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June 2018, Spanish

Working Papers


June 2018, English

Working Papers

Property Tax

El Fideicomiso de la Tierra del Caño Martín Peña

Instrumento Notable de Regularización de Suelo en Asentamientos Informales

Line Algoed, María E. Hernández Torrales, y Lyvia N. Rodríguez Del Valle

June 2018, Spanish

Working Papers

Informal Settlements, Land and Property Rights

June 2018, Spanish

Working Papers

Informal Settlements, Land and Property Rights

Cover of the report titled "The Empty House Next Door" by Alan Mallach. Cover shows two houses side-by-side

The Empty House Next Door

Understanding and Reducing Vacancy and Hypervacancy in the United States

Alan Mallach

May 2018, English

Policy Focus Reports


May 2018, English

Policy Focus Reports


50-State Property Tax Comparison Study

For Taxes Paid in 2017

Lincoln Institute of Land Policy and Minnesota Center for Fiscal Excellence

April 2018, English

Other Publications

Property Tax, Public Finance

April 2018, English

Other Publications

Property Tax, Public Finance

Land Values, Property Rights, and Home Ownership

Implications for Property Taxation in Peru

Zackary Hawley, Juan José Miranda, and W. Charles Sawyer

February 2018, English

Working Papers

Informal Settlements, Land and Property Rights, Property Tax

February 2018, English

Working Papers

Informal Settlements, Land and Property Rights, Property Tax

Minha Casa Minha Vida (MCMV), Access and Mobility

A Case for Transit-Oriented Low-Income Housing in Rio de Janeiro

Luc Nadal and Clarisse Linke

February 2018, English

Working Papers


February 2018, English

Working Papers


Is Progressive Property Tax Progressive?

Evidences from São Paulo

Ciro Biderman and Yuri Camara Batista

February 2018, English

Working Papers

Property Tax

February 2018, English

Working Papers

Property Tax