Land Lines July 2007
Housing Rural Migrants in China’s Urbanizing Villages
The emergence and prevalence of urbanizing villages is an outcome of China’s rapid urbanization, the dichotomy between rural and urban policies, and specific urban land policies.
Early experiences with assessment limitation measures reveal an unanticipated result: some property owners seemingly targeted to benefit from lower assessments may be harmed instead.
Taking Land Around the World
This tool has been used for a long time as a major instrument of land policy, but now it is subject to a number of criticisms and mounting social resistance in many parts of the world.
Gathering Evidence for European Planning
The EU wants to become the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world, capable of sustainable economic growth with more and better jobs and greater social cohesion.

This issue explores the lodging of rural migrants in China’s urbanizing villages; the unforeseen consequences of U.S. property assessment caps; international trends in the use of eminent domain; and planning tactics and aspirations of the European Union.