Portada de la edición de enero de 2018 de Land Lines

Janeiro 2018

This issue looks at the evolution of manufactured homes as a robust, desirable source of permanently affordable housing; innovative infill development in Portland, Boulder, Cambridge, and other hot-market cities; and capital absorption workshops that are helping to ease affordable housing shortages in Denver, San Francisco, and Los Angeles.

Cover of the October 2017 Issue of Land Lines

Outubro 2017

This issue celebrates the 10-year anniversary of the Peking University–Lincoln Institute Center for Urban Development and Land Policy, with articles on GIS-assisted mass appraisal in Shenzhen, sponge cities, drones and land policy, conserving panda habitat, and WeChat Pay.

Julho 2017

This issue looks at strategies for revitalizing America’s smaller legacy cities, GASB 77 and the cost of property tax incentives for business, the future of U.S. public school revenue from the property tax, and Making Sense of Place, a Lincoln Institute initiative that will explore our human ties to land.

Abril 2017

This issue looks at value capture; business tax incentives; what app data can do for city planners; the latest comprehensive plans in Denver, Seattle, and Boston, where climate resilience and equity top the urban agenda; and the Capital Absorption Framework for community investment, helping cities attract and deploy the land, money, and other resources they need to improve quality of life.

Fevereiro 2017

This issue features content on planning for greater social equity, the mystery of unspent federal grants, the future of conservation finance in Chile, the challenge of transplanting urban innovations, and the growing market for app-activated bike-shares in China.

Outubro 2016

In this special edition for Habitat III we map the future—with content on the New Urban Agenda; the 2016 Atlas of Urban Expansion, sponsored by UN-Habitat, New York University, and the Lincoln Institute; the Chesapeake Conservancy’s groundbreaking high-resolution land cover GIS; and the need for a U.S. infrastructure upgrade: a WPA 2.0.