Working and Conference Papers

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The Property Tax in Latvia

System Structure and Current Challenges

Sarmite Barvika

July 2020, English

Working Papers

Economic Development, Local Government, Property Tax, Public Finance, Valuation

July 2020, English

Working Papers

Economic Development, Local Government, Property Tax, Public Finance, Valuation

What Makes Mixed-Use Development Economically Desirable?

Qing Shen and Feiyang Sun

July 2020, English

Working Papers

City and Regional Planning, Economic Development, Land Use and Zoning, Local Government

July 2020, English

Working Papers

City and Regional Planning, Economic Development, Land Use and Zoning, Local Government

How Scenario Planning Affects Regional and Local Plans and Planning Practices

An Empirical Analysis

Arnab Chakraborty and Stephen Averill Sherman

June 2020, English

Working Papers

City and Regional Planning, Infrastructure, Local Government, Public Finance

June 2020, English

Working Papers

City and Regional Planning, Infrastructure, Local Government, Public Finance

Special Assessment Districts and the Financing of Infrastructure in South Africa

The Innovative Use of a Special Rating Area in Claremont, Cape Town

Willard Matiashe and Arthur Germond

June 2020, English

Working Papers

Infrastructure, Property Tax, Public Finance, Value Capture

June 2020, English

Working Papers

Infrastructure, Property Tax, Public Finance, Value Capture

Take the Q Train

Value Capture of Public Infrastructure Projects

Arpit Gupta, Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh, and Constantine Kontokosta

June 2020, English

Working Papers

City and Regional Planning, Housing, Infrastructure, Value Capture

June 2020, English

Working Papers

City and Regional Planning, Housing, Infrastructure, Value Capture

Large Scale Urban Projects

The State and Gentrification in the Belo Horizonte Metropolitan Region

Roberto Luís de Melo Monte-Mór, Renan Pereira Almeida, and Marcelo de Brito Brandão

April 2020, English

Working Papers

Economic Development, Housing, Infrastructure, Poverty and Inequality, Urbanization

April 2020, English

Working Papers

Economic Development, Housing, Infrastructure, Poverty and Inequality, Urbanization

Current Issues and Perspectives in Urban Water Demand Management

A Report on the 5th Urban Water Demand Roundtable April 8–9, 2019, Tempe, Arizona

Ray Quay, Zachary Sugg, and Faith Sternlieb

April 2020, English

Working Papers

Climate Change, Land Conservation, Land Use and Zoning, Water

April 2020, English

Working Papers

Climate Change, Land Conservation, Land Use and Zoning, Water

Políticas de Suelo, Derecho Urbanístico y Cambio Climático

Instrumentos Urbanísticos-Tributarios como Medidas para enfrentar al Cambio Climático. Etapa 2: Análisis de casos.

Melinda Lis Maldonado, Safira de la Sala, Rachelle Alterman, Giovanni Andrés Pérez Macías, y Roberto Arazo Silva

April 2020, Spanish

Working Papers

Climate Change, Land and Property Rights, Local Government, Property Tax, Value Capture

April 2020, Spanish

Working Papers

Climate Change, Land and Property Rights, Local Government, Property Tax, Value Capture