Topic: Imposto à Propriedade Imobiliária

Four people sit in chairs in a room

Land Matters Podcast: Orchestrating Impact: Retiring Scholars Reflect on the Lincoln Institute

By Anthony Flint, Fevereiro 2, 2023

Having impact at a nonprofit research organization requires being both determined and nimble, according to three scholars who retired last year from the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy after decades of service.

The three scholars—geographer and urbanist Armando Carbonell, who led programs in urban planning and land conservation; Daphne Kenyon, an economist studying the property tax and municipal finance; and economist Martim Smolka, director of the organization’s Latin America program—share reflections about their work and the Lincoln Institute in a special edition of the Land Matters podcast.

Though they pursued different areas of inquiry during their time at the organization, they found common themes, like the central task of assembling and convening a network of practitioners, and continually inviting feedback to keep up to date on the challenges and emerging issues in their fields.

One such network formed in the 1980s when Boston attorney Kingsbury Browne brought together a handful of people who were establishing conservation easements to safeguard ecosystems across the United States. The value of exchanging information about tax laws and land conservation was deemed to be so great, the group ended up forming the Land Trust Alliance, which now represents nearly 1,000 land trusts with some 60 million acres in conservation.

Another area of critical importance: communicating in plain terms and being attentive to different audiences, whether the topic is climate migration or informal settlements or the way the property tax pays for essential local services including schools. The interviewees cite Lincoln Institute projects like the State-by-State Property Tax At a Glance website, the Making Sense of Place film series, and a role-playing game that leads participants through the steps of functioning land markets as successful examples of this approach.

The three scholars (bios below) also recall how they first discovered and interacted with the Lincoln Institute—all of them starting more than 30 years ago—and share their experiences putting together extensive programming over that time. They also look ahead to the daunting challenges awaiting future generations working in the nonprofit realm.

Martim O. Smolka, former senior fellow and director of the Program on Latin America and the Caribbean, is an economist. His areas of expertise include land markets and land policy, access to land by the urban poor, the structuring of property markets in Latin America and property tax systems, including the use of land value increment charges to finance urban development and infrastructure. A graduate of the University of Pennsylvania (MA/PhD), he is co-founder and former president of the Brazilian National Association for Research and Graduate Studies on Urban and Regional Planning.

Daphne A. Kenyon, PhD, is a former resident fellow in tax policy at the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy. Her specialty is state and local public finance, with an emphasis on the property tax. She serves as the president of the National Tax Association. Kenyon’s prior positions include principal of D.A. Kenyon & Associates, a public finance consulting firm; professor and chair of the economics department at Simmons College; senior economist with the U.S. Department of the Treasury and the Urban Institute; and assistant professor at Dartmouth College. Kenyon earned her BA in economics from Michigan State University and her MA and PhD in economics from the University of Michigan. She has published numerous reports, articles, and three books. Her research has been cited in The New York Times and The Economist, among other publications. Her latest work was writing a major revision of the 2007 report The Property Tax-School Funding Dilemma with co-authors Bethany Paquin and Andrew Reschovsky.

Armando Carbonell served as head of the Lincoln Institute’s urban planning program. After attending Clark University and the Johns Hopkins University, Carbonell spent the early part of his career as an academic geographer. He went on to initiate a new planning system for Cape Cod, Massachusetts, as the founding Executive Director of the Cape Cod Commission. In 1992 he was awarded a Loeb Fellowship at the Graduate School of Design at Harvard University. Carbonell later taught urban planning at Harvard and the University of Pennsylvania and served as an editor of the British journal Town Planning Review. He has consulted on master plans in Houston, Texas, and Fujian Province, China, and is the author or editor of numerous works on city and regional planning and planning for climate change, including Nature and Cities: The Ecological Imperative in Urban Design and Planning. Carbonell is a Fellow of the American Institute of Certified Planners, Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences (UK), and Lifetime Honorary Member of the Royal Town Planning Institute (UK).

You can listen to the show and subscribe to Land Matters on Apple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsSpotifyStitcher, or wherever you listen to podcasts.

And for the first time, this episode of Land Matters can also be viewed as a video on YouTube.

Further Reading

Implementing Value Capture in Latin America

Seven Need-to-Know Trends for Planners in 2023

Rethinking the Property Tax-School Funding Dilemma

Anthony Flint is a senior fellow at the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, host of the Land Matters podcast, and a contributing editor of Land Lines.

