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Accessory dwelling unit in Seattle
A State-by-State Guide to Zoning Reform By Anthony Flint, Dezembro 23, 2022
View of downtown Cincinnati from East Price Hill
A Bid for Affordability: Notes from an Ambitious Housing Experiment in Cincinnati By Loren Berlin, Dezembro 23, 2022
A Connecticut resident at a 2021 protest holds a sign urging lawmakers to "keep zoning local"
The State of Local Zoning: Reforming a Century-Old Approach to Land Use By Anthony Flint, Dezembro 22, 2022

From State Capitols to City Halls

Smarter State Policies for Stronger Cities

By Alan Mallach

Dezembro 2022, inglês

Notas de políticas públicas

Dezembro 2022, inglês

Notas de políticas públicas

A manufactured home in San Bernardino
Home Economics: How Manufactured Housing Can Help Solve the National Housing Affordability Crisis By Jon Gorey, Dezembro 12, 2022
A group of people in brightly colored clothing smile at the camera outside.
Land Matters Podcast: Confronting Extreme Heat in Africa: A Conversation with the Mayor of Freetown, Sierra Leone By Anthony Flint, Dezembro 12, 2022
City Tech: Is Wood the Way of the Future? By Rob Walker, Dezembro 9, 2022
A row of manufactured homes with tidy lawns
As Conforming Loan Limits Hit Record Highs, Manufactured Housing Provides an Affordable Alternative By Jon Gorey, Dezembro 8, 2022

A Series of Articles about the MBTA Communities Zoning Law

Amy Dain

Dezembro 2022, inglês

Documentos de trabalho

Habitação, Zoneamento e Uso do Solo

Dezembro 2022, inglês

Documentos de trabalho

Habitação, Zoneamento e Uso do Solo