Topic: Planejamento Urbano e Regional

Message from the President

Toward a Theory of Urban Evolution
By George W. McCarthy, Julho 29, 2016

In his 1937 essay “What is a City?,” Lewis Mumford described an evolutionary process through which the “badly organized mass city” would evolve into a new type of “poly-nucleated” city, “adequately spaced and bounded”: 

“Twenty such cities, in a region whose environment and whose resources were adequately planned, would have all the benefits of a metropolis that held a million people, without its ponderous disabilities: its capital frozen into unprofitable utilities, and its land values congealed at levels that stand in the way of effective adaptation to new needs.”

For Mumford, such cities, designed with strong public participation, would become the nuclei of new poly-nucleated metropolitan regions that result in:

“A more comprehensive life for the region, for this geographic area can, only now, for the first time be treated as an instantaneous whole for all the functions of social existence. Instead of trusting to the mere massing of populations to produce the necessary social concentration and social drama, we must now seek these results through deliberate local nucleation and a finer regional articulation.”

Unfortunately, since Mumford wrote these words, we have not achieved poly-nucleated cities or regions. Nor have we advanced a theory of urban evolution. Urban theorists have described cities, used basic pattern recognition to detect relationships among the potential components of urban evolution, or offered narrow prescriptions to fix one urban challenge while generating inevitable unintended consequences that pose new challenges. This is because we have never developed a real science of cities. 

For more than a century, planners, sociologists, historians, and economists have theorized about cities and their evolution by categorizing them, as noted by Laura Bliss in a well-documented 2014 CityLab article about the likelihood of an emerging evolutionary theory of cities. They generated multiple typologies of cities, from functional classifications to rudimentary taxonomies (see Harris, 1943, Functional Classification of Cities in the United StatesAtlas of Urban ExpansionAtlas of Cities). But they based these classifications on arbitrarily chosen categories and did little to inform our understanding of how cities became what they are or to presage what they might become. 

Even Jane Jacobs, in a foreword to her 1961 book, The Death and Life of Great American Cities, called for the development of an ecology of cities—a scientific exploration of the forces that shape cities—but provided only narrative accounts of what defined great cities, mostly with regard to design, as part of her ongoing assault on the orthodox planning profession. In some of her later work, Jacobs set out principles to define great cities, based mostly on form, but she never provided a framework to improve the science of urban theory.

Modern urban theory is plagued by several shortcomings. It is not analytic. It fails to provide a framework for generating hypotheses and the empirical analysis to test those theories. And the research, in general, focuses on big iconic cities, rather than a representative global selection of urban settlements that captures the differences between big and small cities, primary and secondary cities, industrial and commercial cities. Importantly, the research provides little guidance regarding how we might intervene to improve our future cities to support sustainable human habitation on the planet. 

The New Urban Agenda—to be announced in October at the third UN-Habitat conference, in Quito, Ecuador—will present consensual global objectives for sustainable urbanization. These objectives provide guidance for United Nations member states as they prepare for the gargantuan task of welcoming 2.5 billion new urbanites to the world’s cities over the next thirty years—culminating the 250-year process through which human settlement moved from almost entirely rural and agrarian to predominantly urban contexts. But before we attempt to implement the New Urban Agenda, we must confront the serious limitations in our understanding of cities and urban evolution. A new “science of cities” would buttress our efforts to get this last stage of urbanization right.

I do not intend to present a new science of cities in this message. Instead, I will suggest a way to frame one that borrows from evolutionary theory. The evolution of species is driven by four main forces, and it seems reasonable that corollary forces help to shape the evolution of cities. These forces are: natural selection, gene flow, mutation, and random drift. And they play out in predictable ways that shape cities—where city growth replaces reproductive success as an indicator of evolutionary success.

Natural selection is a process of impulse and response. It relates to how a city responds to changing external factors (impulses) that support or inhibit success. Impulses can be economic, environmental, or political, but they are, importantly, outside the control of the city. Economic restructuring, for example, might select against cities that depend on manufacturing, have inflexibly trained workforces, or extract or produce single commodities that face changes in demand in global markets. Climate change and sea-level rise will inhibit the success of coastal cities or those exposed to severe weather events. Political impulses might include regime changes, social uprisings, or war. Or they might be something as seemingly minor as a change in allocation formulae for national revenues. Every impulse will benefit some cities and harm others. A city’s ability to respond to different impulses might be a measure of its resilience, which is directly influenced by the three other evolutionary forces. 

Migration (gene flow) helps to diversify the economic, social, and age structures of cities through the exchange of people, resources, and technologies. Presumably, the in-migration of people, capital, and new technology improves a city’s ability to respond to external impulses. Out-migration, in general, would reduce this ability. 