Image: (Left to Right): Daphne Kenyon, Martim Smolka, Armando Carbonell, and Anthony Flint.

Solicitação de propostas

Research on Land-Based Financing Approaches for Climate Action

Submission Deadline: March 23, 2023 at 11:59 PM

The Lincoln Institute of Land Policy invites proposals for original research that examines opportunities for, and challenges with, implementing land-based financing (LBF) instruments, including land value capture, to promote and fund climate adaptation, mitigation, or resiliency measures, with a focus on equity, urban form, and nature-based solutions. The research should help inform practitioners, policy makers, and decision makers.   

The geographic focus of this RFP is global. Proposals will be reviewed competitively according to the weighted evaluation criteria indicated below. Outputs are expected to result in working papers appropriate for publication. 

Research Themes 

The following issues and themes are of interest to the Lincoln Institute, but the list is not exhaustive, and applicants may submit a proposal that addresses other topics or issues. However, the proposal must consider LBF as a tool for climate action by addressing the following: 

  • The necessary enabling conditions for the use of LBF for climate action, including but not limited to, market conditions, public perception of risk, and the pricing of climate risk in land markets 
  • The legal, regulatory, and institutional considerations for using LBF for climate action, including informal or nontraditional forms 
  • The types of climate action, including infrastructure investments and regulatory action, that have the greatest potential for the application of LBF 
  • Temporal considerations for LBF for climate action (e.g., charges for long-term benefits of climate action or the timeframe for realizing land value increments). 
  • Innovative uses of LBF for climate action 
  • The potential nonrevenue-related benefits of LBF for climate action, such as equity 
  • Unintended outcomes (positive or negative) of the approaches, with an emphasis on equity 


Proposals must be submitted online via the web-based application form and must follow the complete RFP guidelines. Proposals submitted by email or mail will not be accepted. Incomplete proposals, proposals received after the due date, or proposals that do not adhere to the format defined in the guidelines will not be accepted.   

Proposals must be submitted in English. The final work produced pursuant to the RFP (if selected for an award) must be in English. 

Evaluation Criteria 

The Lincoln Institute will evaluate proposals based on the following criteria: 

  • The project’s relevance to the RFP’s theme of land-based finance tools for climate action: 35 percent 
  • Rigor of proposed methodology: 25 percent 
  • Potential impact and usefulness of the research for practitioners: 25 percent 
  • Capacity and expertise of the team and relevant analytical and/or practice-based experience: 15 percent 


Submission Deadline
March 23, 2023 at 11:59 PM


Adaptação, Mitigação Climática, Meio Ambiente, Gestão do Crescimento, Infraestrutura, Especulação Fundiário, Uso do Solo, Planejamento de Uso do Solo, Valor da Terra, Tributação Imobiliária, Tributação Base Solo, Governo Local, Saúde Fiscal Municipal, Planejamento, Tributação Imobiliária, Finanças Públicas, Políticas Públicas, Regimes Regulatórios, Resiliência, Tributação, Transporte, Urbano, Desenvolvimento Urbano, Valoração, Recuperação de Mais-Valias, Tributação de Valores, Zonificação

Nueva publicación: Impuesto predial en Asia

Impuesto predial en Asia: política y práctica
Outubro 31, 2022


El impuesto a la propiedad inmobiliaria tiene un gran potencial como fuente de renta para los gobiernos locales en Asia, pero su implementación no ha sido equitativa. El libro nuevo del Instituto Lincoln, Property Tax in Asia: Policy and Practice brinda el primer análisis integral del rendimiento de este instrumento fiscal fundamental en el continente más grande del mundo.

Este libro, escrito por un equipo de expertos líderes y editado por William McCluskey, Roy Bahl y Riël Franzsen, brinda un análisis comparativo y recomendaciones detalladas para académicos y gestores de políticas. Contiene 13 estudios de caso detallados sobre esta región, que es el hogar de casi la mitad de la población mundial, y brinda el análisis más completo a la fecha de las leyes, las prácticas administrativas, las propuestas de reforma, la tecnología y los debates políticos que dan forma a la tributación inmobiliaria en países de todos los tamaños y niveles de ingresos. 

Mediante los casos de estudio de estos 13 países y regiones, se descubrió que los métodos para modernizar el impuesto a la propiedad inmobiliaria varían en gran medida, por ejemplo, en cómo se aprovecha la ventaja que brinda la tributación como medida para aumentar la renta y convertirla en un instrumento para racionalizar la política de uso del suelo y fomentar la equidad social”, escriben los editores. 

