Working and Conference Papers

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Widening the Net

Extending the Property Tax into Previously Untaxed Areas of South Africa

Michael E. Bell and John H. Bowman

December 2002, English

Working Paper

December 2002, English

Working Paper

Property Taxation and Current Use Assessment

A Theoretical Note

Richard W. England and Robert D. Mohr

December 2002, English

Working Paper

Land Use and Zoning, Local Government, Property Tax

December 2002, English

Working Paper

Land Use and Zoning, Local Government, Property Tax

Property Taxation in New Zealand

William J. McCluskey, with Arthur Grimes and Jason Timmins

December 2002, English

Working Paper

Local Government, Property Tax

December 2002, English

Working Paper

Local Government, Property Tax

Taxes on Buildings and Land in a Dynamic Model of Real Estate Markets

Alex Anas

December 2002, English

Working Paper

Land Value Taxation

December 2002, English

Working Paper

Land Value Taxation

A Guide to the Structure of Property Tax Abatements in the United States

John L. Mikesell, C. Kurt Zorn, Esteban Dalehite, and Sung-Jin Park

November 2002, English

Working Paper

Property Tax

November 2002, English

Working Paper

Property Tax

A Study of European Land Tax Systems

Second Year Report

P. K. Brown and M. A. Hepworth

September 2002, English

Working Paper

Property Tax

September 2002, English

Working Paper

Property Tax

Valuing Land and Improvements

State Laws and Local Government Practices

David Brunori and Jennifer Carr

July 2002, English

Working Paper

Local Government, Property Tax, Valuation

July 2002, English

Working Paper

Local Government, Property Tax, Valuation

An Empirical Analysis of the Incidence of Location on Land and Building Values

Robert J. Gloudemans

May 2002, English

Working Paper

Land Value Taxation

May 2002, English

Working Paper

Land Value Taxation