Topic: Governo local

Faculty Profile

Jack R. Huddleston
Julho 1, 2005

Jack Huddleston is professor of urban and regional planning and is affiliated with the Gaylord Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He received his Ph.D. in economics from Oklahoma State University and worked as chief economic development planner and chief of local fiscal policy analysis for the State of Wisconsin prior to joining the university. He teaches planning methods and financial planning in the graduate planning program at Madison and is a faculty member in the land resources, water resources management, and energy analysis and policy programs within the Gaylord Nelson Institute. His recent research has focused on applied local government finance issues in the U.S. and the former Soviet Union; energy subsidy schemes in the Dominican Republic and Indonesia; and watershed management and sustainable development in western Mexico.

Land Lines: What do planners need to know about local budgeting, and why?

Jack Huddleston: Planners tend to think narrowly within the boundaries of the functional or physical areas for which they plan. For example, planners charged with preparing and implementing land use plans often are mainly concerned with forecasting land use needs, reconciling land use conflicts, and developing and administering implementation tools such as zoning ordinances. They are not overly concerned with such facts as over the last decade the city’s tax base has been growing at only one percent per year, city spending has been growing by three percent per year, and the city’s bond rating has slipped from Aa to B. The thinking is, “planners plan; others budget.”

Arguably, planners have more impact on the fiscal health of cities and regions than any other civil servant or elected official. They set the path for tax base growth and local government spending patterns far into the future. The things planners do on a daily basis—land use planning, transportation planning, environmental planning, social services planning and so forth—directly affect local government budgets.

When planners approve development on the urban fringe, for example, they have just affected economic conditions throughout the region. Decisions to approve commercial rather than industrial development have similar impacts. The final development project will determine the specific impact on local government revenues and spending, but the decisions made by planners set the direction and relative dimensions of the tax base and local government spending impacts that will occur later. Thus, it is important that planners understand what the local government budget represents, how it is composed, and how it changes over time if they are to understand how their activities affect local budgets.

LL: What kinds of direct impacts can planners have on the community budgeting process?

JH: The local budget serves both existing development, such as current residents, businesses, churches, commuters and visitors, and new development. Public revenues from property, sales and income taxes and user charges from existing activities are relatively stable over time, after adjusting for the impacts of inflation. Similar stability exists for local government spending to support existing activities.

Planners have their greatest impact on local government budgets when they adopt or approve plans for new development. It is here that the dimensions of new tax base growth are determined. It is also here that local government spending patterns are established. Residential development will require new streets and schools; commercial development will require streets, storm water management, and transportation system improvements; and industrial development will require special kinds of fire protection, major shipping services, and so forth. All types of development will involve the exhaustion of excess capacity in existing public infrastructure and require investment in new infrastructure.

LL: How do you get planning board members and planning practitioners to become concerned about and interested in these issues?

JH: There is actually very little need to get planning board members more interested in the fiscal side of planning than they already are. They feel the political pressure to keep taxes low on almost every decision they make. Their concern is largely how to measure the fiscal impacts of their decisions, in terms of both revenues and spending. In addition, they want to know how to evaluate the fiscal impact of their decisions against other goals and constraints, such as economic growth, social justice and fairness, environmental sensitivity, and so forth.

The knowledge/motivation gap for practicing planners is more significant and probably started during their graduate studies and training. Courses dealing with the fiscal side of planning, if available, are often the course taken after all the “useful and fun” courses are completed. After all, planning job listings often announce positions for “land use planners” or “transportation planners,” but few advertise for “financial planners.”

The key to getting practicing planners more interested in the fiscal side of planning is to establish the view that good planning without good finance is largely nonsustainable planning. At the University of Wisconsin-Madison we have included financial planning in the basic toolbox of skills and knowledge we think all planners should command. These skills, which we call intrinsic planning skills, include other tools such as map making, public participation, public speaking and effective communications.

LL: What current trends in local budgeting are relevant to planning goals?

JH: Most of the trends in local budgeting that directly affect attainment of planning goals come from external sources. For example, federal and state governments increasingly are getting out of urban development and redevelopment efforts. The need for such efforts has not diminished and, if anything, has increased, but higher levels of government have decided that such efforts are primarily of local interest. At the same time local governments are being required to fund new programs for efforts such as homeland security and environmental remediation. In general, pressures have been building for ever-increasing spending on the part of local governments.

On the revenue side of the local budget, state statutes limit the amount of revenues that local governments can raise. State governments have preferred reserving the high-yield income tax to fund state government, leaving the property tax as the primary source of funds for local governments. This reliance on the property tax has led to the property tax “revolts” and “restraint movements” that we read about across the country. In general, the sentiment to reduce property tax burdens has led local governments to find alternatives to the property tax, placing more importance on user charges and other locally based financial tools such as tax increment financing.

LL: How can planners address public resistance to property tax increases?

JH: Planners will need to become part planner and part public educator. Citizens value the public goods and services provided by local governments, but they also perceive that the costs of government are getting too high. To some extent there is a disconnect between the value of public goods and services received by local residents and businesses and the need to fund these services. Most of us appreciate the fact that citizenship has a price, but we are more willing to pay when we understand the uses to which public resources are being put and the benefits that will be generated.

This is where the planner as educator comes in. As planners, we often think of our activities as acres of land, dwelling units per acre, traffic flow per hour, or biological oxygen demand of the river [BOD is a measure of water pollution]. These same concepts can be translated into fiscal terms. We need to be able to talk about how various planning activities will affect the local budget, both in the short run and in the long term.

Comprehensive plans, for example, will affect the property tax base of a community for years into the future. Development patterns will affect how cities and regions spend their limited resources over time. Public infrastructure projects not only affect how and when development will take place, but they also place financial commitments on current and future residents. Sustainable development requires that planners be able to anticipate physical, social and financial needs and constraints, and that they are able to communicate these factors convincingly to interested citizens and decision makers.

LL: How is your work with the Lincoln Institute helping to broaden awareness about fiscal planning?

JH: I am working with Roz Greenstein, co-chair of the Institute’s Department of Planning and Development, on an effort to “train the trainers” in the fiscal dimensions of planning. The concept is to assemble leading scholars and practitioners in the fields of public finance and planning in order to develop educational materials that can be used initially in graduate planning programs and subsequently in professional continuing education programs. The materials will cover the basics of municipal budgeting and finance for planners and will stress both how the activities of planners affect local budgets and how local fiscal conditions affect the activities of planners.

The first year of this effort is producing educational materials on the legal and institutional context for local budgets, the intersection between planning and local budgets, the content and process for developing local government operating and capital budgets, property tax administration and policy, fiscal impact analysis and fiscal impacts of development. This material will be presented and discussed in a workshop at the Lincoln Institute in July 2005. Invited participants include senior and junior faculty and professionals from across the U.S. and Canada. This group will not only test the first phase of these materials, but also will develop the agenda for topics to be covered in future sets of materials.

The goal of the overall effort is to increase planners’ understanding of the fiscal dimensions of planning. In concept, participants in the July workshop will be better able to incorporate fiscal thinking into courses at their respective institutions. Educational materials will also be made available to the broader academic community for the same purposes. The Institute’s investment in this important initiative has the potential to enhance planning education in the near term, but more importantly to change the way planning practitioners think about the work they do on an everyday basis.

Related Publication

Venkatesh, Harini. 2004. Local public finance: A glossary. Working paper. Cambridge, MA: Lincoln Institute of Land Policy.

Report from the President

The Changing Landscape of Local Public Revenues
Gregory K. Ingram, Julho 1, 2009

El camino a la recuperación

Cómo gobernar la reconstrucción después de una catástrofe
Laurie A. Johnson and Robert B. Olshansky, Julho 1, 2013

Imagínese por un instante que usted es un líder político –un primer ministro, presidente o gobernador– y que se despierta con la noticia de que se produjo un desastre natural. Hubo víctimas, se derrumbaron edificios, la infraestructura está colapsando y los líderes locales necesitan desesperadamente recursos adicionales y soporte.

Usted responde inmediatamente, enviando personal y equipos a la zona del desastre y prometiendo ayuda adicional a los líderes locales. Su país, como muchos en el mundo, ha institucionalizado un sistema de respuesta escalonado, que va incorporando por niveles a los gobiernos regional, estatal y nacional a medida que las demandas de la catástrofe exceden la capacidad de respuesta local. Pero a los pocos días, o incluso horas –incluso antes de haber tratado a todas las víctimas y de haber hecho un recuento de todos los ciudadanos, antes de haber quitado los escombros de las calles y de haber restaurado los servicios básicos– otros líderes y los medios de comunicación ya están exigiendo respuestas a cuestiones que usted no ha tenido siquiera tiempo para considerar. ¿Cuánto dinero se destinará a la reconstrucción? ¿Qué criterios se usarán para guiarla? ¿Se permitirá a todos los propietarios que reconstruyan sus propiedades? ¿Quién dirigirá el proceso? ¿Es necesaria una nueva institución o estructura de gobierno para reducir las trabas burocráticas y acelerar la reconstrucción?

Este artículo reseña las investigaciones en curso sobre el papel de los diversos niveles de gobierno en la recuperación y reconstrucción exitosa después de una catástrofe (tabla 1). Representa la síntesis de dos décadas de investigaciones y prácticas de planificación sobre recuperación después de algunos de los desastres más grandes de nuestra era en los Estados Unidos, Japón, China, Taiwán, Indonesia, India, Nueva Zelanda, Australia, Chile y otros lugares. Su propósito es extraer lecciones comunes en estos ambientes tan diversos y ayudar a facilitar la recuperación de comunidades afectadas por desastres en el futuro.

La gestión de recuperación en el mundo

Los gobiernos responsables de la reconstrucción después de catástrofes enfrentan una serie extraordinaria de desafíos de gestión. El primer desafío es la compresión de las actividades en el tiempo y concentradas en el espacio, ya que ciudades construidas en el curso de décadas, si no siglos, se destruyen o dañan de improviso, y se deben reconstruir en una fracción del tiempo que se tardó en edificarlas. Esta tensión genera un segundo desafío: una aguda tensión entre velocidad y reflexión, ya que los diversos actores del proceso de recuperación en las comunidades afectadas tratan de tomar con urgencia decisiones bien pensadas y meditadas que aseguren recuperación óptima a largo plazo. Estos dos fenómenos generan un tercer desafío: la necesidad de acceder inmediatamente a una gran cantidad de dinero e información, las dos monedas más valiosas en la recuperación posterior a una catástrofe.

Para satisfacer estas demandas, los gobiernos de todos los países crean nuevas agencias de ayuda o reorganizan de manera significativa sus organizaciones existentes después de cada catástrofe importante. La causa más común de estas transformaciones en el gobierno después de una catástrofe es la falta de capacidad. Los gobiernos siguen teniendo que atender sus actividades diarias normales, y al mismo tiempo coordinar la reconstrucción o reinvención de las comunidades afectadas, de manera que crean o designan una entidad que pueda centrarse diariamente en la reconstrucción y coordinar las actividades pertinentes de las múltiples agencias gubernamentales. Estas agencias de recuperación, designadas generalmente para una variedad de propósitos e instancias gubernamentales, se hacen cargo de una gama de funciones esenciales, a medida que se reconstruyen la infraestructura, las viviendas y la actividad económica. Difieren en el tipo y escala de coordinación que brindan; el alcance de su autoridad, especialmente con respecto al flujo de dinero e información; y el nivel de gobierno en el que actúan, ya sea nacional, estatal o intergubernamental.