En el libro, se pone de manifiesto que, por lo general, los países más ricos, como Japón, Corea y Singapur, tienen sistemas de tributación inmobiliaria que funcionan correctamente, aunque se enfrentan a desafíos, como la falta de información sobre la propiedad de las cada vez más numerosas viviendas abandonadas de Japón. En China y Vietnam, donde no se permite la propiedad privada del suelo, los gobiernos locales recurren en gran medida a tarifas por uso del suelo que se cobran por única vez, pero son menos confiables y estables que los impuestos que se recaudan en forma continua. Además, muchas áreas de menores ingresos se enfrentan a bases imponibles reducidas, subvaluación de los bienes inmuebles, incumplimiento y desafíos políticos. El libro, que reconoce que las condiciones varían mucho, recomienda diez direcciones para la reforma, desde aclarar las funciones gubernamentales hasta aprovechar el poder de la tecnología de la información. 

Property Tax in Asia (Impuesto predial en Asia) es el último título de una serie de libros del Instituto Lincoln en la que se analiza la tributación inmobiliaria en distintos continentes. También conforman la serie Property Tax in Africa (Impuesto predial en África) (2017) y Sistemas del impuesto predial en América Latina y el Caribe (publicado en español, 2016). 



Crédito de la fotografía: yongyuan via Getty Images.

Private Development Programs for Weak Markets

Março 7, 2023 | 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Free, offered in inglês

Watch the recording

In this second webinar in the series, “Building Equity and Market Strength in Legacy Cities: Context-Driven Equitable Development,” speakers present emerging programs driven by for-profit developers to build local market strength, often with a focus on meeting the needs of existing residents or supporting minority contractor business development. The first webinar, Equitable Development Programs for New Construction in Weak Markets, takes place February 28.


Headshot of Robie Suggs

Robie Suggs is responsible for all lending-related activity, including loan processing, underwriting, construction management and credit risk/asset management. She builds and maintains strong relationships with developers, nonprofits, business owners, and financial partners to originate, underwrite, and close loans in support of CDF’s mission and resident-driven community plans. She came to CDF from First Financial Bank, where she was Vice President of Strategic Partnerships, Economic Development, and Community Outreach.


Headshot of Shannon Morgan

As Managing Partner of Renovare Development, Shannon Morgan is a housing expert and experienced leader with a diverse real estate background, specializing in building, rehabilitation, and development within urban areas, rural main streets and communities in numerous states throughout the country. Shannon has vast experience in working with various tax credits, brownfield developments, and transit-oriented projects; completing thousands of units of mixed income housing with a focus on projects that promote sustainability, urban revitalization, and a sense of place. Shannon is actively engaged in maintaining relationships with key stakeholders, legislators, local units of governments and aligned interest groups to develop and support policies and legislation affecting federal and state smart growth housing and development. She has championed several different pieces of legislation that were passed both federally and at the state level.

Headshot of Brian Potts

Brian Potts is the Managing Partner of The Ridgewood Group, a firm that specializes in the acquisition, revitalization and management of single family and multifamily properties. Mr. Potts focuses his work on value-add projects in core urban neighborhoods in Springfield and Dayton. He received his Bachelor of Business Administration from The Ohio State University and his Master’s in Accounting from The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Mr. Potts also holds an Ohio Real Estate Broker’s License. Brian resides in Springfield with his wife and two children.

Ryan Bates is CEO of Bates Development, a Louisiana certified minority real estate development company focusing on incentive development by utilizing low income housing tax credits, federal and state historic tax credits, and state/federal agency programs for funding. Ryan has completed developments for multifamilyaffordable housing, market rate housing, hotels, and commercial usage. Ryan also currently serves as Vice President of Development for IDP Properties, a boutique real estate development firm headquartered in Valdosta, GA that invests in and redevelops affordable housing communities. Ryan is responsible for real estate development and new business opportunities in the Louisiana Market.  Ryan is a board member for the Urban Development Fund, a New Market Tax Credit Development Entity.

Main image credit: Neighborhood Allies


Março 7, 2023
12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Registration Period
Janeiro 19, 2023 - Março 7, 2023
Registration Fee


Desenvolvimento Comunitário, Desenvolvimento, Desenvolvimento Econômico, Economia, Habitação, Inequidade, Planejamento, Tributação Imobiliária

Equitable Development Programs for New Construction in Weak Markets

Fevereiro 28, 2023 | 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Free, offered in inglês

Watch the recording


This webinar is the first in a two-part series, “Building Equity and Market Strength in Legacy Cities: Context-Driven Equitable Development.” Register separately for the second webinar. 

