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In this episode, we’ve put together highlights and takeaways from the 2019 Journalists Forum (#WaterMeetsLand)—including the need to consider the central role of land use in the management of a dwindling resource. For further reading, see Water Planning in Land Lines.



In this episode, Randy Shaw, a San Francisco-based tenants advocate, talks about the multi-pronged efforts needed to confront the affordable housing crisis in cities nationwide.


Around the Water Table: Connecting Stakeholders

Video from the 2019 Journalists Forum, Session 3

Bruce Babbitt Keynote

Video from the 2019 Journalists Forum

Framing the Context: History of the Colorado River

Video from the 2019 Journalists Forum, Session 1

Moderator: Allen Best Panelists: Daniel Bunk, Anne Castle, Sara Porterfield

Março 2019, inglês

Grabações de Wébinars e Eventos

Março 2019, inglês

Grabações de Wébinars e Eventos

Future Water Supplies, Technology, and Conservation

Video from the 2019 Journalists Forum, Session 5

Moderator: Daniel Rothberg Panelists: Sean Bothwell, Chuck Cullum, Sara Ransom

Linking Land and Water in the Colorado Basin

Video from the 2019 Journalists Forum, Session 4

Moderator: Vanessa Ruiz Panelists: Andrew Fahlund, Stu Feinglas, Jim Holway