Planning, Land and Property Rights, Land Markets, Property Tax, Urbanization, Valuation, Value Capture

Takings and Givings

The Analytics of Land Value Capture and Its Symmetries with Takings Compensation

Perry Shapiro

May 2012, English

Land Markets, Property Tax, Valuation, Value Capture

May 2012, English

Land Markets, Property Tax, Valuation, Value Capture