Los gobiernos nacionales gestionan las catástrofes de gran envergadura al nivel político más alto, movilizando los recursos financieros de las reservas nacionales o de ayuda internacional, y proporcionando el nivel de respaldo necesario a los niveles menores de gobierno en la localidad afectada por el desastre. Cuando se producen grandes catástrofes que transcienden los límites estatales o provinciales, los gobiernos nacionales también adoptan un papel activo en el desarrollo de las políticas de recuperación, y crean organizaciones para asistirlos. Algunos ejemplos son la Agencia de Reconstrucción Nacional de Japón, establecida después del terremoto y maremoto de 2011; la Autoridad de Recuperación del Terremoto de Canterbury en Nueva Zelanda, creada después de la secuencia de terremotos de 2010 y 2011 en Christchurch; y el Cuartel General de Ayuda para Terremotos en China, después del desastre de 2008 en Wenchuan. Cada uno de estos organismos internacionales se atenía a la dirección de la administración nacional, su autoridad derivaba de los niveles más altos de gobierno y articulaban sus políticas con la aprobación de la administración vigente.


Tabla 1: Experiencias de gestión de recuperación alrededor del mundo


Autoridad de Reconstrucción y Recuperación de Incendios Forestales de Victoria

  • Constituida después de los incendios forestales de febrero de 2009, desmantelada en junio de 2011; sus operaciones se transfirieron a departamentos gubernamentales, concejos locales y grupos sin fines de lucro.
  • Departamento a nivel estatal formado mediante un acuerdo nacional-estatal.
  • Tenía amplios poderes y responsabilidad de liderar y coordinar la recuperación y reconstrucción, incluyendo la planificación y reconstrucción concreta a nivel estatal y de comunidad.,li>

Autoridad de Reconstrucción de Queensland

  • Establecida en febrero de 2011 tras las inundaciones de 2010–2011 en Queensland; todavía existe.
  • Autoridad legal a nivel estatal, establecida por el parlamento estatal.
  • Tiene amplios poderes para decidir las prioridades de recuperación, trabajar de cerca con las comunidades, recabar información sobre propiedades e infraestructura, compartir datos con todos los niveles del gobierno, coordinar y distribuir ayuda económica, implementar las prioridades estratégicas de la junta y facilitar la mitigación de inundaciones.


Ministerio de Vivienda y Urbanismo—MINVU

  • Principal agencia nacional encargada de la reconstrucción y el desarrollo del plan de reconstrucción nacional después del terremoto y maremoto de 2010 en Chile.
  • Comité interministerial establecido por el presidente de Chile. Incluye a representantes del MINVU y todos los demás ministerios nacionales involucrados en la recuperación y reconstrucción; coordina el presupuesto nacional y las finanzas, integra el trabajo de ministerios involucrados en la reconstrucción, y coordina y supervisa la implementación de proyectos complejos a lo largo del tiempo.


Cuartel General de Ayuda para Terremotos

  • Constituido después del terremoto de 2008 en Wenchuan.
  • Establecido dentro del Consejo Estatal de China (el gabinete de China); su director nominal es el primer ministro.


Autoridad para la Gestión de Catástrofes del Estado de Gujarat (GSDMA)

  • Constituida después del terremoto de 2001; todavía existe.
  • Formada administrativamente como agencia de implementación del estado; formalizada más adelante por medio de legislación en 2003.
  • Agencia a nivel de gabinete; su presidente es el jefe de gobierno.
  • Cuenta con amplios poderes para gestionar los fondos públicos de recuperación (provistos por el gobierno de India, Gujarat y donantes internacionales), fijar políticas, publicar pautas de recuperación, y planificar, coordinar y supervisar la recuperación.


  • Establecida después del terremoto de 2001 en Gujarat; todavía existe.
  • Una red de 30 ONG que facilita las actividades entre las ONG, comunidades y el gobierno.
  • Avalada y respaldada formalmente por el gobierno.

Unidad de Gestión de Proyectos

  • Creada después del terremoto de 1993 en el estado de Maharashtra.
  • Implementó las políticas establecidas por un subcomité de políticas de recuperación a nivel de gabinete.
  • Enfocada en la implementación de proyectos de reconstrucción comunitaria, con autoridad para supervisar otras agencias estatales y contratar a consultores.


Agencia de Reconstrucción y Rehabilitación—BRR

  • Constituida después del maremoto de 2004 en el Océano Índico, con una duración de 4 años.
  • Operó bajo la autoridad del presidente.
  • Tenía un margen considerable para coordinar, supervisar e implementar las actividades de recuperación; se hizo cargo de la reconstrucción de viviendas cuando otras agencias fracasaron en su intento.
  • Construyó capacidad para el gobierno de Aceh después de 30 años de conflicto armado.

Equipo de Coordinación para la Rehabilitación y Reconstrucción—TTN

  • Establecido por decreto presidencial después del terremoto de 2006 en las provincias de Yogyakarta y Java Central.
  • Equipo de coordinación de representantes nacionales y provinciales.
  • Mejoró la coordinación y comunicación entre el gobierno central y los gobiernos locales.


Agencia de Reconstrucción Nacional

  • Constituida después del terremoto y maremoto del 11 de marzo de 2011; sigue existiendo.
  • Agencia nacional responsable en forma directa ante el primer ministro.
  • Fija pautas de planificación local, aprueba planes locales de recuperación y coordina el trabajo de ministerios nacionales a medida que implementan la reconstrucción.

Nueva Zelanda

Autoridad de Recuperación del Terremoto de Canterbury

  • Constituida después del terremoto de 2011 en Christchurch; su mandato vence en abril de 2016.
  • Agencia nacional, que reporta a un ministro especial a nivel de gabinete nombrado para la recuperación del terremoto de Canterbury.
  • Amplios poderes para liderar la política y planificación de recuperación, y para manejar las funciones críticas de recuperación y reconstrucción para el gobierno nacional y los gobiernos locales.


Comisión de Recuperación Post-Terremoto del 921

  • Constituida después del terremoto de 1999 en la zona central de Taiwán.
  • Organización nacional temporal formalizada por decreto presidencial; disuelta en 2006.
  • Agencia del gobierno central liderada por tres ministros de estado; incluyó a representantes de varios departamentos nacionales.
  • Responsable de todas las actividades de recuperación después del terremoto.

Consejo de Reconstrucción Post-Desastre de Morakot

  • Constituido después del tifón de 2009 en el sur de Taiwán.
  • Agencia del gobierno central siguiendo el modelo de la Comisión de Recuperación Post-Terremoto del 921.
  • Responsable de todas las actividades de ayuda y reconstrucción.

Estados Unidos

Corporación de Desarrollo del Bajo Manhattan

  • Constituida después de los ataques terroristas del 11 de septiembre de 2001; sigue en funcionamiento.
  • Corporación conjunta de la ciudad y el estado, gobernada por una junta directiva de 16 miembros (la mitad nombrada por el gobernador de Nueva York y la otra mitad por el alcalde de Nueva York).
  • Agencia líder en la planificación de reconstrucción del bajo Manhattan; responsable de la distribución de fondos federales de reconstrucción.

Autoridad de Recuperación de Luisiana

  • Constituida después del huracán Katrina en 2005; expandió su alcance después del huracán Rita en 2005; desmantelada en 2010.
  • Agencia estatal que estableció las políticas de recuperación, realizó recomendaciones sobre políticas de recuperación al gobernador y la asamblea legislativa, y supervisó las actividades de recuperación de las agencias estatales.


De forma similar, las agencias de recuperación a nivel estatal en general se crean como respuesta directa a catástrofes que afectan una región u otra jurisdicción subnacional. La autoridad y legalidad de estas entidades están más limitadas por la posición secundaria y subnacional de la entidad que les otorga autoridad en el gobierno. Ejemplos de estas entidades son la Autoridad de Gestión de Catástrofes del Estado de Gujarat (GSDMA), creada después del terremoto de 2001 en India Occidental; la Autoridad de Recuperación de Luisiana, fundada después del huracán Katrina en 2005; la Autoridad de Recuperación y Reconstrucción de Incendios Forestales (VBRRA) del estado de Victoria, establecida después de los incendios forestales de 2009 en Australia; y la Autoridad de Reconstrucción del estado de Queensland, establecida después de las inundaciones en Australia en el verano de 2010-2011.

Existe una tercera clase de organizaciones diseñadas para operar entre distintos niveles de gobierno, como la Corporación de Desarrollo del Bajo Manhattan, creada como una asociación entre el estado y la ciudad para planificar y financiar las actividades de recuperación después de los ataques terroristas del 11 de septiembre de 2001 en la Ciudad de Nueva York. Otro ejemplo, la Agencia de Rehabilitación y Reconstrucción (BRR), creada en Aceh, Indonesia, después del maremoto de 2004, consistía en tres agencias independientes cuya composición provenía de una amplia gama de actores locales y nacionales. En forma similar, el Equipo de Coordinación para Rehabilitación y Reconstrucción (TTN) del gobierno indonesio después del terremoto de 2006 en Yogyakarta y Java Central fue diseñado como puente entre agencias nacionales y locales, y también supervisó e investigó los problemas de implementación a nivel local.

En algunos casos, los gobiernos deciden modificar o adaptar instituciones y procedimientos existentes para ayudar a gestionar la recuperación. Por ejemplo, Chile estableció un comité interministerial a nivel nacional después del terremoto y maremoto de 2010, pero el Ministerio de Vivienda y Urba-nismo existente amplió sus funciones y responsabilidades, y coordinó los esfuerzos de planificación e implementación a nivel nacional.

El control del dinero, la información, la colaboración y el tiempo

Considerando estos factores comunes a todos los entornos de recuperación posteriores a catástrofes, nuestra investigación demuestra que la clave para gobernar efectivamente estas crisis de gran envergadura es el control del dinero, la información, la colaboración y el tiempo. Ofrecemos en este artículo algunos ejemplos de buenas prácticas y lecciones aprendidas en nuestros diversos estudios de organizaciones a nivel de país.

1. La gestión del dinero: obtención y distribución de fondos en forma eficiente, efectiva y equitativa para la recuperación

Cuando se tiene que movilizar una gran cantidad de fondos públicos en la reconstrucción después de desastres, el verdadero poder reside en el nivel de gobierno que controla el flujo de dinero y cómo lo adquiere, asigna, desembolsa y audita. A veces, la organización encargada de la recuperación asume algunos o todos estos poderes, y otras veces toda la autoridad de financiamiento reside en el mismo lugar que antes de la catástrofe: las ramas legislativa y administrativa. Algunas funciones importantes en el entorno posterior al desastre son la fijación de políticas y prioridades para asignar grandes sumas de dinero, y el establecimiento de sistemas de contabilidad que permitan el desembolso oportuno de fondos críticos, proporcionando al mismo tiempo transpa-rencia y minimizando la corrupción.

Algunas organizaciones, como la entidad a nivel estatal GSDMA de India, se establecen específicamente para reunir todos los fondos de recuperación en un solo lugar, para poder asignarlos y desembolsarlos más adelante. Algunas entidades, como una de las tres ramas de la agencia intergubernamental BRR de Indonesia, se crean para auditar y controlar en forma independiente los gastos de las organizaciones a cargo de implementar la recuperación. En contraste, la Autoridad de Recuperación de Luisiana, una agencia a nivel estatal, recomendaba las prioridades de financiamiento al estado y proporcionaba supervisión en la medida de lo necesario, pero no tenía control directo sobre los fondos. La Agencia de Reconstrucción Nacional de Japón recibió fondos nacionales y asignó el dinero a los ministerios nacionales y gobiernos locales pertinentes.

2. El aumento del flujo de información: recopilación, integración y diseminación efectivas de información para mejorar la toma de decisiones y las acciones de todos aquellos involucrados en la recuperación.

Una demanda crítica es acelerar y ampliar el flujo de información entre aquellos involucrados en la recuperación sobre la dinámica de las medidas de reconstrucción y las oportunidades emergentes. Este desafío comprende los procesos de planificación y participación pública que proporcionan información a los ciudadanos y las instituciones involucradas en la recuperación, facilitan la comunicación y las innovaciones entre los encargados de la recuperación, y comunican las inquietudes de los ciudadanos a agencias gubernamentales y ONG de manera oportuna. También exige intercambiar información entre organizaciones gubernamentales y no gubernamentales, y establecer foros para facilitar la coordinación.

