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Expropiación y conflicto social en cinco metrópolis de América Latina

Edited by Antonio Azuela

February 2014, Spanish

Copublished with Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)

As a policy instrument, expropriation is often considered a last resource. However, it is used practically worldwide to meet public and social needs. This Spanish-language book, Expropiación y conflicto social en cinco metrópolis de América Latina (Eminent Domain and Social Conflict in Five Latin American Cities), explores how expropriation has been used in five metropolitan areas in Latin America, showing the conflicts it generates and the way judges resolve (or not) the dilemmas it poses. The cities discussed include Buenos Aires, Argentina; São Paulo, Brazil; Bogotá, Colombia; Quito, Ecuador; and Mexico City, Mexico.


Dispute Resolution, Land Law, Legal Issues, Urban