Mutation, for cities, is an unpredictable change in technology or practice occurring within a city. It might be shorthanded as innovation or disruption. 

Random drift involves longer-term changes in cities that result from cultural or behavioral shifts. These might include decisions to maintain or preserve long-term assets, real or cultural. Drift describes the unpredictable ways that cities might change their character. 

As noted, I do not want to lay out a new theory of urban evolution here. I merely want to recommend this direction in order to invigorate our thinking around urban change more rigorously and systematically. A significant amount of work has already gone into quantifying elements of this framework. Risk theorists and insurers have quantified many of the external impulses that challenge cities. Demographers and population theorists have studied human migration, and macroeconomists have studied capital flows. A lot of attention has been paid to innovation and disruption in the last couple of decades. Random drift is a little less studied. But, as Bliss points out, big data and new technologies might help us to detect longer-terms drift. In any case, a larger framework that weaves these disparate areas of work together would advance our understanding of urban evolution. 

On a cautionary note, while an evolutionary theory of cities would be a signal advancement of urban theory, it is useful to remember that, unlike evolution, which is a mostly passive process—species enduring the external forces that act on them—cities, in theory at least, are driven by more purposive behavior: planning. But planners need better tools to drive their practices and to test their approaches. If we are to successfully implement the New Urban Agenda, a toolkit based on evolutionary science would be hugely helpful. As Mumford concluded in his 1937 essay:

“To embody these new possibilities in city life, which come to us not merely through better technical organization but through acuter sociological understanding, and to dramatize the activities themselves in appropriate individual and urban structures, forms the task of the coming generation.”

We at the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy stand ready to support coming generations in comprehensive and scientific analysis of urban evolution and the important role that effective land policies can play in driving it. Our urban future depends on it.


Approaches and Policies for the Informal City in Latin America

Maio 7, 2016 - Maio 25, 2016

Free, offered in espanhol

Planners in industrialized countries have developed and disseminated a set of prescriptions to address informality. These prescriptions have been embraced by multilateral agencies and turned into public policies in Latin America. The objectives of this course are to present the basic features of the approaches underpinning current policies toward the informal city in Latin America and to explain their origins, central ideas and basic premises, emphasizing issues related to land policies. Specific requirements: The course is aimed at professionals who have participated or are participating in the implementation of policies against informal cities.


Maio 7, 2016 - Maio 25, 2016
Application Period
Abril 11, 2016 - Abril 24, 2016
Selection Notification Date
Maio 2, 2016 at 6:00 PM
Registration Fee
Educational Credit Type
Lincoln Institute certificate


Desenvolvimento, Desenvolvimento Econômico, Habitação, Inequidade, Mercados Fundiários Informais, Infraestrutura, Uso do Solo, Políticas Públicas, Favela, Desenvolvimento Urbano, Melhoria Urbana e Regularização


Professional Development Course on Large-Scale Urban (Re-)Development Projects

Maio 22, 2016 - Maio 27, 2016

Mexico City, Mexico

Free, offered in espanhol

This professional development course examines large-scale projects designed to promote the redevelopment or regeneration of deteriorated or abandoned urban areas; the extension of the urban perimeter; the strengthening of growth centers; and/or the creation or rehabilitation of central city areas, including historic centers. The course focuses on policies and a broad set of land-based tools and management instruments to finance and fairly redistribute costs and benefits, and/or promote social urban integration. The course presents methodologies to evaluate the impact of these large-scale projects and critically analyzes a wide variety of case studies.


Maio 22, 2016 - Maio 27, 2016
Application Period
Janeiro 15, 2016 - Fevereiro 15, 2016
Selection Notification Date
Fevereiro 29, 2016 at 6:00 PM
Mexico City, Mexico
Registration Fee
Educational Credit Type
Lincoln Institute certificate


Desenvolvimento, Desenvolvimento Econômico, Governo Local, Tributação Imobiliária, Finanças Públicas, Urbano


Video Classes on Urban Land Policy

Offered in espanhol

The video classes are multimedia treatments of diverse topics related to urban land policy. Developed to support both moderated and self-paced courses of the Program on Latin America and the Caribbean’s distance education, they are also well suited to generate discussion in neighborhood associations, professional associations, public entities and other groups interested in these topics. Videos are presented primarily in Spanish.