En Victoria, Australia, después de los incendios forestales de 2009, los líderes nacionales y estatales colaboraron con las comunidades afectadas para formar más de 30 comités locales de recuperación, que tuvieron la responsabilidad de desarrollar un plan de recuperación comunitario e identificar prioridades y proyectos locales. Estos comités fueron utilizados por los gobiernos estatales y el gobierno nacional como puntos focales para la distribución de financiamiento local, y por las comunidades locales para recaudar fondos adicionales y establecer pautas normativas locales de reconstrucción. En Yogyakarta, Java, después del terremoto de 2006, TTN mantuvo mutuamente informadas a agencias locales y nacionales sobre las actividades realizadas por las demás, lo cual, a su vez, ayudó a alertar a los funcionarios sobre problemas potenciales.

Una función crítica, apropiadamente provista por una agencia con respaldo gubernamental, es la adquisición, síntesis y distribución de información básica sobre el daño causado, las actividades de reconstrucción, problemas sociales y económicos con la población, y varios indicadores de recupe-ración. Dichas agencias publican informes periódicos del progreso realizado y controlan los indicadores de recuperación, como lo han hecho tanto la Agencia de Reconstrucción Nacional en Japón y la Autoridad de Recuperación del Terremoto de Canterbury en Nueva Zelanda, usando una variedad de mecanismos de comunicación, como publicaciones en sitios web, comunicados de prensa, boletines y foros. La información frecuente de fuentes confiables puede ayudar a que todos los actores comprendan el entorno de recuperación actual, y también a reducir los rumores y la información falsa.

3. El fomento de la cola-boración: construcción de capacidad y competencia sustentable para una recuperación a largo plazo mediante la colaboración y coordinación genuinas, tanto horizontalmente entre grupos locales como verticalmente entre los distintos niveles de gobierno.

Las agencias jerárquicas organizadas verticalmente, con organigramas claros y canales de comunicación bien definidos, en general no se adaptan bien a la gestión de recuperación después de catástrofes, porque la falta de “conexión” a través de las jerarquías verticales limita la colaboración y el flujo de información nueva y actualizada entre las organizaciones. Las agencias nacionales de los Estados Unidos involucradas en la recuperación, por ejemplo, son más capaces de administrar programas individuales que de resolver problemas complejos que traspasan las fronteras institucionales gubernamentales.

En contraste, las agencias organizadas horizontalmente pueden promover la coordinación entre agencias y compartir información, permitiendo que grupos individuales se adapten a nuevos contextos e información sin perder su dependencia de la organización madre. Si hay múltiples estados o jurisdicciones locales involucradas, es esencial la cooperación entre ellas. La asistencia técnica y la construcción de capacidad en los organismos claves a cargo de la recuperación también son elementos importantes para que las organizaciones locales puedan adquirir la capacidad necesaria para una recuperación a largo plazo.

Después del huracán Katrina en 2005, la gobernadora Kathleen Blanco nombró a los miembros de la Autoridad de Recuperación de Luisiana, de manera que, desde el punto de vista técnico, se trataba de una extensión de la administración estatal. Pero, finalmente, la asamblea legislativa la formalizó. Como entidad bipartidaria por diseño, operaba en forma independiente en su interacción con funcionarios nacionales de los EE.UU. y gobier-nos locales, realizaba recomendaciones de política y supervisaba las actividades de recuperación de las agencias estatales. Si bien su poder se limitaba a realizar recomendaciones de políticas, pudo ejercer una influencia considerable a múltiples niveles en una atmósfera políticamente muy contenciosa. También colaboró con las agencias nacionales para establecer normas de planificación para la recuperación a largo plazo de la comunidad, y ayudó a distribuir asistencia técnica y brindar otros recursos de planificación a escala regional, local y de barrio.

Dado que su poder emanaba de los líderes estatales, la GSMDA en India y la autoridad de reconstrucción de Queensland Australia pudieron coordinar exitosamente las actividades de otras agencias estatales. De forma parecida, el MINVU de Chile y las agencias de recuperación nacional de Taiwán contaban con una autoridad centralizada para poder coordinar las actividades de otras agencias nacionales. Abhiyan, una ONG avalada oficialmente por el gobierno de Gujarat en India, pero sin una autoridad gubernamental definida, también desempeñó un papel crucial en la coordinación del trabajo de cientos de ONG y el establecimiento de una red de subcentros locales para proporcionar información y respaldo técnico.

El proceso de recuperación jerárquico después del terremoto de 2008 en Wenchuan, China, pudo reconstruir edificios rápidamente, pero dejó poco espacio para la innovación local, ya que carecía de una auténtica construcción de capacidad local ni participación en la toma de decisiones. Debido a que no siempre se tuvieron en cuenta las condiciones locales, la recuperación económica parece haber sido dispareja.

De igual manera, en muchas comunidades afectadas por el maremoto en la región de Tohoku de Japón, la recuperación se ha frenado porque el sistema jerárquico establecido bajo el gobierno nacional y la Agencia de Recuperación Nacional no deja espacio suficiente para la innovación local. Más aún, dentro del complejo y poderoso sistema ministerial japonés, la Agencia de Reconstrucción Nacional no tiene poder suficiente para forzar a otros ministerios a tomar determinadas medidas.

Cada vez más, las investigaciones demuestran que si los residentes participan en la planificación de reconstrucción, toleran más las demoras y están más satisfechos con los resultados. Sin embargo, aun el mejor ejemplo de proceso descentralizado necesita de una agencia que la encabece para establecer el marco de referencia y las reglas. Esta tendencia sugiere que los gobiernos deberían resistir el impulso de gestionar los detalles de la reconstrucción, y actuar menos como administradores y más como coordinadores y facilitadores del proceso.

4. El equilibrio en las limitaciones de tiempo: gestión efectiva de las necesidades locales inmediatas y urgentes de la recuperación, sin dejar de aprovechar satisfactoriamente las oportunidades de mejora a largo plazo.

Los gobiernos deben equilibrar las tensiones entre velocidad y reflexión, y entre restauración y mejora a largo plazo. La manera fundamental para resolver estos desafíos es aumentar el flujo de información, tal como se describió anteriormente. Pero las agencias encargadas del proceso de recuperación han encontrado varias otras maneras específicas de ser veloces y al mismo tiempo generar mejoras.

Para acelerar la reconstrucción, frecuentemente hay oportunidades para agilizar los procesos burocráticos normales de toma de decisiones, sobre todo con respecto a permisos de edificación, sin comprometer la calidad. Como estos procesos frecuentemente involucran a múltiples agencias, una agencia de recuperación puede ser útil para facilitar u obligar a las agencias implicadas a cooperar de manera más efectiva.

El parlamento de Nueva Zelanda otorgó a la Autoridad de Recuperación del Terremoto de Canterbury (CERA) y a su ministro, una amplia gama de poderes unilaterales que permitiera una recuperación oportuna y coordinada del área de Christchurch. El Parlamento extendió los poderes de emergencia otorgados bajo la legislación anterior y postergó la fecha de vencimiento de dichos poderes a cuando se considerara adecuado, permitiendo que el ministro adquisiera suelo de forma obligatoria, y consintiendo la suspensión de todos los planes o políticas de uso del suelo nacionales, de los gobiernos locales, y de administración de transporte adoptadas bajo diferentes leyes. Ordenó a CERA que preparara un borrador de estrategia de recuperación en un plazo de nueve meses después de haberle conferido dichos poderes. Similarmente, le fijó un plazo de vencimiento de nueve meses al concejo municipal de Christchurch para crear un borrador de plan de recuperación para el distrito comercial del centro de la ciudad, que se había dañado.

La mayoría de las agencias de recuperación adopta medidas de reducción del riesgo de catástrofes en sus normas de recuperación. Un lema de recuperación común es “reconstruir mejor que antes”. El lema de la Autoridad de Recuperación de Luisiana fue: “Más seguro, más fuerte, más inteligente”. La forma más fácil de mejora después de una catástrofe es la adopción de normas de edificación resistentes a desastres. La incorporación de nuevas normas estructurales no tiene por qué retrasar el proceso de reconstrucción, pero las mejoras en el uso del suelo, como la reubicación de barrios o de comunidades enteras, puede requerir un tiempo considerable para la planificación y adquisición del suelo. Estos proyectos exigen un compromiso difícil entre rapidez, calidad de diseño y participación pública. Nueva Zelanda ha iniciado un importante proceso de compra de barrios que sufrieron graves daños en los terremotos de 2010–2011, y que siguen siendo vulnerables a futuros temblores. Japón está alentando la reubicación de comunidades costeras de zonas sensibles a maremotos, y algunos de estos proyectos tardarán hasta diez años en completarse.

Una manera de gestionar estos objetivos de forma simultánea es respaldar procesos de planificación participativa para crear mejoras a largo plazo mientras se trata al mismo tiempo de satisfacer necesidades inmediatas. En muchos casos, los planificadores profesionales trabajaron con los barrios –como en Japón, Chile, Nueva Orleans y Bhuj, India–, pero cada proyecto también exigió compromisos difíciles para poder cumplir con los plazos. La creación de comités locales para planificar la recuperación en Victoria y Queensland, no obstante, es un buen ejemplo de sistemas estatales y nacionales de respaldo que ayudaron a construir capacidad local para llevar adelante los procesos de reconstrucción a lo largo del tiempo.

Próximos pasos en nuestra investigación

Los gobiernos saben que tienen el deber de gestionar la información y el flujo de dinero entre los múltiples actores en un período de tiempo comprimido. Hasta aquí hemos identificado muchos ejemplos de cómo lograrlo. Pero, mejor aún, quisiéramos estar en condiciones de crear menús de opciones organizativas y de proceso, según lo dicte la combinación de magnitud del desastre y el alcance y los contextos económico, político, medioambiental y gubernamental.

También quedan varias preguntas: ¿Por qué siguen apareciendo los mismos problemas institucionales de una catástrofe a otra? ¿Hay alguna manera de evitar repetir algunos de ellos? ¿Cuáles son los resultados –tanto negativos como positivos– de estas disposiciones institucionales de las que pueden informar a futuros líderes que se enfrentan con desafíos de reconstrucción similares? ¿En qué tipo específico de asistencia técnica y construcción de capacidad de los gobiernos locales y organizaciones no gubernamentales se deberían concentrar los donantes internacionales y los gobiernos nacionales para que puedan mejorar su tarea durante el proceso de recuperación? En catástrofes de gran escala, ¿cómo se escalonan los objetivos entrelazados de una recuperación (reconstrucción de hogares, barrios, ciudades, regiones, naciones) en términos de consistencia, eficiencia y eficacia? Y, ¿qué pasa cuando estas organizaciones creadas para gestionar la recuperación dejan de existir? ¿Queda suficiente capacidad en el lugar para sustentar a la comunidad a largo plazo? Al estudiar las diversas experiencias nacionales y organizativas, podemos comprender mejor cómo el fenómeno de compresión del tiempo en la recuperación después de catástrofes afecta otras teorías de políticas públicas y la gestión municipal; la planificación, el desarrollo y la gestión del crecimiento del suelo; y la administración fiscal y de inversión de capital.

Sobre los autores

Los coautores de Clear As Mud: Planning for the Rebuilding of New Orleans [Claro como el fango: la planificación de reconstrucción en Nueva Orleans] (2010, APA Planners Press), Laurie A. Johnson y Robert B. Olshansky están colaborando actualmente en un libro e informe sobre enfoque en políticas de suelo sobre la gestión de recuperación después de catástrofes. Han estado investigando y practicando la planificación de recuperación después de catástrofes urbanas por todo el mundo durante las últimas dos décadas. Johnson es una planificadora urbana radicada en San Francisco, especializada en recuperación de desastres y gestión de riesgo de catástrofes. Olshansky es profesor de Planificación urbana y regional en la Universidad de Illinois en Urbana-Champaign. Contacto: o


Alesch, Daniel J., Lucy A. Arendt, y James N. Holly. 2009. Managing for Long-term Community Recovery in the Aftermath of Disaster. Fairfax, VA: Public Entity Risk Institute.