Weak market conditions severely limit policy and programmatic options for addressing inequity in legacy cities. But equitable real estate development is possible with creativity, local knowledge, and sensitivity to protecting burgeoning market strength.  

Greater Ohio Policy Center and the Lincoln Institute recently published a working paper, Building Equity: Equitable Real Estate Development Strategies for Weak Markets, which outlines several of these approaches. 

In this series, we examine strategies identified in the working paper that promote equitable outcomes while also protecting against overstepping and diminishing the market strength essential to sustained revitalization. We also share efforts led by private developers to strengthen real estate markets through innovative, equity-driven approaches. 
This webinar series will interest practitioners in legacy cities who want to learn about policies and programs that can work in weak markets. Strategies covered range from emerging interventions to more established programming aimed at ensuring the gains from economic development benefit all residents. 

Webinar 1: Equitable Development Programs for New Construction in Weak Markets 
February 28, 2023

This webinar will present detailed examples of strategies applicable in weaker real estate markets that can deliver equity benefits in novel ways. These strategies are suitable for local actors working in places that cannot sustain broad inclusionary housing policies or exactions due to the lack of market strength, political will, or both. 


Headshot of Beverley Loyd

Beverley Loyd, CPA is Managing Director of Lending for Michigan and Ohio at IFF, a nonprofit financial institution. In her role, Beverley develops and implements strategies to serve the needs of nonprofit clients throughout the region, while providing leadership to a team of experienced lenders who are passionate about community development. With more than 20 years’ experience in commercial lending, Beverley brings her expertise in designing financial solutions for organizations of all sizes throughout Michigan and Ohio. Before joining IFF, she worked as a bank officer focused on the commercial and real estate markets for several Detroit-based banks. Beverley obtained her Master’s Degree in Finance at Walsh College and a Bachelor’s in Business Administration, with an emphasis in Accounting at the University of Michigan-Flint. She has taught Accounting, Finance, and General Business courses for more than 15 years at the graduate and undergraduate levels. She is a Certified Public Accountant, with experience in audit and taxation. Beverley has spent a lifetime dedicated to community service by participating in numerous charitable events, serving on nonprofit boards and committees, supporting fundraising activities that provide scholarships to local students, conducting financial workshops, and other programs and activities. Family is the joy in her life with 3 daughters, 2 granddaughters, and 3 grandsons. She also enjoys travel, gardening, and home improvement projects.


Headshot of Matt Madia

As the Director of Real Estate Services, Matt Madia leads Neighborhood Allies’ Centralized Real Estate Accelerator. The Accelerator is a new, comprehensive, and community-based real estate model aimed at increasing the flow of capital to development projects in low-income neighborhoods and creating wealth-building opportunities for traditionally underserved residents. Prior to joining Neighborhood Allies, Matt served as Chief Strategy and Development Officer at Bridgeway Capital where he where he underwrote and structured community development and small business transactions and worked with community and regional leaders to direct additional resources to underserved neighborhoods. Matt brings with him a decade of financial tool development in the development sector and has raised nearly $25M in grants and $40M in structured debt. Previously, he spent six years as a policy analyst at a Washington DC-based public interest group, analyzing and lobbying for regulations and legislation more protective of consumer health, worker safety, and the environment.

Headshot of Brian Ogawa

Brian Ogawa is a Senior Commercial Real Estate Associate for the Port of Greater Cincinnati Development Authority. His responsibilities include pre-development financial underwriting and analysis of due diligence items for strategic dispositions, acquisition, and developments for multi-family and commercial properties. Ogawa also serves as project manager for stabilization and environmental remediation projects, which includes soliciting bids, managing budget, and contractors. Prior to joining the Port, Brian served as a development analyst and senior development officer with the City of Cincinnati’s Department of Community and Economic Development. In this role, he managed the underwriting and approval process for incentive packages for large-scale real estate development projects, including tax increment financing, loans, grants, and tax abatements. He also worked closely with the neighborhood stakeholders and managed multiple grant programs geared towards revitalizing neighborhood business districts. Brian received his undergraduate and graduate degrees from Xavier University.

