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Members and supporters of the NAACP picket for fair housing in Detroit
Five Ways Urban Planners Are Addressing a Legacy of Inequity By Jon Gorey, Maio 16, 2023
Aerial map of the Purple Line in Maryland
Preventing Displacement Along Maryland’s New Purple Line Corridor By Jon Gorey, Maio 15, 2023
Aftab Pureval
Mayor’s Desk: Housing and Hope in Cincinnati By Anthony Flint, Maio 15, 2023

Research-Informed Documents of Practice

Helping Urban Planners and Water Managers Direct the Change Needed for Creating Climate-Adapted Urban Landscapes

Paul W. Lander and Mary Ann Dickinson

Maio 2023, inglês

Documentos de trabalho

Meio Ambiente, Urbanização, Água

Maio 2023, inglês

Documentos de trabalho

Meio Ambiente, Urbanização, Água

Abril 2023

This issue explores how New Orleans and other communities are changing their relationship with water, describes the Connecting Capital and Communities (3C) initiative and its efforts to promote housing affordability and racial equity, and explains how communities can prepare for post-wildfire flooding. It also looks at efforts to expand access to e-bikes in U.S. cities and includes an interview with the mayor of Seoul.

San Jose
Land Matters Podcast: How Costa Rica Became a Model for Climate Action By Anthony Flint, Abril 17, 2023

Developing a Quantitative Spatial Economic Model to Evaluate Urban Water Conservation Policies in Denver

Juan Carlos G. Lopez

Abril 2023, inglês

Documentos de trabalho

Planejamento Urbano e Regional, Mudanças Climáticas, Meio Ambiente, Habitação, Água

Abril 2023, inglês

Documentos de trabalho

Planejamento Urbano e Regional, Mudanças Climáticas, Meio Ambiente, Habitação, Água

New Hampshire: Heavy Property Tax Reliance and Longstanding School Finance Litigation

Semida Munteanu, Bethany Paquin, and Sydney Zelinka

Abril 2023, inglês

Documentos de trabalho

Governo local, Imposto à Propriedade Imobiliária

Abril 2023, inglês

Documentos de trabalho

Governo local, Imposto à Propriedade Imobiliária

Viewfinder at Lakewood Park
The Many Futures of Lakewood, Ohio By Jon Gorey, Abril 10, 2023