Topic: Imposto à Propriedade Imobiliária

Outros Eventos

2023 Journalists Forum

Novembro 17, 2023 - Novembro 18, 2023

Cambridge, MA United States

Offered in inglês

The Lincoln Institute’s 2023 Journalists Forum, held November 17–18 in Cambridge, Massachusetts, explored innovations in housing affordability. Access to affordable housing has become a central issue of our times, with overburdened renters, yawning gaps in ownership rates between minority and white households, and a demand for housing that far outstrips the supply. Journalists covering housing were invited to step back and consider the often-underreported fundamental elements driving the affordability crisis, especially as they relate to land use management and fiscal and financial systems. Over the course of two days, participants explored current policy interventions, innovative solutions, and emergent debates that go to the root causes of the current housing crisis. The Journalist Forum resources are available as an online library.

Media Coverage

Welcome and Opening

Friday, November 17


  • George W. “Mac” McCarthy, CEO and president, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy
  • Monté Foster, retail market president New England, TD Bank
  • Keynote: Arthur Jemison, director, Boston Planning & Development Agency

Setting the Stage with an Interactive Discussion: State of the Nation’s Housing


  • Daniel McCue, Joint Center for Housing Studies

Further Reading

Interventions: Zoning Reform

As more states from California to Connecticut pursue statewide zoning reform and face backlash by local governments seeking to retain control over land use, it is important to explore: What are the challenges facing states that seek to implement statewide land use reform? What do we know about the effects of changing land use regulations on housing supply and housing prices? When can we realistically expect to observe the results of these policies on the ground?


  • Jessie Grogan, associate director, Reduced Poverty and Spatial Inequality, Lincoln Institute
  • Patrick Condon, University of British Columbia
  • Jenny Schuetz, Brookings Institution
  • David Garcia, Terner Center at UC Berkeley
  • Journalist moderator: Diana Lind 

Further Reading

Interventions II: Tax Policy

Cities are considering the effects of their tax systems on housing affordability. In Detroit, a land value tax has been proposed to lower residential taxes and encourage development. A well-functioning property tax based on market value might play a similar role in other jurisdictions. The design of property tax relief programs and homestead exemptions also has important implications for affordability.


  • Jay Rising, chief financial officer, City of Detroit
  • Nick Allen, MIT
  • Joan Youngman, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy
  • Ron Rakow, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy
  • Journalist moderator: Liam Dillon 

Further Reading

Interventions III: Institutional Investors

Private sector actors are purchasing residential properties at significant rates, especially in cities with traditionally weak real estate markets. Affordable housing advocates seek to analyze who is buying up local properties, when, where, and over what period, to inform a series of real estate, capital, and other interventions. This session looks at attempts to manage institutional investors who are buying, flipping, or charging often-high rents for properties in legacy cities and elsewhere, using data available through new mapping tools; with special attention to the case study of Cincinnati, where bond financing was used to purchase nearly 200 fixer-uppers, outbidding outside investors.


  • Aftab Pureval, Mayor of Cincinnati (on video)
  • Robert J. McGrail, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy
  • Jeff Allenby, Center for Geospatial Solutions, “Who Owns America” initiative
  • David Howard, CEO, National Rental Home Council
  • Journalist moderator: Loren Berlin 

Further Reading


Welcome and Opening

Saturday, November 18



  • Chris Herbert, Joint Center for Housing Studies, Harvard University

State of the Nation’s Housing Design


  • Dan D’Oca, Harvard University Graduate School of Design–Joint Center for Housing Studies

Innovations in Financing

After the Community Reinvestment Act and the financial crisis of 2008, a reset has been in the works for both individuals and neighborhoods to access capital, to help close the racial homeownership gap. Should homeownership be so actively encouraged? Will tweaks to the home financing system really have impact? What role can mortgage markets play in facilitating access to housing for households with lower incomes?


  • Jim Gray, senior fellow, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, Underserved Mortgage Markets Coalition and Innovations in Manufactured Homes Network (I’m HOME) program
  • Chrystal Kornegay, MassHousing
  • Majurial (MJ) Watkins, community mortgage sales manager, TD Bank
  • Chris Herbert, Joint Center for Housing Studies, Harvard University
  • Journalist moderator: Chris Arnold 

Further Reading

Proposals and Provocations: A Discussion with the Lincoln Institute

This session synthesizes the approaches the Lincoln Institute is currently taking to help address the housing affordability crisis in the United States. Lincoln Institute staff present key ideas of our work at the intersection of land and housing, and provoke a conversation by asking the audience: What will it take to cover these issues? How do we make them accessible to large and diverse audiences? What topics or angles might be missing in our work?