Chandrasekhar, Divya y Robert B. Olshansky. 2007. Managing Development After Catastrophic Disaster: A Study of Organizations That Coordinated Post-Disaster Recovery in Aceh and Louisiana. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Olshansky, Robert B., Lewis D. Hopkins, y Laurie A. Johnson. 2012. Disaster and recovery: Processes compressed in time. Natural Hazards Review. 13(3): 173–178.

Olshansky, Robert B., Laurie A. Johnson, y Kenneth C. Topping. 2006. Rebuilding communities following disaster: Lessons from Kobe and Los Angeles. Built Environment. 32(4): 354–374.

Smith, G., y Dennis Wenger. 2007. Sustainable disaster recovery: Operationalizing an existing agenda. In Handbook of disaster research (Handbooks of Sociology and Social Research). Ed. Havidan Rodriguez, 234–257. New York, NY: Springer.

Land Value Taxation

Could It Work Today?
Dick Netzer, Março 1, 1998

Decades before Henry George made a passionate case for the “single tax” in Progress and Poverty, the classical economists had recognized that, in theory, the land value tax was almost the perfect tax. There was a strong moral basis for the land value tax—land value increased over time because of growth in population and improvements made by the community, either as utility infrastructure or transportation investments by government and the private sector.

Today, many scholars and practitioners question whether land value tax is a serious contender as a revenue source. But, whatever its political potential may be, economists continue to find the theoretical case for land value tax compelling. This article examines the efficiency of the land value tax as well as land value tax as a substitute for other taxes;

Edwin Mills examines the issue of land value tax in the context of an urban economy, showing that the land value tax is indeed efficient in its effects on land use, as claimed.

Thomas Nechyba explores the land value tax in the context of a general model of the entire economy. He develops what is known as a “computable general equilibrium model” that quantitatively describes the changes in the macro-economy that will occur with the substitution of the land value tax for income taxation.

Author of this article, Dick Netzer, argues that, although the empirical evidence on land values is poor, some reasonable estimates suggest that, at least in the United States, the land value tax could replace the conventional local property tax at reasonable tax rates.

Andrew Reschovsky points out that the current balmy climate for state and local finance in the United States is likely to change radically, for the worse. State governments may be looking for substantial additional revenues. Is the land value tax the right, or the likely, choice for hard-pressed state governments?

Roy Bahl reviews the many difficulties and deficiencies in the use of property taxes by local governments in both developing countries and former Communist countries.

Edward Wolff suggests that substitution of the land value tax for the federal individual income tax would make the U.S. tax system less rather than more progressive with respect to income.

Decades before Henry George made a passionate case for the “single tax” in Progress and Poverty (published in 1879), the classical economists had recognized that, in theory, the land value tax was almost the perfect tax. Unlike other taxes, it causes no distortions in economic decision making and therefore does not lower the efficiency of a market economy in allocating resources. Also, it was obvious in the nineteenth century that a tax on the value of land would be highly progressive.

There was a strong moral basis for the land value tax, as well. Land value increased over time because of growth in population and improvements made by the community, either in the form of utility infrastructure or transportation investments by government and the private sector. Individual landowners did nothing to increase the value of their own land but rather realized “unearned increments” over time, unlike those who contributed labor and capital to production and thus earned their compensation.

In George’s day there was little question that the tax could provide adequate revenue, at least in the United States where the role of government was small-no more than a tenth as important relative to gross domestic product as it today. Virtually all government services were supplied by local governments, which relied entirely on property taxes. Today, many scholars and practitioners question whether land value taxation is a serious contender as an important revenue source. But, whatever its political potential may be, economists continue to find the theoretical case for land value taxation compelling.

In January, the Lincoln Institute sponsored a conference to address these issues: “Land Value Taxation in Contemporary Societies: Can It and Will It Work?” In the opening paper, William Fischel focuses on the special nature of local government in this country, stressing its importance as an instrument of enhancing property values within communities. He argues that, in pursuing that role, local land use controls actually achieve substantial efficiency advantages by more closely matching consumer preferences to local government services and taxes. This is what economists refer to as the Tiebout-Hamilton model.

Fischel maintains that there is substantial justice in this outcome, which might be improved only marginally by land value taxation. That is, land use controls permit local governments to appropriate much of the value generated by community growth. Moreover, this system is widely used, which argues that it is more workable than land value taxation, although the latter is, in principle, more fair.

Efficiency of the Land Value Tax

Two papers treated the efficiency characteristics of the land value tax. Edwin Mills examines the issue in the context of an urban economy, showing that the tax is indeed efficient in its effects on land use, as claimed. But he believes that this is immaterial because the land value tax cannot yield more than trivial revenues, even at rates that are so high that the courts would find them to be an unconstitutional “taking” of property. Moreover, it is so difficult to value land properly that the efficiency advantages cannot be realized.

Thomas Nechyba explores the land value tax in the context of a general model of the entire economy. He develops what is known as a “computable general equilibrium model” that quantitatively describes the changes in the macro-economy that will occur with the substitution of the land value tax for income taxation. Given his assumptions, the model predicts that the reduction in taxation of capital will so increase the aggregate amount of capital that the demand for land on which to use the capital will generate substantial increases in land values. That in turn will permit the land value tax to generate considerable revenues at a rate that is not confiscatory. Most economists would consider the significant increases in total national output predicted by the model to be real gains in economic efficiency.

Land Value Taxation as a Substitute for Other Taxes

Another pair of papers examines the land value tax as a substitute for other taxes used by sub-national governments in rich countries. In my own paper I argue that, although the empirical evidence on land values is poor, some reasonable estimates suggest that, at least in the United States, the land value tax could replace the conventional local property tax at reasonable tax rates. But the main thrust of my argument is that those rich countries in which substantial government spending is done by local governments are the most plausible candidates for the use of the land value tax (see Table 1). Furthermore, its use is probably most feasible in those countries familiar with the idea of valuing real property for tax purposes. The combined administrative, compliance and evasion costs of most other taxes are so large that, even if the administrative costs of land value taxation are high, land value taxation is still promising.

Andrew Reschovsky points out that the current balmy climate for state and local finance in the United States is likely to change radically, for the worse, in the not too distant future. For a variety of reasons, state governments in particular may be looking for substantial additional revenues. Is the land value tax the right, or the likely, choice for hard-pressed state governments? He concludes, first, that the economic gains from the adoption of a new land value tax would be modest, compared to increasing the rates of existing state taxes. Second, a land value tax should help improve the equity of the state tax system. Third, he believes that it would add an element of cyclical stability to state revenue systems.

Nevertheless, Reschovsky remains skeptical about the tax on administrative grounds and is not convinced that it can generate enough revenues to replace any important existing state tax source. In the case of large central cities, however, he rates the land value tax somewhat higher as a replacement for existing tax sources, largely because of the probable lack of adverse locational effects. He views it as especially appropriate for those cities like Philadelphia that now receive relatively small percentages of tax revenue from the property tax.

Roy Bahl reviews the many difficulties and deficiencies in the use of property taxes by local governments in both developing countries and former Communist countries. There is widespread agreement that the property tax is the appropriate major local government tax, and in some countries this agreement extends to site value taxation as well. But, Bahl notes, the property tax usually provides negligible revenues, because of low nominal rates, low and inaccurate valuations, and poor collection experience. Almost everywhere, the basic requisites of good administration are lacking. Moreover, the political unpopularity of the tax generally is far greater than in the United States. Nonetheless, the property tax, especially the site value tax variant, is considered the best local revenue source in these countries.

Perhaps the most surprising research finding reported at the conference was the conclusion of Edward Wolff, who has written extensively on the distribution of income and wealth in the United States. He suggests that substitution of the land value tax for the federal individual income tax would make the U.S. tax system less rather than more progressive with respect to income (see Table 2). This result may be explained by the fact that the ratio of the value of land owned to household income rises steeply with the age of the householder. That is, mean household income declines sharply with age after age 54, while the mean value of land owned declines only slowly. On the other hand, a land value tax would be much more progressive with respect to wealth than is the income tax.

Broader Principles and Questions

Nicolaus Tideman, a convinced follower of Henry George, argues that the basic principles of and justifications for land value taxation apply to much more than the problems of land use in cities and suburbs-the usual focus for discussion of this form of taxation. He offers applications to environmental, congestion and population problems and to questions of efficient resource use and economic growth on a worldwide scale. He bases his views on the general principle that “all persons have equal rights to natural opportunities and should therefore pay for their above-average appropriations of natural opportunities.”

Throughout the conference, there was lively disagreement about whether the land value tax could really produce substantial revenues. Some, like Mills, held that it could not even replace the conventional American property tax on land and buildings, much less a substantial portion of other state and local taxes as well. Others, including Tideman, Nechyba and I, presented data that suggested the possibility that land value taxation indeed could be an important factor in the American fiscal system. Participants also discussed the problems of administering a land tax so that tax liabilities actually and accurately reflect the value of individual parcels of land as bare sites, which is essential if the tax is to be a truly efficient one.

The conferees did not produce an agreed answer to the basic conference question, Can and will land value taxation work today? But they made it clear that the question remains a relevant one that deserves serious and continuing attention.

Dick Netzer is professor of economics and public administration in the Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service at New York University. He was the conference coordinator and is the editor of a book containing the eight conference papers and the remarks of the formal discussants, which will be published by the Lincoln Institute later this year.

Land Value Taxation in Contemporary Societies: Can It and Will It Work?

Authors of Conference Papers

Roy Bahl, Professor of Economics and Dean, School of Policy Studies, Georgia State University

William A. Fischel, Professor of Economics, Dartmouth College

Edwin Mills, Professor of Real Estate and Finance, Kellogg Graduate School of Management, Northwestern University

Thomas Nechyba, Professor of Economics, Stanford University

Dick Netzer, Professor of Economics and Public Administration Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service New York University

Andrew Reschovsky, Professor of Agricultural and Applied Economics, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Nicolaus Tideman, Professor of Economics, Virginia Polytechnic University

Edward Wolff, Professor of Economics, New York University


Alexander Anas, Professor of Economics, State University of New York at Buffalo

Daniel Bromley, Professor of Agricultural and Applied Economics, University of Wisconsin-Madison Karl Case, Professor of Economics, Wellesley College

Riel Franzsen, Professor of Mercantile Law, University of South Africa

Yolanda Kodrzycki, Economist, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston

Daphne Kenyon, Professor of Economics, Simmons College

Therese McGuire, Professor of Economics, Institute of Government and Public Affairs, University of Illinois-Chicago

Amy Ellen Schwartz, Professor of Economics, Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service New York University

Robert Schwab, Professor of Economics, University of Maryland

Robert Solow, Professor of Economics, Emeritus, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Connections Between Economic Development and Land Taxation

Jeffrey Chapman and Rex L. Facer II, Outubro 1, 2005

Recent court decisions have made economic development and tax policy front-page news. The recent U.S. Supreme Court decision in Kelo v. City of New London raised a public outcry when it allowed local governments dramatic latitude in acquiring private property for economic development purposes. This case had a fiscal aspect as well, for it illustrated how financial pressures can lead local governments to seek alternatives to direct investment for economic revitalization and redevelopment.

Economic development was also the focus of a major lower court decision on state tax policy. In Cuno v. DaimlerChrysler, the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals found that Ohio’s investment tax credit, intended to attract businesses from other states, violated the Commerce Clause of the U.S. Constitution (Hellerstein 2005). These and other, similar cases raise many questions about the connections between economic development and tax policy.

Is there a relationship between economic development and infrastructure spending?

Infrastructure, that vast network of capital-intensive services including roads, water provision, sewer services, and electrical supply, is critical to current and future economic activity. However, serious economic examination of the link between infrastructure spending and economic productivity only began in the late 1980s. Aschauer (1989, 194–197) argued that declining infrastructure spending resulted in less economic growth. More recently, Bougheas et al. (2000, 520) reported findings that “highlight the importance of infrastructure accumulation” for productivity gains.