Estimativa, Cadastro, Computadorizado, Desenvolvimento, Desenvolvimento Econômico, Economia, Meio Ambiente, Planejamento Ambiental, SIG, Habitação, Mercados Fundiários Informais, Infraestrutura, Lei de Uso do Solo, Monitoramento do Mercado Fundiário, Regulação dos Mercados Fundiários, Uso do Solo, Planejamento de Uso do Solo, Valor da Terra, Tributação Imobiliária, Tributação Base Solo, Temas Legais, Governo Local, Mapeamento, Planejamento, Tributação Imobiliária, Finanças Públicas, Políticas Públicas, Favela, Ordem Espacial, Desenvolvimento Sustentável, Tributação, Desenvolvimento Urbano, Melhoria Urbana e Regularização, Urbanismo, Valoração, Recuperação de Mais-Valias, Tributação de Valores


Vacant Land, the Compact City and Sustainability

Maio 7, 2016 - Maio 25, 2016

Free, offered in espanhol

In recent years, vacant land has acquired great importance in the definition of land policies. Housing programs need vacant land and an increased demand for its purchase ends up in land value increments that often make programs unfeasible. This course, offered in Spanish, aims to present alternatives for the management of vacant land in the definition of land policies.


Maio 7, 2016 - Maio 25, 2016
Application Period
Abril 11, 2016 - Abril 24, 2016
Educational Credit Type
Lincoln Institute certificate


Habitação, Valor da Terra, Planejamento, Políticas Públicas, Desenvolvimento Sustentável, Valoração


Vacant Land, the Compact City and Sustainability

Novembro 10, 2014 - Novembro 24, 2014

Free, offered in espanhol

In recent years, the idea of vacant land has acquired great importance within the definition land policy. As housing programs require the use of vacant land, the demand for such land grows, resulting in elevated values that often make these programs unfeasible. This course, offered in Spanish, takes a closer look at alternatives for vacant land management in land policy.


Novembro 10, 2014 - Novembro 24, 2014
Application Period
Outubro 13, 2014 - Outubro 29, 2014
Registration Fee
Educational Credit Type
Lincoln Institute certificate


Habitação, Valor da Terra, Planejamento, Políticas Públicas, Desenvolvimento Sustentável, Valoração


Urban Land Policy for Latin American Journalists

Março 17, 2016 - Março 19, 2016

Lima, Peru

Free, offered in espanhol

This course is especially designed to provide an understanding about current urban issues in Latin American cities and their roots in land and urban policies to a journalism audience. Mass media and journalism professionals have great potential to inform the public regarding cities and their problems as well as influence urban and land policy. The course will cover the fundamentals of land markets (land use and price determination), the nature and limits of property rights in Latin American legislation, and alternative land-based tools for financing urban (re)development. Special attention will be given to new urban planning instruments currently being applied in the region, including value capture, inclusionary zoning, and regularization of informal settlements.


Março 17, 2016 - Março 19, 2016
Application Period
Janeiro 28, 2016 - Fevereiro 15, 2016
Lima, Peru
Educational Credit Type
Lincoln Institute certificate


Infraestrutura, Monitoramento do Mercado Fundiário, Planejamento de Uso do Solo, Planejamento, Tributação Imobiliária, Finanças Públicas, Políticas Públicas, Valoração


Reviewing the Basics of Planning for Land Management

Abril 10, 2015 - Maio 17, 2015

Free, offered in espanhol

The course, offered in Spanish, provides a space to discuss new theoretical perspectives and practical experiences that seek to challenge and overcome some weaknesses of traditional technocratic planning, and the need to make visible the state’s role in building the city and the impact that planning decisions have on land markets.


Abril 10, 2015 - Maio 17, 2015
Application Period
Março 16, 2015 - Março 30, 2015
Educational Credit Type
Lincoln Institute certificate


Habitação, Monitoramento do Mercado Fundiário, Uso do Solo, Planejamento de Uso do Solo, Temas Legais, Governo Local, Planejamento, Desenvolvimento Urbano, Zonificação


Municipal Fiscal Health and Urban Planning

Julho 4, 2016 - Julho 8, 2016

Beijing, China

Offered in inglês

Each year, the Program on the People’s Republic of China offers a week-long capacity-building “Training the Trainers” course to young faculty members, researchers, and practitioners from universities, government agencies, and institutions across China. The subject of the course varies each year, often targeting to the specific need for knowledge relevant to the current policy reform. The course is taught by internationally-reputed scholars in relevant fields. This year the course topics are Municipal Fiscal Health and Urban Planning.


Julho 4, 2016 - Julho 8, 2016
Peking University
Beijing, China
Educational Credit Type
Lincoln Institute certificate


Infraestrutura, Saúde Fiscal Municipal, Planejamento, Finanças Públicas, Urbano, Desenho Urbano, Desenvolvimento Urbano, Recuperação de Mais-Valias