  • Equity and Opportunity for Affordable Housing—Jessie Grogan and Semida Munteanu
  • The Federal Government’s Role: Underserved Mortgage Markets Coalition, I’m HOME (manufactured homes)—Arica Young
  • Capital Absorption as a Platform in Housing for Racial Equity and Health—Omar Carrillo Tinajero, director of partnerships and initiatives, Center for Community Investment
  • Greening Without Displacement—Amy Cotter, director, Climate Strategies
  • Moderator: David Luberoff, Joint Center for Housing Studies

Further Reading

Practicing the Craft

Traditional concluding roundtable of journalists talking about the challenges of covering housing; looking ahead to new frameworks and narratives, storytelling methods, and better use of data and graphics.


  • Paige Carlson-Heim, TD Charitable Foundation
  • Shelley Silva, TD Bank
  • Anthony Flint, Lincoln Institute


Novembro 17, 2023 - Novembro 18, 2023
Lincoln Institute of Land Policy
113 Brattle Street
Cambridge, MA United States


Desenvolvimento Comunitário, Habitação, Banco de Terras, Fundo Fundiária, Uso do Solo, Planejamento de Uso do Solo, Valor da Terra, Tributação Imobiliária, Tributação Base Solo, Governo Local, Mapeamento, Planejamento, Tributação Imobiliária, Reutilização do Solo Urbano, Desajuste Espacial, Partes Interessadas, Desenvolvimento Sustentável, Desenvolvimento Orientado ao Transporte, Desenho Urbano, Desenvolvimento Urbano, Regeneração Urbana


Máster en Políticas de Suelo y Desarrollo Urbano Sostenible

Janeiro 15, 2024 - Março 19, 2025

Offered in espanhol

El máster en Políticas de Suelo y Desarrollo Urbano Sostenible es un programa académico online en español que reúne de manera única los marcos legales y herramientas que sostienen la planificación urbana, junto con instrumentos fiscales, ambientales y de participación, desde una perspectiva internacional y comparada. El programa está dirigido especialmente a estudiantes de posgrado y otros graduados con interés en políticas urbanas desde una perspectiva jurídica, ambiental y de procesos de participación, así como a funcionarios públicos. Los participantes del máster recibirán el entrenamiento teórico y técnico para liderar la implementación de medidas que permitan la transformación sostenible de las ciudades.

El programa fue pensado de manera modular: los participantes pueden elegir realizar uno, dos o tres módulos, cada uno de los cuales otorga el diploma de experto universitario. Si llevan a cabo los tres módulos y finalizan con éxito el programa de fin de máster, obtienen el título de máster de formación permanente, otorgado por UNED.


Janeiro 15, 2024 - Março 19, 2025
Registration Period
Setembro 11, 2023 - Novembro 30, 2023
Educational Credit Type
Lincoln Institute certificate


Mitigação Climática, Desenvolvimento, Resolução de Conflitos, Gestão Ambiental, zoneamento excludente, Favela, Henry George, Mercados Fundiários Informais, Infraestrutura, Regulação dos Mercados Fundiários, Especulação Fundiário, Uso do Solo, Planejamento de Uso do Solo, Valor da Terra, Tributação Imobiliária, Tributação Base Solo, Governo Local, Mediação, Saúde Fiscal Municipal, Planejamento, Tributação Imobiliária, Finanças Públicas, Políticas Públicas, Regimes Regulatórios, Resiliência, Reutilização do Solo Urbano, Desenvolvimento Urbano, Urbanismo, Recuperação de Mais-Valias

Oportunidades de bolsas

China Program International Fellowship 2024-25

Submission Deadline: November 30, 2023 at 11:59 PM

The Lincoln Institute’s China program invites applications for the annual International Fellowship Program. The program seeks applications from academic researchers working on the following topics in China:  

  • Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the future of cities; 
  • Climate change and cities; 
  • Urban development trends and patterns; 
  • Urban regeneration; 
  • Municipal finance and land value capture; 
  • Land policies; 
  • Housing policies; 
  • Urban environment and health; and 
  • Land and water conservation. 

The fellowship aims to promote international scholarly dialogue on China’s urban development and land policy, and to further the Lincoln Institute’s objective to advance land policy solutions to economic, social, and environmental challenges. The fellowship is provided to scholars who are based outside mainland China. Visit the website of the Peking University–Lincoln Institute Center for Urban Development and Land Policy (Beijing) to learn about a separate fellowship for scholars based in mainland China.  

Application period: September 29 to November 30, 2023, 11:59 p.m. EST. 


Submission Deadline
November 30, 2023 at 11:59 PM


Comparing Property Tax Disparities in America’s Largest Cities

By Kristina McGeehan, Agosto 16, 2023


Homeowners in Jacksonville, Florida, saw the largest property tax disparities in the nation last year due to assessment limits, according to a new study from the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy and the Minnesota Center for Fiscal Excellence. According to The 50-State Property Tax Comparison Study, the owner of a newly purchased, median-valued home in Jacksonville would face an effective tax rate 64 percent higher than the owner of an equally valued home in the city that was purchased in 2010. Jacksonville is not alone: it is one of 30 cities in the report affected by parcel-specific assessment limits. 