Cory Riordan has served as Executive Director of Tremont West Development Corporation since 2012. During his tenure with the organization he has worked to expand quality of life initiatives for all residents through expansion of healthy food access, creation of recreation programs, and development of commercial activity that serves the residents of the neighborhood. Cory has also guided planning and development processes that have resulted in millions of dollars of investment in the Tremont neighborhood. Over the past few years, the organization is taking a more active role in ensuring affordable housing. Previously, Cory served as the Executive Director of St. Clair Superior Development Corporation on the near east side of Cleveland. He believes strongly in the work of community development corporations and their ability to help build great neighborhoods. He believes in the people of Cleveland and their communities to overcome challenges and work together for a bright future. Cory obtained his Master’s Degree in Urban Planning Design and Development in 2007 from Cleveland State University and a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science from Ohio University in 2002. He lives in Cleveland with his wife and two children.

Webinar 2: Private Development Programs for Weak Markets 
March 7, 2023

Register separately for the second webinar in this series, which will concentrate on programs driven by for-profit developers to build local market strength, often with a focus on meeting the needs of existing residents or supporting minority contractor business development. 

Main image credit: General Building Contractors Association


Fevereiro 28, 2023
12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Registration Period
Janeiro 19, 2023 - Março 1, 2023
Registration Fee


Desenvolvimento Comunitário, Desenvolvimento, Desenvolvimento Econômico, Economia, Habitação, Inequidade, Planejamento, Tributação Imobiliária

Oportunidades de bolsas

2023 Lincoln Institute Scholars Program

Submission Deadline: March 31, 2023 at 11:59 PM

This program provides an opportunity for recent PhDs, one to two years post-graduate and specializing in public finance or urban economics, to work with senior academics. 

Lincoln Institute Scholars will be invited to the Institute for a program on May 17–19, 2023, that will include:  

  • presentations by a panel of journal editors on the academic publication process; 
  • a workshop in which senior scholars comment on draft papers written by the Lincoln Institute Scholars; 
  • an opportunity for the Lincoln Institute Scholars to present their research; and 
  • a seminar in which leading scholars in public finance and urban economics present their latest research. 

For information on previous Lincoln Scholars, please visit Lincoln Institute Scholars Program Alumni. 


Submission Deadline
March 31, 2023 at 11:59 PM



Economia, Tributação Imobiliária, Finanças Públicas

This Simple Policy Tool Can Make Property Taxes Fairer and Ease Homeowner Hardship

By Jon Gorey, Dezembro 6, 2022


Home values catapulted upward during the COVID-19 pandemic, with the median price of an existing single-family home rising an astonishing 44.3 percent between the third quarter of 2019 and the same period this year, according to the National Association of Realtors.  

While fast-rising mortgage rates have helped slow that runaway price growth, home values in many areas have plateaued at new heights.

As communities update their assessment rolls to reflect higher home values, they can adjust their tax rates downward to avoid increasing residents’ tax bills. But even when those tax bills do rise, various forms of property tax relief can help communities ease the burden, especially for seniors and low-income homeowners.

“It’s so important that the property tax be stable and affordable,” says Joan Youngman, senior fellow at the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, author of A Good Tax, and coauthor of the Policy Focus Report Property Tax Relief for Homeowners.  

Making a Good Tax Better 

The property tax is an essential—and relatively efficient—way to fund local government. Unlike income and sales taxes, the property tax remains fairly steady through the booms and busts of the business cycle. Its high visibility and tangible trade-offs promote civic engagement and transparency around local spending decisions. And the property tax can actually be a fairly progressive revenue raiser, taking a smaller share of homeowners’ incomes as earnings fall.  

This is especially true in areas that provide some form of property tax relief—such as Boston, which has offered residents a generous homestead exemption for decades.  

Such an exemption reduces the property tax owed on a principal residence, either by protecting a portion of the property’s value from taxation, or by offering a partial credit against the tax bill. It’s a fairly broad and simple policy tool—but it’s also a powerful one that can make the property tax more equitable. 

That’s important, because research has found that low-priced properties can be overassessed—and thus unfairly overtaxed compared with more expensive homes, potentially creating a regressive and inequitable tax structure that punishes poorer homeowners. 

“It’s inherently difficult to assess really low-priced properties,” says Daniel McMillen, professor of finance at the University of Illinois at Chicago. “A small mistake translates into a high percentage.” On a $900,000 home, McMillen explains, an assessment that misses the mark by a few thousand dollars is almost negligible. “But at $90,000, then $5,000 or $10,000 is a pretty serious error.” 