Other researchers have pointed out that the most significant recent changes in infrastructure spending have occurred at the state and local levels, rather than the federal level. Gramlich (1994, 1178) argued that federal infrastructure spending has been fairly consistent over time, but state and local spending has decreased. Holtz-Eakin (1993) cautioned that while public expenditures on infrastructure may be important, they may not directly affect economic productivity. He argued that differing state and local needs may account for many infrastructure spending disparities, and that maintenance of existing infrastructure assets may be more important than new spending for capital acquisition. Boarnet (1997) considered efficient pricing for infrastructure use as important as its actual provision.

Nevertheless, the American Society for Civil Engineers (ASCE) is sufficiently concerned about the condition of infrastructure in the U.S. to assign it a grade of “D.” ASCE (2005) argues that the country needs to spend about $1.6 trillion over the next five years to improve the situation.

What is the relationship between infrastructure spending and local tax systems?

The mechanisms for funding infrastructure and its role in state and local spending are complex. Research in this area deals with such topics as fiscal illusion (i.e., when the complexity of the revenue system obscures the true cost of public goods and services) and specific capital financing strategies used to fund infrastructure. However, there has been little research on the impact of local tax structures on infrastructure spending.

Economists have long argued that the value of publicly provided goods and services, such as infrastructure and its maintenance, are reflected in the value of the property served by those goods. Accordingly, a tax that captures the value of these public goods and services may be an important revenue source for funding them. However, in the last 30 years, local governments have moved away from such a tax, the property tax, to other sources of revenue. In many communities, this shift has produced an increased reliance on state aid, local sales tax revenues, and user fees.

In analyzing infrastructure spending in Utah, it is clear that the local revenue structure affects per capita operating and maintenance spending and new capital acquisition expenditures. Preliminary analysis indicates that communities are more likely to increase per capita infrastructure spending when it is financed by property taxes, all other funding sources held constant. It also appears that as per capita sales tax revenue increases, per capita spending for infrastructure services declines.

How constrained are local revenue systems?

One reason that local government revenue structures affect spending on infrastructure is that the states impose various constraints on local revenue sources. Although the past ten years have seen no dramatic changes in the roles of the property tax, intergovernmental aid, or the sales tax in overall local government revenues, the ratio of total revenues to personal income has fallen about 7.5 percent. This real decline highlights the increasing pressure on local governments to identify new revenue sources.

Yet, local governments face serious constraints when they seek to change their revenue systems. States impose intergovernmental restrictions, such as limits on sales tax rates that localities can impose. Less tangible but equally important is political opposition to tax increases. The third factor is the set of tax and expenditure limitations that many states have enacted, ranging from Proposition 13 in California in 1978 to the more recent taxpayer bill of rights enacted in Colorado, which drastically limited increases in government spending.

These constraints have forced local governments to become more innovative in their revenue-raising methods. An entire cottage industry of financial advisors, bond attorneys, and other public and private sector innovators has emerged to help local governments find ways of loosening or circumventing these limitations. Some strategies may have increased economic efficiency, although they give rise to equity concerns (for example, the movement toward the increased use of fees and charges); others are nearly invisible to the taxpayer. In nearly all cases, local governments have been seeking to use land as a revenue-generating device—a trend that shows no sign of abating.

What are alternative ways to finance capital infrastructure?

Two types of debt traditionally have financed infrastructure projects: general obligation (GO) bonds, backed by the full faith and credit of the issuing locality; and revenue bonds, backed by income from the capital project. Both types of debt have significant restrictions on their use, such as voter approval requirements and caps on maximum indebtedness. These debt limitations, the difficulty in raising property taxes, and the fear of political opposition have increased the use of alternative capital finance methods based on land use.

One longstanding method, tax increment financing (TIF), utilizes the increases in property value to help finance redevelopment projects. Originally designed as a financial instrument to eliminate blight and provide affordable housing, this instrument has become increasingly popular in many states for a variety of projects. Forty-seven states and the District of Columbia now allow this technique.

Capturing the property tax increment attributable to government-sponsored redevelopment in order to service this debt makes economic sense if the new development would not have occurred without the formation of the tax district. Moreover, this debt does not have to be approved by voters, but rather by a group designated by the city government. Not even these two factors explain the extraordinary recent growth in the number and size of TIF districts, however, raising suspicion that this tool may be used more often to attract and subsidize economic growth than to eliminate blight. For example, in 2003–2004, California had 33 TIF redevelopment projects, each of which covered more than 6,000 acres, a surprisingly large area to be declared “blighted” in any one jurisdiction (see Figure 1).

Another popular tool in several states is the community facilities district (CFD), which usually funds new development. Landowners within a region form a CFD to issue debt to finance the infrastructure needed to develop raw land. District members’ votes are typically a function of the amount of property each landowner holds. The local government must approve CFDs, although they are not a formal part of the government and their debt issuance is not subject to approval by the general public.

A lien for CFD assessments is placed on each lot in the district, and the CFD tax liability appears on the property tax bill of each district member as a separate line item. Variations of this technique may utilize sales taxes, impact fees, and user charges. Many rapidly growing local governments encourage the formation of these districts to help finance their community’s growth. Nevertheless, CFDs can be very complex, and may fail if anticipated growth does not occur (see Figure 2).

TIFs, CFDs, and other such techniques present an ethical dilemma to local government. Sometimes they are not fully understood by the political decision makers who authorize their use, let alone by members of the general public who will bear the burden of paying this debt in the future. Yet they remain a popular tool to finance crucial infrastructure that is basic to improving the economic well-being of the community.

Could a land tax help finance infrastructure for economic development?

The land component of property value is another potential source of revenue to encourage economic development. Since the supply of land is fixed in the short run, an increase in a land tax will not affect the tax base. However, it will encourage more intensive use of the land and may slow urban sprawl. Unfortunately, the lack of empirical data makes it difficult to determine if this theory is accurate. One example in the U.S. is the City of Pittsburgh, which in 1979–1980 restructured the tax on land to be five times that on improvements. Building activity showed a dramatic increase, although other factors may have contributed to the change as well (Oates and Schwab 1997). Pittsburgh later returned to a single-rate property tax system.

Increased use of a land tax poses significant problems. In particular, accurately assessing land can be challenging, although statistical and econometric techniques may help address this in the future. A second concern is that more intensive use of land value taxation will lead to denser development, exacerbating many of the problems associated with congestion. These effects must be weighed against the positive benefits of reducing long-distance commuting. A third problem concerns equity. Owners whose property has a high land/improvement ratio will face an increased tax liability. This shift might be mitigated by adjustments in the tax rate, special exemptions or targeted tax credits.

A land tax has the important advantages of transparency and accountability. In particular, if land value increases because of government activities, there is strong justification for recovering at least some of those costs through a tax on the land component. We would even propose a name for this additional tax—a positive externality tax (PET). We recognize that, like any proposed increase in the property tax, such a shift would be politically controversial.


Our current research analyzes relationships among economic development, infrastructure, and the tax system. The fiscal problems of local jurisdictions are made more complex by the use of intricate methods of infrastructure financing, such as TIFs and CFDs, to fund economic development. The use of financing mechanisms based on a land tax may be one part of a potential response to this challenge.

Jeffrey Chapman is professor and director of the School of Public Affairs at Arizona State University in Tempe. He specializes in state and local finance and administration of financial resources, and has recently published in the area of local land use responses to fiscal stress.

Rex L. Facer II is assistant professor of public management at the Romney Institute of Public Management of the Marriott School of Management at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah. He specializes in city management, public finance, public management strategy, and public policy analysis.

What the Housing Crisis Means for State and Local Governments

Kim Rueben and Serena Lei, Outubro 1, 2010

As the U.S. housing market experiences its largest contraction since the Great Depression, the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy and the Urban–Brookings Tax Policy Center took a closer look at the consequences of this crisis for state and local governments in a May 2010 conference. A major theme of the discussion was the fallibility of conventional wisdom. For example, some participants questioned whether easy credit was in fact the cause of the housing bubble and thus to blame for the subsequent loss of state and local tax revenues. Papers presented at the conference document the complexities researchers face in determining the causes and lessons of this crisis.

  • While easy credit did motivate homebuyers, its effect was not sufficiently strong to fully account for the housing boom.
  • The housing market downturn was largely predictable, but only by looking at state-level rather than national data.
  • Although state budgets have been battered by fallout from the recession in the form of lower income and sales tax revenue, these declines have been triggered more by the broader economic downturn than by the collapse in housing markets.
  • Local governments seem to have been largely spared the severe budget shortfalls plaguing many states. While housing prices have fallen, property taxes have held up fairly well—supporting city budgets while other revenue sources have shrunk. However, there is great geographic variation in these results.

The Housing Market Boom and Bust

According to Byron Lutz, Raven Molloy, and Hui Shan, house prices at the national level increased by 64 percent from 2002 to 2006, before falling nearly 30 percent over the following four years. From 2006 to 2009, existing home sales dropped 36 percent and the number of newly constructed homes fell 75 percent. Could we have seen it coming? Was the housing market bust predictable? Yes, according to Yolanda K. Kodrzycki and Robert K. Triest, but only by looking at state-level data.

Conventional wisdom held that while house prices could fall in specific markets, national housing prices would not decline. This had been the historical pattern, although some markets, for example the Boston and Los Angeles metropolitan areas, experienced declines in the 1990s after strong increases in housing prices. Other areas, such as Detroit, had been declining or stagnant even when the country as a whole experienced consistent upward movement in house prices.

Much of the modeling and analysis of the housing crisis has used national-level data, which provided insufficient evidence to measure the peak of the housing bubble. Since economic cycles are more apparent at the state level and can act as early warning signs of housing trouble on a national scale, analyzing state data collectively can improve national forecasts.

Nevertheless, even the ability to recognize a housing bubble does not provide an easy prescription for preventing a crisis. Previous episodes of state-level housing price declines show that booms do not necessarily end in busts, Kodrzycki said. Rather, downturns are closely related to economic cycles. In most cases housing prices did not fall until after a recession had begun within a region—a pattern that is different from the current crisis.

The cause of the housing bubble is a crucial and unsettled question. Many economists have argued that easy credit was responsible, but Edward L. Glaeser disputed that view in a paper written with Joshua Gottlieb and Joseph Gyourko. Widely available credit and low interest rates do encourage more people to buy homes, increasing demand and raising housing prices. “This goes along with an older view,” Glaeser said, “that interest rates are very powerful in determining housing prices. There is some truth to that, but I think…those claims are overblown. Certainly the changes in the credit market can’t explain what we went through.”

Between 1996 and 2006, real housing prices rose by 42 percent, according to the Federal Housing Finance Agency price index. Glaeser and his colleagues found that low interest rates can likely explain only one-fifth of that increase. Other factors, including an elastic housing supply and credit-constrained homebuyers, can mute the effect of interest rates on prices. Buyers contemplating future moves or refinancing can take those factors into account when deciding how much to pay for a home. If the link between interest rates and house prices is smaller than expected, that knowledge can inform future federal housing policies and estimates of their effects on the housing market.

Impacts on State Revenues

State revenues plummeted in the recession, leading to record-high budget shortfalls just as demand for public services was growing. Inflation-adjusted state tax revenue fell nearly 15 percent during the downturn—the biggest drop in more than 50 years.

Donald Boyd noted that many of the first states to see their tax revenues decline also had been hit hard and early by the housing downturn. Arizona experienced its revenue peak in 2005, and by 2009 its real per capita tax revenue fell by 23.5 percent. Meanwhile, housing prices in Arizona tumbled 19.7 percent from 2006 to 2008.

States that were spared the worst of the housing crisis did not see revenue losses until the recession was in full swing. Texas had a 7.4 percent increase in housing prices from 2006 to 2008. Its tax revenues did not peak until late in 2008; roughly a year later, however, Texas saw its revenue drop by 17.5 percent.

Steven Craig and Edward Hoang examined how state government expenditures and taxes fluctuate with changes in underlying economic activity. They found that in general state responses initially tend to lag behind changes in gross state product, but in the long run states tended to overadjust to economic shocks.

