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Jivan Sobrinho-Wheeler

Lincoln Institute of Land Policy

Project Coordinator for Land Conservation Programs

Cambridge, Massachusetts

Robin Hacke

Lincoln Institute of Land Policy

Executive Director, Center for Community Investment

Washington, D.C.

Shenmin Liu

Lincoln Institute of Land Policy

Research Analyst, Land and Water Conservation Program and China Program

Cambridge, Massachusetts

Jessie Grogan

Lincoln Institute of Land Policy

Director of Equity and Opportunity

Cambridge, Massachusetts

Paula Randolph

Lincoln Institute of Land Policy

Associate Director, Babbitt Center for Land and Water Policy

Phoenix, Arizona

Adam H. Langley

Lincoln Institute of Land Policy

Associate Director of Tax Policy

Cambridge, Massachusetts

Amy Cotter

Lincoln Institute of Land Policy

Director of Urban Sustainability

Cambridge, Massachusetts

Anthony Flint

Lincoln Institute of Land Policy

Senior Fellow

Cambridge, Massachusetts

Bethany P. Paquin

Lincoln Institute of Land Policy

Senior Research Analyst