Call for Papers for the 2019 International Conference on China Urban Development

Submission Deadline: February 28, 2019 at 11:59 PM

The 2019 International Conference on China Urban Development seeks submissions of studies that improve the understanding of quality urbanization in China. Selected authors will present their research at the conference in Beijing, China on June 28-29, 2019

Main Theme: Paradigm Shift to Quality Urbanization

After years of rapid urbanization that emphasized construction and economic growth, China is entering a new era of urban development with a policy focus on the quality of urbanization. This paradigm shift is timely but also challenging. The past urbanization model has led to serious environmental degradation, distortions in land and housing markets, and worsening wealth inequalities. This pattern of development must be addressed through new efforts towards quality of urbanization. Climate change, aging infrastructure, and emerging technologies pose both new challenges and opportunities for the country. China can learn significantly from similar global experiences in new urbanism. Its pursuit for quality urbanization will be crucial for the successful implementation of the New Urban Agenda, which was adopted by national governments at the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III).

This conference continues the series of International Conferences on China Urban Development, previously held in Cardiff, Hong Kong, Shanghai, London, and Glasgow. It will bring together researchers from urban studies, geography, sociology, economics, political science, urban planning, urban management, public policy, and China studies from different parts of the world. These researchers will share empirical and policy research findings on urbanization and urbanism. It will provide a platform to explore the complex process of urban development in China, and to debate policy and actions towards quality urbanization in an increasingly uncertain world.

Conference Format:

This will be a two-day conference with (1) two half-day plenary sessions for keynote speeches by invited distinguished scholars; (2) six to eight half-day parallel sessions for presentations by scholars; and (3) six to eight half-day parallel sessions for presentations by graduate students, with invited guests as discussants. Local study tours will be arranged.


We welcome submissions of paper or abstract on the following topics:

    • National urban policy
    • Land and housing issues
    • Metropolitan governance, planning, and finance
    • Urban environment and public health
    • Migration and social inclusion
    • Urban culture, creative economy, and growth
    • Urban transport, accessibility and land use
    • Urban regeneration
    • Property rights and land/housing development
    • Socio-spatial inequalities
    • Urban resilience
    • Agglomeration, megacities and mega-regions
    • New technologies and smart cities
    • Urban-rural integration

Submission of Abstract

For those who are interested in presenting a paper in the conference, please submit in English a draft paper or an extended abstract (roughly 300-500 words, stating the research question clearly and highlighting key results), name(s) of author(s), position(s), and affiliation(s) through email to, and cc to, indicating in the subject line of the email “paper submission for CUD2019”. Alternatively, you may submit your abstract or paper via the following link:

The submission deadline is Feburary 28, 2019. Notification of acceptance will be sent out by March 31, 2019.


Submission Deadline
February 28, 2019 at 11:59 PM