Boyd found that in response to their budget gaps states cut spending in 2009 and 2010 primarily through furloughs and layoffs, and by stretching out payments of obligations into the future. States also cut grants to local governments, according to Howard Chernick and Andrew Reschovsky, who examined whether state budget crises lead to greater tax competition between states and their large cities. They find that in the long run cities with diversified revenue will be in a stronger fiscal position, but in the short run own-source revenue has declined more in cities with a diversified tax base (due in part to the strength of property tax). They also find that state aid is highly stimulative, but that increases in states sales tax rates will make it more difficult for cities to increase their sales taxes. The authors conclude that the current economic downturn will force significant public service reductions for large central cities.

Rachana Bhatt, Jonathan Rork, and Mary Beth Walker examined how higher education fared during the recession. While there have been highly publicized cuts in funding for higher education from general revenues, the overall level of expenditures for higher education has increased from 1996 to 2008. The authors find that across the business cycle states tend to substitute earmarked support for higher education (whether in the form of federal grants, lottery revenues, or other special accounts) for general fund support.

Federal stimulus spending in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) helped boost state budgets and mitigate cuts in state aid to local governments, but those funds are set to expire in 2011. Boyd examined earlier recessions and found that the declines in state revenues have been more extreme this time. The good news, Boyd said, is that state tax revenue declines are showing signs of slowing and local revenues have not yet declined in aggregate.

“We might be stabilizing,” Boyd said. But, “it’s going to be a long ways before states are likely to have the capacity to finance the kinds of spending programs they have had…which means a lot of budgetary pain ahead still.” Indeed, the stabilization of state revenues on average was due in large part to tax increases in only two states, New York and California. Boyd predicts that it will be some time before other state revenues return to prerecession levels.

But, was this damage caused by the housing crisis? The recession may have been sparked by failing subprime mortgages, but it was fueled by overleveraged financial institutions—turning a housing slump into a global economic downturn. Lutz, Molloy, and Shan sought to separate the effects of the housing downturn on state and local tax revenues from the broader impact of the recession. They identified five main revenue streams that are influenced by the housing market: property tax revenues; transfer tax revenues; personal income tax revenues (related to construction and real estate jobs); direct sales tax revenues (through construction materials); and indirect sales tax revenues (when homeowners adjust their overall spending in response to changes in property value).

Property tax revenues remained high, and even grew in some states. The other four revenue streams declined, but had only a modest effect on overall state and local tax revenues. Lutz, Molloy, and Shan estimated that the combined decreases from these four revenue streams reduced total state and local tax revenues by $15 billion from 2005 to 2009, which is about 2 percent of state and local tax revenues in 2005. They found that in aggregate housing-related declines are responsible for only a fraction of the overall decline. Widespread unemployment and shrinking family incomes are more significant in cutting personal income and sales tax revenue. Thus, while the housing market and the economy are closely intertwined, the severe drop in state tax revenues can largely be attributed to the broader economic downturn, not the housing crisis specifically.

Local Governments and Property Taxes

As state revenues fell, local government revenues as a whole continued to grow because property tax revenue, which stayed strong in the recession, supported municipal budgets. States typically rely on income and sales taxes, which are more volatile than the property taxes that largely fund local governments. From 2007 to 2009, corporate and individual income tax revenue declined rapidly and sales tax revenue fell—but property taxes grew (figure 1).

In most states, housing price declines are not immediately reflected in assessed property values, and that lag makes property taxes a fairly resilient source of revenue. Also, policy makers tend to offset declines by raising tax rates (figure 2). James Alm and David L. Sjoquist backed these findings with their study of national trends in property tax collections. Although experiences varied among cities, they noted that local governments’ reliance on property taxes has been an advantage, allowing them to avoid some of the more severe effects of the recession.

Variable Effects in Selected States

While the conference focused on national trends, a recurrent theme was the dramatically variable experience of specific states and regions. Bruce Wallin and Jeff Zabel examined the effects of an earlier decline in Massachusetts house prices in the aftermath of a tax limit. Proposition 2½, passed in 1980, is a voter initiative that limits property tax levies (to 2½ percent of assessed values) and limits revenue growth to 2½ percent per year. There are exceptions for new growth, and Proposition 2½ does allow local voters to pass overrides to increase the growth percentage. Wallin and Zabel found property tax revenues overall did grow 4.58 percent between fiscal year 1981 and fiscal year 2009, largely due to these exceptions. A maximum of 547 overrides were proposed in 1991, but as few as 51 in 1999. However, poorer towns have been less likely to approve tax increases, relying instead on spending cuts, and leading to a growing gap between poor and wealthy towns over time.

Michigan, already struggling with the loss of manufacturing jobs, provides another striking case study. Poverty and unemployment rates there are higher than the U.S. average. In Detroit, housing prices plummeted—the average home cost $97,850 in 2003, but dropped to a remarkable low of $11,533 by 2009. Mark Skidmore and Eric Scorsone found that in the recession Michigan cut spending on recreation programs and delayed capital projects and infrastructure maintenance. That strategy may be effective in the short run, Skidmore said, but will likely result in higher costs down the road. He suggested that a similar fate might be in store for Las Vegas or cities in Arizona, which also experienced severe housing price declines.

Local governments in Florida and Georgia have remained fairly stable, so far. Florida experienced a tremendous increase in house prices from 1994 to 2006, before the housing market decline caused prices to fall across the state. William M. Doerner and Keith Ihlanfeldt found that city revenues in Florida rose during the housing boom, but not solely as a result of increased property values, and those revenues have stayed fairly strong following the drop in house prices. Alm and Sjoquist reported that property tax revenues in Georgia rose slightly between 2008 and 2009, while property values declined. Local governments, in many cases, maintained collections by increasing the tax rate.

What the Housing Crisis Means for Children

The housing crisis inflicted enormous costs on individuals, communities, and governments. Residents have been hurt by foreclosures and tremendous losses in property values (box 1). Vacant, deteriorating homes have weakened neighborhoods. The children caught up in the housing crisis face uncertain living situations and may have to transfer from school to school. Although researchers know these changes can harm children, they do not yet fully understand how this crisis is affecting students and schools.

David Figlio, Ashlyn Aiko Nelson, and Stephen Ross are studying how foreclosures hurt children’s educational outcomes. Their preliminary analysis indicates that schools serving neighborhoods with high foreclosure rates may experience declines in enrollment or community resources, with spillover effects on students whose families have not lost their homes.

Box 1. Foreclosure Statistics

  • Nationwide, 1 in 33 homeowners are facing foreclosure.
  • In 2004, before the crisis, the national foreclosure rate was 1.1 percent.
  • In 2009, 2.21 percent of all homes in the United States were foreclosed.
  • Foreclosure rates hit double digits in some markets: Las Vegas, NV (12.04 percent), Fort Myers, FL (11.87 percent), and Merced, CA (10.10 percent).

Source: Figlio, Nelson, and Ross (2010).

The effects of the housing crisis on children, schools, and neighborhoods are also being examined by Jennifer Comey and her colleagues. The first stage of their work in New York, Baltimore, and the District of Columbia identified areas with high rates of foreclosures. They have found that foreclosures of multifamily and rental units can lead to displacement of renters, causing many families to be harmed by the upheaval in the real estate market. The second phase will track student transfers after foreclosures, comparing their former neighborhoods and schools with their new ones.

Comey and her colleagues will also analyze these students’ school performance through attendance, test scores, and dropout rates. They stressed the importance of coordinating housing and education services. Housing counselors need to know how students are affected by foreclosure and to understand relevant local school policies. A better understanding of these issues can help schools ease the burden on displaced and homeless students.

Looking Abroad . . . and Ahead

Government responses to the global housing crisis also vary around the world, and some countries may offer lessons for the United States. For example, Christian Hilber examined whether central government grants can help maintain housing prices and found that most such grants seemed to translate into increased property values.

Joyce Yanyun Man reported that local governments in China were encouraged to invest in real estate and infrastructure to stimulate economic growth. Rather than using property taxes, they turned to land leasing fees and borrowing to finance urban development. China’s GDP growth rate is rising, but local governments are heavily in debt. Given what we are learning about the stability of property taxes in the United States, China may need to consider a similar policy instead of relying on one-time leasing fees to generate extra revenue.

Although local governments have not suffered the same fate as states, at some point assessed values will catch up to housing price declines. Indeed, recent survey results from the National League of Cities indicate that cities are beginning to see their revenues soften. John E. Anderson warned that local governments are in a precarious position—the property tax base has shrunk and ARRA funding will end, which could create a delayed blow to revenue. If these forces cause local governments to raise rates, this could cause homeowners to push for property tax limits and other initiatives to reduce property tax rates. Anderson investigated the potential adjustments local governments may have to make as they reduce reliance on the property tax in favor of alternative taxes.

Hui Shan stated, “Historical data and case studies suggest that it’s quite unlikely for property tax collections to fall steeply in the next few years.” The delay between the housing downturn and a drop in property taxes may give the national economy time to recover, making up for the loss of stimulus funds and property tax revenue through higher income and sales tax revenue. The forecast is not clear, but state and local governments should be prepared for what the conference participants agreed will be a slow economic recovery ahead.

About the Authors

Kim Rueben is a senior fellow at the Urban Institute and leads the state and local research program at the Urban–Brookings Tax Policy Center.

Serena Lei is a research writer and editor at the Urban Institute.


We thank Ritadhi Chakravarti of the Urban Institute, Tracy Gordon of the University of Maryland, and Semida Munteanu and Joan Youngman of the Lincoln Institute for assistance in writing this summary. We also thank the authors and other participants at the conference for engaging in a stimulating discussion. All mistakes and errors are our own.

Conference Authors and Papers

Alm, James, Tulane University; and David Sjoquist, Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, Georgia State University: Rethinking Local Government Reliance on the Property Tax

Anderson, John E., University of Nebraska–Lincoln: Shocks to the Tax Base and Implications for Local Public Finance

Bhatt, Rachana, Georgia State University; Jonathan Rork, Reed College; and Mary Beth Walker, Georgia State University: Earmarking and the Business Cycle: The Case of Higher Education Spending

Boyd, Donald J., The Nelson A. Rockefeller Institute of Government, State University of New York at Albany: Recession, Recovery and State and Local Finances

Chernick, Howard A., Hunter College and the City University of New York; and Andrew Reschovsky, University of Wisconsin–Madison: The Impact of State Government Fiscal Crises on Vertical Fiscal Competition Between States and Local Governments

Comey, Jennifer, The Urban Institute; Vicki Been, NYU/School of Law and Furman Center; Ingrid Gould Ellen, NYU/Wagner and Furman Center; Matthew Kachura, The Jacob France Institute, University of Baltimore; Amy Ellen Schwartz, NYU/Wagner-Steinhardt/IESP; and Leanna Stiefel, NYU/Wagner-Steinhardt/IESP: The Foreclosure Crisis in Three Cities: Children, Schools and Neighborhoods

Craig, Steven G., University of Houston; and Edward Hoang, University of Memphis: State Government Response to Income Fluctuations: Consumption, Insurance and Capital Expenses

Doerner, William M., and Keith R. Ihlanfeldt, Florida State University: House Prices and Local Government Revenues

Figlio, David, Northwestern University; Ashlyn Akio Nelson, Indiana University; and Stephen L. Ross, University of Connecticut: Do Children Lose More than a Home? The Effects of Foreclosure on Children’s Education Outcomes

Glaeser, Edward L., and Joshua Gottlieb, Harvard University; and Joseph Gyourko, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania: Can Easy Credit Explain the Housing Bubble?

Hilber, Christian A.L., and Teemu Lyytikainen, London School of Economics and Spatial Economics Research Center (SERC); and Wouter Vermeulen, CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis, VU University and SERC: Capitalization of Central Government Grants into Local House Prices: Panel Data Evidence from England

Kodrzycki, Yolanda, and Robert K. Triest, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston: Forecasting House Prices at the State and National Level: Was the Housing Bust Predictable?

