Working and Conference Papers

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Transporte nas Favelas do Rio de Janeiro

Jacob Koch, Luis Antonio Lindau, and Carlos David Nassi

June 2014, Portuguese

Working Papers

June 2014, Portuguese

Working Papers

On-Bill Repayment

Repaying Clean Energy Investments on Utility Bills

James Fine, Brad Copithorne, Michael Roos, Ruiwen Lee, Jessica Feingold, Elizabeth Stein, and Sandra Shorenstein

June 2014, English

Working Papers

June 2014, English

Working Papers

Is Location Fate?

Distributional Aspects of Schooling

Eric Hanushek

May 2014, English

City and Regional Planning, Land Markets, Property Tax, Urbanization

May 2014, English

City and Regional Planning, Land Markets, Property Tax, Urbanization

School Quality, School Choice, and Residential Mobility

Eric Brunner

May 2014, English

Economic Development, Housing, Land Markets, Local Government, Poverty and Inequality, Urbanization

May 2014, English

Economic Development, Housing, Land Markets, Local Government, Poverty and Inequality, Urbanization

The School Attendance and Residential Location Balancing Act

Community, Choice, Diversity, and Achievement

Ellen Goldring and Walker Swain

May 2014, English

Housing, Land Markets, Local Government, Poverty and Inequality

May 2014, English

Housing, Land Markets, Local Government, Poverty and Inequality

Not by the Hand of Horace Mann

How the Quest for Land Value Created the American School System

William A. Fischel

May 2014, English

Land Markets, Local Government, Property Tax, Valuation

May 2014, English

Land Markets, Local Government, Property Tax, Valuation

May 2014, English

Local Government, Property Tax, Public Finance

Nontraditional Public School Funding Sources

Trends, Issues, and Outlook

Henry Coleman

May 2014, English

Local Government, Property Tax, Public Finance

May 2014, English

Local Government, Property Tax, Public Finance