In a new working paper, Lincoln Institute fellow Ron Rakow shows how a homestead exemption can easily and completely compensate for such errors.  

When analyzing assessment data in the Boston area, Rakow found that, despite a tendency for low-priced properties to be overassessed, the effective property tax rate wasn’t regressive at all. In fact, because the homestead exemption offers proportionally more relief for lower-priced homes, Boston’s property tax was actually significantly progressive.  

“We’ve done a little bit more research into some of the concerns about assessment equity,” Rakow says, “and it’s really revealed how effective homestead exemptions can be.”  

A Progressive Tax Tool at Work in Boston 

Different types of homestead exemptions exist, but here’s how Boston’s program works: The taxable value of a homeowner’s principal residence gets reduced by a flat dollar amount, equivalent to 35 percent of the average assessed home value in the city that year. In 2021, that meant the first $295,503 of a primary residence’s value was exempt from property taxes.   

So if a Boston resident’s condo was assessed at $395,000 that year, the owner would only have to pay property taxes on the last $100,000 or so of the home’s value—a discount of roughly 75 percent. The resident-owner of a $1 million property would get a more modest discount of 30 percent, while owners of second homes and investment properties pay full freight.  

The flat dollar amount, which automatically adjusts annually, is an important feature. Some programs exempt a set percentage of a property’s value—the first 10 percent, for example—but that doesn’t add any progressivity to the tax, since high-priced homes benefit at the same rate. (Flat dollar homestead credits—which allow all residents to receive, say, $200 off their property tax bill—also offer progressively more relief for lower-value homes.)  

The simplicity of Boston’s program makes life easier for residents and city officials alike.  

“One of the big advantages for a flat dollar homestead exemption or credit over other types of property tax relief is that it can be very easy to administer, and for taxpayers to participate in,” says Adam Langley, associate director of tax policy at the Lincoln Institute and coauthor of the report Property Tax Relief for Homeowners. While other policies target relief more narrowly to lower-income homeowners or seniors, and are thus more cost-effective, Langley says, they’re also more complicated to operate and to apply for, bringing down participation rates.  

Boston’s exemption program requires homeowners to apply only once, after which they’re automatically enrolled until they move, sell the home, or die. The city has partnered with the Massachusetts Department of Revenue so it can use income tax records to verify residency status. “Before, in order to establish residency, we used to have people bring in copies of utility bills and all kinds of other documentation,” says Rakow, Boston’s former assessing commissioner. “Now we can establish residency just by doing a quick check against the income tax records, so that made the administration of the exemption much easier—and it also made it a lot more difficult to cheat.”  

Notably, Boston’s exemption doesn’t cost the city any revenue, or shift the tax burden to businesses; it just rebalances the same total residential tax levy toward higher-value homes.  

It’s also optional for the city. Massachusetts law doesn’t require communities to offer a homestead exemption; each city and town has the option of providing an exemption of up to 35 percent of its average property value. But even if a home’s total value falls under the local exemption threshold, state law does require homeowners to pay something: the exemption tops out at 90 percent of a property’s value. That helps keep homeowners involved and invested in local spending decisions.  

The Need for Equity and Relief 

Whether they pay their property taxes directly or through a mortgage escrow service, most homeowners are aware of increases to their tax bill. So with property values skyrocketing, local governments should be reducing their tax rates accordingly, Youngman says, despite the temptation not to.  

“It’s very hard for local governments to turn away what we call ‘silent tax increases’—where you never change anything on the books, but suddenly the revenue is raised,” Youngman says. But it was fast-rising property tax bills that inspired twentieth-century tax revolts like California’s Proposition 13, which limited assessment increases to 2 percent annually—and led to erratic and inequitable taxation.  

By essentially decoupling assessments from market values, policies like Proposition 13 create inequity on multiple levels. First, two families that own identical properties can end up with wildly different tax bills depending on when they purchased the home, putting new homebuyers at a disadvantage. At the same time, owners of homes that are rising in value the fastest receive a larger tax break than those whose home values are appreciating more slowly, even though the latter often have lower incomes and less wealth. “That is an example of a solution that can raise unanticipated problems,” Youngman says.  