Lutz, Bryon, Raven Molloy, and Hui Shan, Federal Reserve Board of Governors: The Housing Crisis and State and Local Government Tax Revenue: Five Channels

Man, Joyce Yanyun, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy: Extra-Budget Spending, Infrastructure Investment, and Effects on City Revenue Structure: Evidence from China

Skidmore, Mark, Michigan State University; and Eric Scorsone, Michigan Senate Fiscal Agency: Causes and Consequences of Fiscal Stress in Michigan Municipal Governments

Wallin, Bruce, Northeastern University; and Jeffrey Zabel, Tufts University: Property Tax Limitations and Local Fiscal Conditions: The Impact of Proposition 2½ in Massachusetts

The complete conference papers are available for free downloading on the Lincoln Institute Web site at

The Road to Recovery

Governing Post-Disaster Reconstruction
Laurie A. Johnson and Robert B. Olshansky, Julho 1, 2013

Imagine for a moment that you are a political leader—a prime minister, president, or governor—and you awake to the news that natural disaster has struck. Citizens died, buildings collapsed, infrastructure is hobbled, and local leaders desperately need additional resources and support.

You respond immediately, sending personnel and equipment to the disaster zone and pledging additional assistance to local leaders. Your country, like many around the world, has institutionalized a scalable, tiered response system with regional, state, and national levels of government engaging as disaster-related demands exceed local capacities to respond. Yet within days, even hours—before all the casualties are treated and citizens are accounted for, and before the streets have been cleared of rubble and basic services have been restored—other leaders and the media are demanding answers to questions you haven’t had time to consider: How much money will be pledged to the rebuilding? What standards will guide it? Will all landowners be permitted to rebuild? Who will lead the process? Is a new institution or governance structure needed to cut through bureaucratic red tape and expedite the rebuilding?

This article summarizes ongoing research into the roles of various government levels in successful disaster recovery and rebuilding (table 1). It represents the synthesis of two decades of recovery research and planning practice following some of the largest disasters of our time in the United States, Japan, China, Taiwan, Indonesia, India, New Zealand, Australia, Chile, and elsewhere. Its purpose is to find common lessons in these disparate environments and help facilitate recovery for communities struck by disasters yet to come.


Table 1: Recovery Management Experiences Around the World


Victoria Bushfire Recovery and Reconstruction Authority

  • Formed after February 2009 bushfires; disbanded in June 2011 and transferred operations to government departments, local councils, and nonprofit groups.
  • State-level department formed through a national-state agreement.
  • Had broad authority and responsibility for leading and coordinating recovery and reconstruction including state- and community-level planning and actual rebuilding.

Queensland Reconstruction Authority

  • Established in February 2011 following 2010–2011 flooding in Queensland; still exists.
  • State-level statutory authority established by the state parliament.
  • Has broad authorities to decide recovery priorities, work closely with communities, collect information about property and infrastructure, share data with all government levels, coordinate and distribute financial assistance, realize the board’s strategic priorities, and facilitate flood mitigation.


Ministry of Housing and Urban Development (MINVU- Ministerio de Vivienda y Urbanismo)

  • Formed after Chile’s 2010 earthquake and tsunami.
  • Main national agency in charge of reconstruction and development of national reconstruction plan.
  • Interministerial Committee established by Chile’s president; includes representatives of MINVU and all other national ministries involved in recovery and reconstruction; coordinates national budget and finance, integrates the work of ministries involved in reconstruction, and coordinates and monitors the implementation of complex projects over time.


General Headquarters for Earthquake Relief

  • Formed following the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake.
  • Established within China’s State Council (Chinese cabinet), with the premier as nominal director.


Gujarat State Disaster Management Authority (GSDMA)

  • Formed after 2001 earthquake; still exists.
  • Formed administratively as state implementing agency; subsequently formalized through legislation in 2003.
  • Cabinet-level agency with chief minister as chair.
  • Has broad powers to manage public recovery funds (provided by government of India, Gujarat, and international donors), set policy, issue recovery guidelines, and to plan, coordinate, and monitor recovery.


  • Established after 2001 Gujarat earthquake; still exists.
  • A network of 30 NGOs facilitates among NGOs, communities, and government.
  • Formally endorsed and supported by government.

Project Management Unit

  • Created after 1993 earthquake in Maharashtra state.
  • Implemented policies of a cabinet-level recovery policy subcommittee.
  • Focused on implementing community reconstruction projects, with authority to supervise other state agencies and hire consultants.


Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Agency—BRR

  • Formed after 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, with a 4-year life.
  • Operated under the authority of the president.
  • Had considerable latitude to coordinate, monitor, and implement recovery; took over housing reconstruction when other agencies failed to deliver.
  • Built capacity of Aceh government following 30 years of armed conflict.

Coordination Team for Rehabilitation and Reconstruction—TTN

  • Established by presidential decree after 2006 earthquake in provinces of Yogyakarta and Central Java.
  • Coordination team of national and provincial representatives.
  • Improved coordination and communication between central and local governments.


National Reconstruction Agency

  • Formed after the March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami; still exists.
  • National agency directly responsible to prime minister.
  • Sets guidelines for local planning, approves local recovery plans, and coordinates work of national ministries as they implement reconstruction.

New Zealand

Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority

  • Formed following 2011 earthquake in Christchurch; expires April 2016.
  • National agency reporting to special cabinet-level minister appointed for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery.
  • Broad authority to lead recovery policy and planning and to manage critical recovery and rebuilding functions for national and local governments.


921 Post-Earthquake Recovery Commission

  • Formed after 1999 earthquake in central Taiwan.
  • Temporary national organization formalized by presidential decree; dissolved in 2006.
  • Central government agency led by three ministers of state; included representatives from various national departments.
  • Responsible for all post-earthquake recovery activities.

Morakot Post-Disaster Reconstruction Council

  • Formed after 2009 typhoon in southern Taiwan.
  • Central government agency modeled after the 9-21 Post-Earthquake Recovery Commission.
  • Responsible for all relief activities and reconstruction.

United States

Lower Manhattan Development Corporation

  • Formed after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks; still in operation.
  • Joint state-city corporation governed by 16-member board of directors (half appointed by New York governor and half by New York City mayor).
  • Lead planning agency for reconstruction of Lower Manhattan; responsible for distribution of federal rebuilding funds.

Louisiana Recovery Authority

  • Formed after 2005 Hurricane Katrina; expanded focus following 2005 Hurricane Rita; disbanded in 2010.
  • State agency set planning policy for recovery, made recovery policy recommendations to the governor and state legislature, and provided oversight of state agency recovery activities.


Recovery Management Around the World

Governments tasked with post-disaster reconstruction face an extraordinary set of management challenges. The first is the compression of activities in time, focused in space, as cities built over the course of decades if not centuries are destroyed or damaged suddenly and must be rebuilt in a fraction of the time it took to construct them. From this tension develops a second challenge: a keen tension between speed and deliberation, as the various recovery actors in stricken communities move with urgency while aiming to make thoughtful and deliberate decisions, to ensure optimal long-term recovery. From both these phenomena a third challenge arises: the need for immediate access to a deep wealth of money and information—the two currencies of the post-disaster recovery environment.

To meet these demands, governments in every country after every large disaster create new relief agencies or significantly rearrange existing organizations. The most common reason for these post-disaster governance transformations is lack of capacity. Governments still need to attend to their normal daily affairs while they coordinate the reconstruction or reinvention of impacted communities, so they appoint an entity that can focus daily attention on rebuilding while coordinating the recovery-related activities of multiple government agencies. Commonly designed to serve a variety of purposes and governmental settings, these recovery agencies provide a range of substantive functions as they rebuild infrastructure, housing, and economic activity. They differ depending on the type and scale of coordination they provide; the scope of their authority, especially regarding the flow of money and information; and the level of government they serve—at either the national, state, or intergovernmental level.

National governments handle very large disasters at the top political tier, mobilizing financial resources from national reserves or international aid and providing capacity support to lower levels of government in the disaster-stricken locality. When large disasters transcend state or provincial boundaries, national governments also assume active roles in developing recovery policies, and they create recovery organizations to assist them. Examples include Japan’s National Reconstruction Agency, established after the 2011 earthquake and tsunami; New Zealand’s Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority, created after the 2010 and 2011 earthquake sequence in Christchurch; and China’s General Headquarters for Earthquake Relief following the 2008 disaster in Wenchuan. Each of these international bodies hewed to the national administrative leadership, derived authority from the top rung of government, and articulated policies approved by the reigning administration.

Similarly, state-level recovery agencies are usually created in direct response to disasters that affect a region or other subnational jurisdiction. The authorities and legalities of these entities are more limited by their authorizing body’s secondary, subnational position in government. Examples include the Gujarat State’s Disaster Management Authority (GSDMA), created after the 2001 earthquake in western India; Louisiana’s Recovery Authority, founded after Hurricane Katrina in 2005; Victoria State’s Bushfire Reconstruction and Recovery Authority (VBRRA), established after the 2009 Australian bushfires; and Queensland State’s Reconstruction Authority, founded after the summer 2010–2011 floods in Australia.

A third class of organizations are designed to operate between levels of government, such as the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation, created as a state and city partnership for recovery planning and funding following the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks in New York City. Another example, the Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Agency (BRR) created in Aceh, Indonesia, following the 2004 tsunami, consisted of three independent agencies whose membership came from a wide range of local and national stakeholders. Likewise, the Indonesian government’s Coordination Team for Rehabilitation and Reconstruction (TTN), following the 2006 earthquake in Yogyakarta and Central Java, was designed to provide a bridge between national agencies and local agencies, and it also monitored and investigated local implementation issues.

In some cases, governments choose to modify or adapt existing institutions and procedures to help manage recovery. For example, Chile established a national interministerial task force after the 2010 earthquake and tsunami, but the existing Ministry of Housing and Urban Development took on expanded roles and responsibilities and managed the national planning and implementation efforts.

The Mastery of Money, Information, Collaboration, and Time

Considering these factors, common to all post-disaster recovery settings, our research demonstrates that the key to governing large-scale crises effectively is the mastery of money, information, collaboration, and time. For this article, we offer here some best practice examples and lessons learned from our various country-organization studies.

1. Managing Money: Sourcing and distributing recovery funding efficiently, effectively, and equitably.

When large amounts of public funds are involved in a disaster cleanup, the true power over the recovery resides with the level of government that controls the flow of money and how it is acquired, allocated, disbursed, and audited. Sometimes, the recovery organization assumes all or some of these powers, and sometimes all funding authority continues to reside where it did before the disaster, in the same legislative and administrative branches. Important functions in the post-disaster environment include setting policies and priorities for allocating large sums of recovery funding and establishing accounting systems that allow for timely disbursal of critical financing while also providing transparency and minimizing corruption.

Some organizations, such as India’s state-level GSDMA, are established specifically to collect all the recovery funds in one place and then allocate and disburse them. Some, such as one of the three legs of Indonesia’s intergovernmental BRR, are created to independently audit and monitor the expenditures of recovery implementation organizations. In contrast, the state-level Louisiana Recovery Authority recommended funding priorities to the state and provided oversight as needed, but it had no direct control over recovery funds. Japan’s National Reconstruction Agency received national funding and allocates that money to the relevant national ministries and local governments.

2. Increasing Information Flows: Effectively gathering, integrating, and disseminating information to enhance decision making and actions by all recovery actors.

A critical demand is to accelerate and broaden the flows of information among recovery actors about the dynamics of reconstruction actions and emergent opportunities. This challenge includes the planning and public engagement processes that provide information to citizens and institutions involved in the recovery, facilitate communication and innovations among recovery actors, and convey citizen concerns to government agencies and NGOs in a timely manner. It also includes providing information between both governmental and nongovernmental organizations and establishing forums to facilitate coordination.

