Paperback | $20.00 | 141 páginas
ISBN: 978-1-55844-149-1
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Tierra vacante en ciudades latinoamericanas

Editado por Nora Clichevsky

Março 2001, espanhol

Lincoln Institute of Land Policy

Vacant urban land is the product of many combined factors, including the functioning of land markets, the actions of private agents, and the policies of public agents, and it constitutes an important challenge for the government and policy makers of Latin America. Vacant lots located on the urban fringe and in central and interstitial areas have been a determining factor in the growth patterns of cities in the region. Tierra vacante en ciudades latinoamericanas (Vacant Land in Latin American Cities), written in Spanish, identifies the many problems related to vacant urban land, as well as the opportunities it presents.


Governo Local, Políticas Públicas, Regulação dos Mercados Fundiários, Urbano, Uso do Solo