A homestead exemption is a much more fiscally sound and equitable way to ease the property tax burden on residents. And that equity is sorely needed in places where low-priced homes are being overassessed. Even a relatively small homestead exemption—a fraction of the size of Boston’s—can essentially erase such unfairness, McMillen has found. He analyzed data for almost 10,000 municipalities and found the highest concentration of tax regressivity and inconsistency in homes assessed below $100,000. “And what that means is that a fairly modest homestead exemption can just take care of all the regressivity,” he says.  

How modest? In Chicago, the first $30,000 or so of a home’s value is exempt from the property tax, McMillen says—and that seems to be enough to overcome any assessment inequities.   

“It’s a really reasonable, logical approach,” McMillen says. “It’s not that much different from saying, ‘We’re not going to charge an income tax on people who make $10,000 a year, but by the time you get up to median income, you’re going to pay a healthy income tax.’”  

“It does mean the tax burden will get transferred to higher-income people,” McMillen adds. “But you can make an argument right now that it’s being transferred to lower-income people, because they’re being taxed at higher rates than they ought to be.” 

Jon Gorey is a staff writer for the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy.

Image: Jon Gorey

Lincoln Institute President and CEO George W. McCarthy and Peking University Vice President Jin Zhang celebrate the renewal of the collaborative agreement that established the Peking University-Lincoln Institute Center for Urban Development and Land Policy. Credit: Courtesy of PKU.

Peking University–Lincoln Institute Center Celebrates 15th Anniversary

By Katharine Wroth, Novembro 28, 2022


This fall marked the 15th anniversary of the Peking University–Lincoln Institute Center for Urban Development and Land Policy (PLC). Established in 2007, the center has become a leading authority on land policy issues in China, including the property tax, municipal finance, land and housing policies, and land conservation. To celebrate this milestone, the PLC held an event on November 4 that included commemorative remarks, a formal recommitment to the partnership between the two institutions, and several academic presentations on urban development and climate change. 

“The Lincoln Institute works globally on topics largely relating to land policy, and the joint center is an exceptional platform for our China program,” said Katie Lincoln, chief investment officer and board chair of the Lincoln Institute, who delivered congratulatory remarks by video. “During the past 15 years, the center has held numerous conferences, undertaken research and demonstration projects, shared in scholarly exchanges, and happily gained recognition both in and out of China.” 

In addition to Lincoln, several current and former leaders from the two institutions joined the celebration virtually or in person, including Jin Zhang, vice president of Peking University; Jianhua Lin, former president of Peking University; Yansong Li, former vice president of Peking University; George W. McCarthy, president of the Lincoln Institute; Gregory Ingram, former president of the Lincoln Institute; and Joyce Man, former director of the PLC. 

“We are now at a difficult time of Sino-U.S. relations,” said former PKU President Lin. “But I believe that the mutual trust between our two institutions and the confidence about the value of what we do will continue to be a foundation for us to cooperate and move forward.” 

Former Peking University President Jianhua Lin delivers remarks at the PLC's 15th anniversary celebration. Credit: Courtesy of PKU.
Former Peking University President Jianhua Lin delivers remarks at the PLC’s 15th anniversary celebration. Credit: Courtesy of PKU.

During the event, Zhang and McCarthy signed an agreement for continued collaboration between the two organizations. “In the next few years, the PLC will add a new focus on land use and climate change, in support of China’s ambitious goal of achieving net-zero carbon goals by 2060,” noted McCarthy. “The PLC also will help the Lincoln Institute in its global efforts to address the climate crisis. The unique cooperation between the Lincoln Institute and PKU over the last 15 years has been fruitful for China, the United States, and the world in [finding land-based solutions to] economic, social, and environmental challenges. We are excited to embark on another five-year journey together.” 

The center, which conducts research, training, policy analysis, academic exchanges, advisory services, and demonstration projects throughout China, also invited several scholars, fellowship recipients, and others who have been involved with its work over the years to share reflections.  

“I worked with PLC for more than ten years, from winning the Peking University–Lincoln Center scholarship, to guiding students to participate in the center’s fund application, to becoming a partner of the center’s work and research,” said De Tong, associate professor at Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School. “Scholars at the center have become my inspiring mentors and friends, and colleagues at the center have also become comrades-in-arms at work and friends in life.” 

PLC invited former scholarship recipients and other collaborators, including De Tong of Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School, to share reflections at the event. Credit: Courtesy of PKU.

