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Strategy Considerations for Greenhouse Gas Reduction Funding

R.J. McGrail

Setembro 2023, inglês

Communities, investors, and policymakers can and should build on private capital alongside the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund’s initial public investment.

Policy Downloads

Meio Ambiente

Setembro 2023, inglês

Communities, investors, and policymakers can and should build on private capital alongside the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund’s initial public investment.

Policy Downloads

Meio Ambiente

From the House to the Ground: Insights Into the Challenges of Implementing State Housing Policies

Jenny Schuetz, Julia Gill, Semida Munteanu, and Sydney Zelinka

Setembro 2023, inglês

As housing affordability concerns increase, state legislatures are increasingly intent on implementing reform. New insights from a workshop held by the Lincoln Institute and Brookings Metro offer a look at the challenges and opportunities along the way.

Policy Downloads


Setembro 2023, inglês

As housing affordability concerns increase, state legislatures are increasingly intent on implementing reform. New insights from a workshop held by the Lincoln Institute and Brookings Metro offer a look at the challenges and opportunities along the way.

Policy Downloads
