Working and Conference Papers

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Effects of Plans on Urban Development in Beijing

Do They Contain Growth?

Shih-Kung Lai and Haoying Han

September 2014, English

Working Papers

September 2014, English

Working Papers

Public Housing and Unemployment in Postindustrial Hong Kong

Paavo Monkkonen

September 2014, English

Working Papers

September 2014, English

Working Papers

New Estimates of the Elasticity of Substitution Between Land and Capital

Gabriel M. Ahlfeldt and Daniel P. McMillen

September 2014, English

Working Papers

September 2014, English

Working Papers

Competition and Property Tax Limit Overrides

Revisiting Massachusetts’ Proposition 2 ½

Zackary B. Hawley and Jonathan C. Rork

September 2014, English

Working Papers

September 2014, English

Working Papers

Zonas Especiais de Interesse Social (ZEIS) em Cidades Brasileiras

Trajetória Recente de Implementação de um Instrumento de Política Fundiária

Raquel Rolnik and Paula Freire Santoro

August 2014, Portuguese

Working Papers

Land Use and Zoning, Local Government

August 2014, Portuguese

Working Papers

Land Use and Zoning, Local Government

Exploratory Scenario Planning

Lessons Learned in the Field

Eric J. Roberts

August 2014, English

Working Papers

City and Regional Planning

August 2014, English

Working Papers

City and Regional Planning

Should Beijing Control the Influx of Migrants?

A Labor Market Analysis Using the 2010 Census

Chengdong Yi, Youqing Huang, and Chuan Zhang

August 2014, English

Working Papers

August 2014, English

Working Papers

August 2014, English

Working Papers