Produced annually, the comprehensive 50-state report provides the most meaningful data available to compare property taxes among cities by calculating the effective tax rate: the tax bill as a percentage of a property’s market value. Data are available for 74 large US cities and a rural municipality in each state, with information on four different property types (homestead, commercial, industrial, and apartment properties), and statistics on both net tax bills and effective tax rates.  

The study found that the average effective tax rate on a median-valued homestead was 1.32 percent in 2022 for the largest city in each state, with Bridgeport, Connecticut, Aurora, Illinois, Newark, and Detroit all having effective tax rates at least two times higher than the average. Conversely, seven cities have tax rates that are half of the study average or less: Honolulu, Boston, Denver, Salt Lake City, Boise, Charleston, South Carolina, and Cheyenne, Wyoming.  

The report also finds significant variations across cities in commercial property taxes, which include taxes on office buildings and similar properties. In 2022, the effective tax rate on a commercial property worth $1 million averaged 1.836 percent across the largest cities in each state. The highest rates were in Detroit and Chicago, where effective tax rates remain more than twice that average. Rates were less than half of the average in Cheyenne, Boise, Charlotte, Seattle, and Honolulu. 

The data highlighted in the report have important implications for cities because the property tax is a key part of the package of taxes and public services that affects cities’ competitiveness and quality of life. This analysis of how and why property taxes vary significantly across the United States allows for meaningful comparisons and more informed decision making by policymakers. 

The report is available for download on the Lincoln Institute website:



Lead image: Miami, Florida. Credit: xbrchx via iStock/Getty Images Plus.


Oportunidades de bolsas para estudantes graduados

2023–2024 Programa de becas para el máster UNED-Instituto Lincoln

Submission Deadline: August 20, 2023 at 11:59 PM

El Instituto Lincoln de Políticas de Suelo y la Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED) ofrecen el máster en Políticas de Suelo y Desarrollo Urbano Sostenible, un programa académico online en español que reúne de manera única los marcos legales y herramientas que sostienen la planificación urbana, junto con instrumentos fiscales, ambientales y de participación, desde una perspectiva internacional y comparada. 

El máster está dirigido especialmente a estudiantes de posgrado y otros graduados con interés en políticas urbanas desde una perspectiva jurídica, ambiental y de procesos de participación, así como a funcionarios públicos. Los participantes del programa recibirán el entrenamiento teórico y técnico para liderar la implementación de medidas que permitan la transformación sostenible de las ciudades.  

Plazo de matrícula ordinario: 11 de septiembre al 30 de noviembre de 2023 

El inicio del máster es el 15 de enero de 2024. 

El Instituto Lincoln otorgará becas que cubrirán parcialmente el costo del máster de los postulantes seleccionados. 

Términos de las becas 

  • Los becarios deben haber obtenido un título de licenciatura de una institución académica o de estudios superiores. 
  • Los fondos de las becas no tienen valor en efectivo y solo cubrirán el 40% del costo total del programa. 
  • Los becarios deben pagar la primera cuota de la matrícula, que representa el 60% del costo total del máster. 
  • Los becarios deben mantener una buena posición académica o perderán el beneficio. 

El otorgamiento de la beca dependerá de la admisión formal del postulante al máster UNED-Instituto Lincoln. 

Si son seleccionados, los becarios recibirán asistencia virtual para realizar el proceso de admisión de la Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), el cual requiere una solicitud online y una copia del expediente académico o registro de calificaciones de licenciatura y/o posgrado. 

Aquellos postulantes que no obtengan la beca parcial del Instituto Lincoln podrán optar a las ayudas que ofrece la UNED, una vez que se hayan matriculado en el máster. 

Fecha límite para postular: 20 de agosto de 2023, 23:59 horas de Boston, MA, EE.UU. (UTC-5) 

Anuncio de resultados: 8 de septiembre de 2023 


Submission Deadline
August 20, 2023 at 11:59 PM


Mitigação Climática, Desenvolvimento, Resolução de Conflitos, Gestão Ambiental, zoneamento excludente, Favela, Henry George, Mercados Fundiários Informais, Infraestrutura, Regulação dos Mercados Fundiários, Especulação Fundiário, Uso do Solo, Planejamento de Uso do Solo, Valor da Terra, Tributação Imobiliária, Tributação Base Solo, Governo Local, Mediação, Saúde Fiscal Municipal, Planejamento, Tributação Imobiliária, Finanças Públicas, Políticas Públicas, Regimes Regulatórios, Resiliência, Reutilização do Solo Urbano, Desenvolvimento Urbano, Urbanismo, Recuperação de Mais-Valias