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Ballot Box Conservation: How citizens are mobilizing to protect natural resources

A Lecture by Kingsbury Browne Fellow David Hartwell

Lecturer: Kingsbury Browne Fellow David Hartwell

What does the Paris Climate Agreement mean for land conservation organizations?

Moderator: Laura Johnson, Head of the International Land Conservation Network Presenters: Andrea Tuttle, Rob Wilson

How Value Capture Can Create Affordable Housing

David Rosen, Nora Lake-Brown, Bryan Glascock

Creating Productive Urban Landscapes: An Emerging Framework

Teresa Lynch and Chris Reed

Teresa M. Lynch, Chris Reed

Disfunções no Mercado de Terras e Problemas Urbanos

Presenters: Cintia Fernandes, Martim O. Smolka

Os Principais Desafios da Política Urbana no Brasil (Programa 3)

Presenters: Paulo Sandroni, Sonia Rabello, Claudio Acioly Jr., Martim O. Smolka