Paperback | $40.00 | 387 páginas
ISBN: 978-1-55844-163-7
PDF | Free | 387 páginas
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Perspectivas urbanas

Temas críticos en políticas de suelo en America Latina

Editado por Martim O. Smolka e Laura Mullahy

Fevereiro 2007, espanhol

Lincoln Institute of Land Policy

Translated into Spanish for our Latin American audience, Perspectivas urbanas: Temas críticos en políticas de suelo en America Latina (Urban Perspectives: Critical Land Policy Themes in Latin America)—a collection of more than 60 Land Lines articles written over the last 13 years—presents an overview of critical land policy issues based on the Lincoln Institute’s experience in the region.

Each of six thematic chapters includes an introductory essay that highlights the articles on that theme: tendencies and perspectives in land markets; informal land markets and regularization of tenure; property taxation; value capture; planning and urban development; and public policy and participation. Taken together, these chapters present an opportunity to explore the similarities and differences that coexist in land use and taxation policies across Latin America today. The book offers an ample spectrum of critical and original thinking on important land policy issues that are at the core of the Lincoln Institute’s Latin America program.

This book was published in 2010 on CD-ROM. The CD edition includes an additional 22 articles grouped in chapter 7, Impactos y evaluación de las políticas de suelo (Impacts and Evaluation of Land Policy).