Topic: Imposto à Propriedade Imobiliária


Informalidad y Políticas de Regularización

Outubro 8, 2018 - Novembro 21, 2018

Free, offered in espanhol

El curso reúne diferentes miradas del tema de la informalidad urbana con el propósito de ampliar la perspectiva crítica, tanto en la interpretación del problema, como en relación a las formas de buscar soluciones. Desde las ópticas de la sociología, del urbanismo y del derecho, se diseñará una trayectoria desde lo conceptual hacia lo práctico a lo largo del curso.

En términos conceptuales, se trata de romper con imágenes estereotipadas de los asentamientos informales, buscando retratar su multiplicidad formal y funcional como parte integral de su definición.

Durante el desarrollo del curso, el participante tendrá un acercamiento a la diversidad de formas de abordar el tema de informalidad urbana, y comprenderá por qué es un fenómeno que puede plasmarse de diferentes formas sobre el espacio de la ciudad. Con el apoyo de sus colegas de América Latina, discutirá e identificará las posibilidades y limitaciones de los programas de apoyo convencionales, y será capaz de identificar componentes mínimos para el diseño de políticas urbanas por medio de instrumentos de regularización.


Requisitos previos: Conocimientos sobre el funcionamiento de los mercados de suelo y los fundamentos jurídicos de las políticas de gestión de suelo.

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Outubro 8, 2018 - Novembro 21, 2018
Application Period
Agosto 17, 2018 - Setembro 5, 2018
Selection Notification Date
Setembro 26, 2018 at 6:00 PM
Registration Fee
Educational Credit Type
Lincoln Institute certificate


Favela, Mercados Fundiários Informais, Pobreza, Políticas Públicas, Segurança de Posse, Segregação, Favela, Partes Interessadas, Posse, Urbano, Melhoria Urbana e Regularização


Geotecnologías Aplicadas a Políticas de Suelo

Outubro 8, 2018 - Novembro 21, 2018

Free, offered in espanhol

El curso tiene como propósitos difundir el potencial de las geotecnologías para la mejor gestión del suelo y demostrar como la aplicación de los Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG) y los datos geográficos adecuados hacen más eficiente y efectivo el uso de los instrumentos de gestión de suelo.

Se considerarán conceptos claves, tales como el proceso de identificación de problemas urbanos y su abordaje con las geotecnologías; la problemática de trabajar con datos geográficos efectivos; y el uso de herramientas de análisis espacial avanzado para el modelamiento de problemas geográficos y sus soluciones, así como casos concretos de aplicación.

Durante el desarrollo del curso, el participante tendrá un acercamiento al uso de los SIG, así como a la elección de los datos geográficos útiles para aplicar en el estudio de diversos problemas. También conocerá el uso de las herramientas de análisis espacial para producir información adecuada para la toma de decisiones.


Requisitos previos: Familiarización con el uso de software SIG y datos geográficos.

Ver la convocatoria


Outubro 8, 2018 - Novembro 21, 2018
Application Period
Agosto 17, 2018 - Setembro 5, 2018
Selection Notification Date
Setembro 26, 2018 at 6:00 PM
Registration Fee
Educational Credit Type
Lincoln Institute certificate


Avaliação, Estimativa, Cadastro, Fundos Imobiliários Comunitários, Desenvolvimento Econômico, Economia, Expropriação, Meio Ambiente, Gestão Ambiental, Planejamento Ambiental, Terra Agrícola, Favela, Várzeas, Área Florestal, SIG, Controles de Crescimento, Gestão do Crescimento, Habitação, Mercados Fundiários Informais, Infraestrutura, Banco de Terras, Lei de Uso do Solo, Monitoramento do Mercado Fundiário, Regulação dos Mercados Fundiários, Monitoramento Fundiário, Reforma Fundiária, Uso do Solo, Planejamento de Uso do Solo, Valor da Terra, Tributação Imobiliária, Tributação Base Solo, Temas Legais, Governo Local, Mapeamento, Recursos Naturais, Planejamento, Tributação Imobiliária, Finanças Públicas, Políticas Públicas, Serviços Públicos, Regimes Regulatórios, Reutilização do Solo Urbano, Planejamento de Cenários, Crescimento Inteligente, Ordem Espacial, Desenvolvimento Sustentável, Financiamento por Tributos Adicionais, Reforma fiscal, Tributação, Posse, Transporte, Urbano, Desenho Urbano, Desenvolvimento Urbano, Espraiamento Urbano, Melhoria Urbana e Regularização, Urbanismo, Valoração, Recuperação de Mais-Valias, Tributação de Valores, Água, Zonificação

Photograph of Manuel Velarde

Mayor’s Desk

Seeking Sustainability in Lima’s Financial District
By Anthony Flint, Julho 24, 2018

Manuel Velarde was sworn in as the 20th Mayor of San Isidro, a district within Lima, Peru, in January 2015. Since 2010, he has also taught at the University of San Martín de Porres. A lawyer who served in the firm of Lazo, Romagna and Gagliuffi Abogados, he was a legal counsel from 2003 to 2008 at the Ministry of Economy and Finance of Peru, and in 2009 he was made superintendent of the National Superintendency of Tax Administration of Peru. He graduated from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru and earned master’s degrees in law from both the University of Pennsylvania and King’s College London. Lincoln Institute Senior Fellow Anthony Flint interviewed him in May 2018 for this issue devoted to Latin America and the Caribbean.

Anthony Flint: Governance structure affects the administration of large metropolitan regions and the quality of life for its citizens. Can you tell us about the challenges and opportunities of being part of the governance system in Lima?