The center has launched an essay contest open to those who have been involved with the PLC over the years, from scholarship recipients to business collaborators to conference participants. Five winning essays, selected in January, will receive a small monetary prize; a copy of the Lincoln Institute book Infrastructure Economics and Policy: International Perspectives, coedited by José A. Gómez-Ibáñez and Zhi Liu, who leads the PLC as director of the Lincoln Institute’s China program; a copy of Advanced Economic Geography by Canfei He, dean of the College of Urban and Environmental Sciences at PKU and associate director of the PLC; and publication on the PLC website. 

The second half of the day’s events was structured as an online forum on climate change and urbanization in the context of China’s dual-carbon goal, which seeks to reach peak carbon by 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2060. Leading policy makers and scholars from China, Hong Kong, and the United States shared their latest thoughts and studies on topics including green building, urban equity, and urban-rural integration, drawing an audience of more than 600 researchers, planners, and others.  

“The dual-carbon goal is a major challenge for China, but also presents new opportunities for China’s continuing urbanization,” said PLC Director Liu. “Urbanization and carbon net-zero has been a hot topic in China’s policy debates, which have been getting more substantive and concrete over the last two years. I found myself learning a lot from these presentations, which deepened my understanding about the challenges and opportunities that the goal of carbon net-zero will bring to our urbanization for the next few decades.” 

Forum topics and presenters included: 

  • the evolution and future of green building, by Dr. Baoxing Qiu, former Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development; 
  • carbon reduction models for commercial real estate, by Professor Siqi Zheng of the Department of Urban Studies and Planning of MIT; 
  • equity and governance under China’s dual-carbon goal, by Professor Shenjing He from the Department of Urban Planning and Design of the University of Hong Kong; 
  • carbon reduction through urban agglomeration, by Professor Ming Lu from Antai School of Economics and Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University; and  
  • urban-rural integration and rural revitalization, by Professor Shouying Liu from the School of Economics of Renmin University. 

Visit the “Our Work” section of our website to learn more about the PLC and to find information about how to connect with the center on WeChat. 



Lead image: Lincoln Institute President and CEO George W. McCarthy and Peking University Vice President Jin Zhang celebrate the renewal of the collaborative agreement that established the Peking University-Lincoln Institute Center for Urban Development and Land Policy. Credit: Courtesy of PKU.


2023 Fundamentals of Municipal Finance Credential

Maio 8, 2023 - Maio 12, 2023

Offered in inglês

As communities continue to struggle with effects of the pandemic and meet an array of urgent needs, from affordable housing to infrastructure, sound municipal finance practices have never been more critical.

While an influx of federal funds is helping local governments serve their residents and invest for the future, these funds are limited, temporary, and often competitive. Communities need to build the capacity to spend federal money well, with equity, efficiency, and sustainability at the center of their decisions. Further, they need to be prepared to adequately and fairly generate their own revenue, especially when federal funding diminishes.

Whether you want to better understand public-private partnerships, debt and municipal securities, or leading land-based finance strategies to finance infrastructure projects, this five-day online program will give you the skills and insights you need as you advance your career in local government or community development.


This program was created by the University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy’s Center for Municipal Finance in partnership with the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy. This course will include modules on the following topics:

  • Urban Economics and Growth
  • Intergovernmental Fiscal Frameworks, Revenues, Budgeting
  • Capital Budgeting and Infrastructure Maintenance
  • Debt/Municipal Securities
  • Land Value Capture
  • Cost-Benefit Analysis
  • Financial Analysis for Land Use and Development Decision Making
  • Public-Private Partnerships
  • Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) in Municipal Finance

Upon completion of the course, participants will receive a certificate signed by both organizations. For planners maintaining their AICP credentials, this course provides 16 Certification Maintenance (CM) credits from the American Planning Association.

Course Format 

The live virtual programming will last approximately 3.75 hours each day, and the additional coursework—viewing prerecorded lectures and reading introductory materials—will require up to two additional hours each day.

Who Should Attend 

Urban planners who work in both the private and public sectors as well as individuals in the economic development, community development, and land development industries.


Nonprofit and public sector: $1,400
Private sector: $2,400

Space is limited.


Maio 8, 2023 - Maio 12, 2023
9:00 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. (EDT, UTC-4)
Application Period
Novembro 17, 2022 - Fevereiro 8, 2023
Number of Credits
Educational Credit Type
AICP CM credits
Related Links


Desenvolvimento Econômico, Infraestrutura, Uso do Solo, Governo Local, Saúde Fiscal Municipal, Planejamento, Tributação Imobiliária, Finanças Públicas