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Approaches to Local Regulation of Shale Gas Development

Tushar Kansal and Patrick Field

February 2014, English

Working Papers

February 2014, English

Working Papers

BRT-Oriented Development in Quito and Bogotá

Daniel A. Rodriguez and Erik Vergel, with support from William Fernando Camargo Triana

February 2014, English

Working Papers

February 2014, English

Working Papers

Developing a Web-Based Prioritization Tool for the Lower Susquehanna River

Jeffrey Allenby and Joel Dunn

February 2014, English

Working Papers

February 2014, English

Working Papers

Arrested Developments

Combating Zombie Subdivisions and Other Excess Entitlements

Jim Holway, Don Elliott, and Anna Trentadue

January 2014, English

Policy Focus Reports

City and Regional Planning, Housing, Land and Property Rights, Land Conflict Resolution, Land Markets, Land Use and Zoning, Urbanization

January 2014, English

Policy Focus Reports

City and Regional Planning, Housing, Land and Property Rights, Land Conflict Resolution, Land Markets, Land Use and Zoning, Urbanization

January 2014, English

Working Papers

Definición de políticas de suelo urbano en América Latina

Teoría y práctica

Edited by Diego Alfonso Erba

December 2013, Spanish


City and Regional Planning, Economic Development, Informal Settlements, Land and Property Rights, Land Markets, Poverty and Inequality, Property Tax, Technology and Tools, Valuation, Value Capture

December 2013, Spanish


City and Regional Planning, Economic Development, Informal Settlements, Land and Property Rights, Land Markets, Poverty and Inequality, Property Tax, Technology and Tools, Valuation, Value Capture

The Exposition Light Rail Line Study

“Before-After” Opening Travel Impacts and New Resident Sample Preliminary Analysis

Marlon G. Boarnet, Doug Houston, and Steven Spears

December 2013, English

Working Papers

December 2013, English

Working Papers