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"Missing middle" housing such as this duplex in Portland
President’s Message: Fixing Complicated Problems By George W. McCarthy, Abril 7, 2022
On the Home Front: Local Leaders Address the Housing Affordability Crisis By Loren Berlin, Abril 7, 2022
Researchers Explore the Intersection of Climate Change, Property Values, and Municipal Finance By Katharine Wroth, Abril 7, 2022
En el ámbito interno

Dirigentes locales abordan la crisis de vivenda asequible

Por Loren Berlin, Abril 7, 2022
Mensaje del presidente

Cómo solucionar problemas complicados

Por George W. McCarthy, Abril 7, 2022
Image of downtown Detroit with a residential neighborhood in the foreground.
New Report: Taxing Land More Than Buildings Would Help Detroit Homeowners and Spur Development By Will Jason, Abril 4, 2022
City Tech: As Delivery Methods Evolve, Will City Streets Keep Up? By Rob Walker, Abril 4, 2022

¿Seguirán las calles de la ciudad el mismo ritmo de evolución que los métodos de entrega a domicilio?

Por Rob Walker, Abril 4, 2022
Split Rate Property Tax in Detroit: Findings and Recommendations

Split-Rate Property Taxation in Detroit

Findings and Recommendations

John E. Anderson and Nick Allen

Abril 2022, inglês

Collecting more taxes on fewer properties has created significant challenges for residents and investors in Detroit. This study covers subjects of central importance to the City of Detroit: tax delinquency, business formation, and property value effects.


Desenvolvimento Econômico, Tributação Imobiliária, Governo local, Imposto à Propriedade Imobiliária

Abril 2022, inglês

Collecting more taxes on fewer properties has created significant challenges for residents and investors in Detroit. This study covers subjects of central importance to the City of Detroit: tax delinquency, business formation, and property value effects.


Desenvolvimento Econômico, Tributação Imobiliária, Governo local, Imposto à Propriedade Imobiliária