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Integrating Land and Water

Tools, Practices, Processes, and Evaluation Criteria

Erin Rugland

February 2021, English

Working Papers

Environment, Infrastructure, Land Use and Zoning, Local Government, Water

February 2021, English

Working Papers

Environment, Infrastructure, Land Use and Zoning, Local Government, Water

Making the Comeback

Reversing the Downward Trajectory of African American Middle Neighborhoods in Legacy Cities

Alan Mallach

February 2021, English

Working Papers

City and Regional Planning, Housing, Poverty and Inequality

February 2021, English

Working Papers

City and Regional Planning, Housing, Poverty and Inequality

Status of a New Value Capture Tool in Mexico City

El Sistema de Actuación por Cooperación

David Leipziger

January 2021, English

Working Papers

City and Regional Planning, Economic Development, Infrastructure, Land Use and Zoning, Urbanization, Value Capture

January 2021, English

Working Papers

City and Regional Planning, Economic Development, Infrastructure, Land Use and Zoning, Urbanization, Value Capture

Assessment of Property Tax Reductions on Tax Delinquency, Tax Foreclosure, and Home Ownership

Fernanda Alfaro, Dusan Paredes, and Mark Skidmore

January 2021, English

Working Papers

Housing, Land Value Taxation, Property Tax, Public Finance

January 2021, English

Working Papers

Housing, Land Value Taxation, Property Tax, Public Finance

Split-Rate Taxation and Business Establishment Location

Evidence from the Pennsylvania Experience

Andrew Hanson

January 2021, English

Working Papers

Land Value Taxation, Property Tax, Public Finance

January 2021, English

Working Papers

Land Value Taxation, Property Tax, Public Finance

Split-Rate Taxation

Impacts on Tax Base

Zhou Yang and Zackary Hawley

January 2021, English

Working Papers

Land Value Taxation, Property Tax, Public Finance

January 2021, English

Working Papers

Land Value Taxation, Property Tax, Public Finance

An Examination of Sales Ratio Data and Sources Incorporated into the 50-State Property Tax Comparison Study

Bob DeBoer

December 2020, English

Working Papers

Local Government, Property Tax, Public Finance, Valuation

December 2020, English

Working Papers

Local Government, Property Tax, Public Finance, Valuation

Strategic Interaction in Urban Infrastructure Finance

A Spatial Panel Econometric Analysis of Chinese Prefecture-Level Cities

Can Chen, Kenneth A. Kriz, and Shuanglin Lin

October 2020, English

Working Papers

Economic Development, Infrastructure, Local Government, Public Finance

October 2020, English

Working Papers

Economic Development, Infrastructure, Local Government, Public Finance