Manuel Velarde: San Isidro is 1 of 43 districts run by the Metropolitan Municipality of Lima. Each district has its peculiarities. We are a 10-square-kilometer (3.86-square-mile) territory with approximately 60,000 residents. We are also the financial center of Peru. From Monday to Friday, around a million people come into San Isidro to work, shop, or do some other kind of task. It’s a big challenge to accommodate this. The policies we apply are seen as cutting edge. We are in a position to offer better services, generating a better quality of life, but we face challenges—for example, [the need for more] public transportation. We must also constantly coordinate with other districts.

AF: What are the major financial and planning challenges in San Isidro and how is the municipality dealing with those challenges?

MV: Today the district is financed by two taxes: the property and the service tax. Both taxes, but principally the service tax, provide the revenue for all services. In certain parts of our country, noncompliance is a big problem. That’s because the residents don’t feel they get what they paid for with their taxes because of poor management and corruption. There is a lack of trust in the local government. In San Isidro, however, around 90 percent of residents and businesses pay their taxes on time, and that allows us to generate public investment. Our budget is always limited and we need to prioritize. For that, we develop planning strategies to maximize the impact of investments.

AF: San Isidro is considered the financial center of Lima, if not Peru, and its population has a relatively high level of income for the region. To what extent does the municipality rely on land-based resources and financial tools such as the property tax or land value capture?

MV: At this time, land value capture here is not within our competencies. We are attracting private investment and creating public-private partnerships and making sure those projects are aligned with our sustainable development policies. The problem in San Isidro is that the value of the property is expensive, and there is not enough population—particularly younger residents—to support that. We need affordable housing. One solution is that we have reduced the minimum size of an apartment from 200 square meters to 45, 60, and 80 square meters to attract new residents, especially young people. We also have reduced parking requirements for this. Today, we have new housing investments starting construction at the financial center. This will allow people to walk to their jobs and reduce the use of cars that generate congestion. We are [focused on] transit-oriented development.

AF: Your efforts to prioritize pedestrians and bicycles over cars have prompted fierce criticism, including an attempted recall. Do you feel you have successfully changed the culture in the public realm?

MV: When I was elected mayor, I promised the voters I would modernize San Isidro but keep it on a human scale. Our area has suffered dramatically from the intensive use of cars. Our district needed to be retrofitted for pedestrians and cyclists. We began with the ideas that [it’s more affordable to live without] a car and that the car is having negative effects on the city and quality of life. Transforming underutilized land and areas dominated by cars, we have created public spaces that people would not [have thought] possible a short time ago. Of course, it meets resistance. Any city undergoing these kinds of reforms will face resistance. But as citizens start to recognize they can live in a better environment than before, that will change.

In the beginning, we created bike lanes and parking for bikes, and then we wanted to provide a public system of bikes. We wanted to promote intermodality and better [ways to] cover short trips that are currently [made] by car. Short trips should be made by bikes [or on foot], by promoting walkability and road safety. Our new bike-share system will stretch that policy. We have already signed the contract, and the implementation will be done soon. The operator is the same investor that recently revamped the bike system in Paris.

AF: Expansion of the Metro mass transit system is underway in Lima. How important is public transportation in San Isidro, and how does it fit in with your planning?

MV: There’s an additional line [under construction] right now. We have one line in operation, but it does not cross the district. We will have to wait around 10 years more for the next lines that pass through San Isidro. The new lines will be underground and funded by the national government. Investment in public transport is crucial to facilitate accessibility for residents and visitors. At the same time, we need better management of parking spaces. We don’t have parking meters, so we are inducing demand [because people can park for free on the streets]. We need to be able to build an efficient [parking payment system].

AF: You have partnered with IBM and others to make the district a “smart city.” Can you identify a few ways that technology has improved quality of life?

MV: We have to be careful with the use of technology. Look at history. At one point, we were told that using a car was affordable and efficient, and it had a huge impact in cities. We have been victims of the presence of cars in our environment and from thinking that the car was an absolute solution. We now know it is not, so we have to [avoid] becoming victims of any other kind of trap. Technology is useful, but we cannot commit the same mistake. What we need more than a smart city is smart citizens who know how to live in the city of the future.

A couple of years ago, we worked on a contest sponsored by IBM, and they gave us advice to implement certain applications. We want to help people with intermodality—to [give] people the tools to make their trips more efficient. That means [providing] up-to-date departure times and showing how you can connect to other modes—[such as] where the bike share is, and how far it is to walk. That is [how I view] the role of technology.

2018 National Conference of State Tax Judges

Outubro 11, 2018 - Outubro 13, 2018

Chicago, IL United States

Offered in inglês

The National Conference of State Tax Judges meets annually to review recent state tax decisions, consider methods of dealing with complex tax and valuation disputes, and share experiences in case management. This meeting provides an opportunity for judges to hear and question academic experts in law, valuation, finance, and economics, and to exchange views on current legal issues facing tax courts in different states. This year’s program includes sessions on using Marshall & Swift manuals by CoreLogic to calculate building costs and depreciation, judicial writing, post-disaster property valuation, and the impact of the federal tax reform on state and local taxes.


Outubro 11, 2018 - Outubro 13, 2018
Registration Period
Julho 6, 2018 - Agosto 15, 2018
Chicago, IL United States


Resolução de Conflitos, Lei de Uso do Solo, Temas Legais, Governo Local, Políticas Públicas, Tributação, Valoração