In Victoria, Australia, after the 2009 bushfires, national and state leaders worked with affected communities to form more than 30 local recovery committees, which were then charged with developing a community recovery plan that identified local priorities and projects. These committees were used by state and national governments as focal points for local funding distribution and by local communities to raise additional funds and establish local policy guidance for rebuilding. In Yogyakarta, Java, after the 2006 earthquake, TTN kept a variety of local and national agencies mutually informed of each other’s activities—which, in turn, helped to provide early alerts to officials regarding potential problems.

A critical function appropriately provided by a government-supported agency is the acquisition, synthesis, and distribution of basic information on damage, reconstruction activities, population, social and economic issues, and various recovery indicators. Such agencies issue regular progress reports and monitor recovery indicators, as both Japan’s National Reconstruction Agency and New Zealand’s Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority have done, using a variety of communication mechanisms, including website postings, press releases, newsletters, and forums. Frequent information from credible sources can help to ensure that all actors understand the current recovery environment, and it can also help reduce the spread of rumors and misinformation.

3. Supporting Collaboration: Building sustainable capacity and capability for long-term recovery through genuine collaboration and coordination, both horizontally among local groups and vertically among different levels of government.

Vertically organized, hierarchical agencies—with clear organizational charts and streamlined channels of communication—are usually not well suited to manage disaster recovery, because the lack of “connecting flow” across vertical hierarchies limits collaboration as well as the flow of new and updated information among organizations. U.S. national agencies involved in recovery, for example, are more adept at administering individual programs than they are at solving complex problems that cut across governmental institutional boundaries.

By contrast, horizontally organized agencies can promote interagency coordination and information sharing, allowing individual groups to adapt to new contexts and information while remaining responsible to their parent organization. If multiple states or local jurisdictions are involved, cooperation among multiple jurisdictions is essential. Technical assistance and capacity building for the key recovery actors is also important for building local capabilities to sustain long-term recovery.

After Hurricane Katrina in 2005, Governor Kathleen Blanco appointed the members of the Louisiana Recovery Authority, so it was technically an extension of the state-level administration. But the legislature eventually formalized it. As an intentionally bipartisan body, it operated independently as it interacted with both U.S. national officials and local governments, made policy recommendations, and provided oversight of state agency recovery activities. Even though its power was limited to making policy recommendations, it was able to exert considerable influence at multiple levels in a very politically contentious atmosphere. It also collaborated with U.S. national agencies to set standards for long-term community recovery planning and helped match technical assistance and provide other planning resources at regional, local, and neighborhood scales.

Because they carried the authority of state leaders, India’s GSMDA and Queensland Australia’s reconstruction authority were able to successfully coordinate the activities of other state agencies. Similarly, Chile’s MINVU and Taiwan’s national recovery agencies have had the centralized authority to coordinate activities of other national agencies. Abhiyan, an NGO officially endorsed by the Gujarat government in India but without any defined governmental authority, also played a crucial role in coordinating the work of hundreds of NGOs and in establishing a network of local subcenters to provide information and technical support.

The hierarchical recovery process after the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake in China succeeded in quickly reconstructing buildings, but it left little room for local innovation, as it lacked genuine local capacity building and involvement in decision making. Because local conditions were not always considered, economic recovery appears to be uneven.

Likewise, in many tsunami-affected communities in the Tohoku region of Japan, recovery has stalled because the hierarchical system established under the national government and the National Recovery Agency leaves insufficient room for local innovation. Furthermore, within the complex and powerful Japanese ministry system, the National Reconstruction Agency lacks power to compel actions by other ministries.

Increasingly, research shows that if residents are partners in reconstruction planning, they are tolerant of delays, and they are more satisfied with the results. Still, even the best examples of decentralized processes involve an agency at the top establishing the framework and rules. This trend strongly suggests that governments should resist the urge to manage the details of reconstruction and act less as managers and more as coordinators and facilitators of the process.

4. Balancing Time Constraints: Effectively meeting the immediate and pressing local needs of recovery while also successfully capitalizing on opportunities for longterm betterment.

Governments face a balancing act as they confront the tensions between speed and deliberation, and between restoration and betterment. The most fundamental way to address these challenges is to increase information flows, as described above. But recovery agencies have found several other specific ways to attain both speed and improvement.

To hasten reconstruction, there are often opportunities to streamline normal bureaucratic processes of decision making, especially regarding construction permits, without compromising quality. Because such processes often involve multiple agencies, a recovery agency can be helpful to the extent that it can facilitate or compel line agencies to cooperate more effectively.

New Zealand’s parliament conferred upon the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority and its minister a wide range of unilateral powers that would enable the timely and coordinated recovery of greater Christchurch. Parliament continued the emergency authorities granted under previous legislation and extended the expiration date of those authorities where appropriate; permitted the minister to acquire land compulsorily; and allowed the suspension of any part or all of the national land use, local government, and transport management, plans or policies developed under various acts. It directed CERA to prepare a draft recovery strategy within nine months of its authorization. Similarly, it issued the Christchurch city council a nine-month deadline to draft a recovery plan for the city’s damaged central business district.

Most recovery agencies include disaster risk reduction in their reconstruction policies. A common recovery slogan is “build back better.” The slogan of the Louisiana Recovery Authority was “Safer, Stronger, Smarter.” The easiest form of post-disaster betterment is to adopt disaster-resistant building standards. The incorporation of new structural standards need not slow down the rebuilding process, but land use improvements such as relocating neighborhoods or entire communities can require considerable time for planning and land acquisition. These projects involve difficult tradeoffs between speed, design quality, and public involvement. New Zealand is undertaking a major buyout of neighborhoods that sustained heavy damage in the 2010–2011 earthquakes and remain vulnerable to damage from future tremors. Japan is encouraging relocation of coastal communities from tsunami hazard areas, and some of these will likely take up to ten years to complete.

One way to manage these goals simultaneously is to support participatory planning processes to create long-term betterment while also trying to meet immediate needs. In many cases, professional planners worked with neighborhoods—in Japan, Chile, New Orleans, and Bhuj, India, for example—but each project also involved difficult compromises in order to meet time constraints. Victoria and Queensland’s creation of local recovery planning committees, however, are great examples of state and national support systems that helped build local capacity to carry forward the rebuilding processes over time.

Next Steps in our Research

Governments know that their task is to manage information and money flows among many actors in a compressed time. Up to this point, we have identified many examples of how to accomplish this. But, even better, we would like to be able to create menus of organizational and process choices, based on combinations of disaster magnitude and scope and economic, political, environmental, and governmental contexts.

We also have several remaining questions: Why do many of the same institutional problems continue to appear from one disaster to the next, and is there a way to avoid repeating some of them? What are the effective outcomes—negative and positive—of these institutional arrangements that may inform future leaders facing similar reconstruction challenges? What specific kinds of technical assistance and capacity building should international donors and national governments focus on providing for local governmental and non-governmental organizations, so they can do their jobs better during the recovery process? In large-scale disasters, how do the tiered goals of a recovery (i.e. rebuilding households, neighborhoods, cities, regions, nations) relate to each other, in terms of consistency, efficiency, and effectiveness? And what happens when these disaster-related organizations cease to exist? Is the local capacity and capability in place for long-term community sustainability? By studying varied national and organizational experiences, we can better understand how the time compression phenomenon of post-disaster recovery affects other theoretical constructs guiding public policy and city management; planning, land development and growth management; and fiscal and capital management.

About the Authors

Co-authors of Clear As Mud: Planning for the Rebuilding of New Orleans (2010, APA Planners Press), Laurie A. Johnson and Robert B. Olshansky are currently collaborating on a Lincoln Institute book and policy focus report on governing post-disaster recovery. For the past two decades, they have been researching and practicing post-disaster recovery planning following urban disasters around the world. Johnson is an urban planner based in San Francisco and specializing in disaster recovery and catastrophe risk management. Olshansky is professor of urban and regional planning at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Contact: or


Alesch, Daniel J., Lucy A. Arendt, and James N. Holly. 2009. Managing for Long-term Community Recovery in the Aftermath of Disaster. Fairfax, VA: Public Entity Risk Institute.

Chandrasekhar, Divya and Robert B. Olshansky. 2007. Managing Development After Catastrophic Disaster: A Study of Organizations That Coordinated Post-Disaster Recovery in Aceh and Louisiana. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Olshansky, Robert B., Lewis D. Hopkins, and Laurie A. Johnson. 2012. Disaster and recovery: Processes compressed in time. Natural Hazards Reviews. 13(3):173–178.

Olshansky, Robert B., Laurie A. Johnson, and Kenneth C. Topping. 2006. Rebuilding communities following disaster: Lessons from Kobe and Los Angeles. Built Environment. 32(4): 354–374.

Smith, G., and Dennis Wenger. 2007. Sustainable disaster recovery: Operationalizing an existing agenda. In Handbook of disaster research (Handbooks of Sociology and Social Research). ed. Havidan Rodriguez, 234–257. New York, NY: Springer.

Land Reform and Taxation in Estonia

Attiat Otto, Julho 1, 1997

The introduction of a market-oriented economic policy in Estonia after independence in 1991 set the stage for a plethora of reforms to restore property rights and establish a price system for goods, labor, capital and land. Land and ownership reforms had two goals: the restoration to former owners of land “unlawfully expropriated” during the Soviet regime, and the treatment of land as a valuable and scarce economic resource. As one might expect, these tasks have not been easy to accomplish, and frequent revisions in the laws and methods governing restitution and valuations have been made.

Historical Overview

Despite the far-reaching reforms taking place in Estonia today, the transformation of land ownership and the patterns of land use still reflect 55 years of history, including wars, occupation and annexation. In the first of three working papers I analyze the impact of these historical developments on land use, population structure and farm wealth in pre-Soviet Estonia. Prior to annexation to the Soviet Union in 1940, Estonia had a flourishing farm sector. Land was used mostly for agriculture, with the majority of the population residing in rural communes or municipalities.

Research also shows that a market for land was well established and reflected site specific characteristics. A distinguishing feature of this market was the coexistence of a sale-purchase price determined by the forces of supply and demand and other prices reflecting the “social” character of land use. For example, land acquisition for use by landless farmers (communal land) had a much lower price than the market price. This feature, although it may have served a social purpose, impacted the value of land for compensating former owners.

Another significant finding relates to the taxation of farms in pre-Soviet Estonia. Land and improvements on land (fixed assets) were subject to taxation, although the effective rate of taxation was quite small. This tax was a local tax with the receipts allocated to local government budgets.

Land Reform

The second paper provides a framework for the analysis of valuation formulae used by the Estonian Land and Tax Boards for the valuation of land for tax purposes. It includes a brief overview of the current land stock and land use, a discussion of land and ownership reforms, including valuation laws and methods, and a statistical analysis of the valuation model used by the Land Board.

Estonia’s experience with privatizing its economy is without a doubt at the forefront of liberalization efforts undertaken by the new independent states. The transformation of collective rights to land into individual rights took place in Estonia by means of legislation. First, the new Constitution in 1992 restored to citizens the rights of ownership of productive assets, including land, and property and land reform laws established a system for the restitution of land to former owners. Second, principles for establishing land value for compensation and privatization were spelled out by the valuation law(s).

A land market, especially for urban land, is likely to develop quickly, offering the Land Board useful information for adjusting their valuation models. Once a sufficient number of observations on land transactions becomes available, a hedonic price model or present value model can be developed to provide information on the marginal valuation of each land attribute, as well as the significance of other land characteristics not included in the current model. Using the Estonia Base Map, the spatial aspect of land and other amenities (GIS variables) may be incorporated in the model to yield good estimates of the marginal product of land in both urban and rural municipalities.

Given that land value is used as a tax base, it is incumbent upon public sector officials to assess it fairly and accurately. A land tax yield hinges on the size and distribution of the base. If the tax model neglects this, revenue will suffer and land use will be suboptimal. Economies in transition can ill afford this road.

Land Taxation and Tax Reform

The third paper integrates the two aspects of land reform, valuation and taxation, beginning with an historical overview of land taxation in Estonia leading up to the current (1995) land tax. It addresses the assignment of tax sources between the state and local governments, and the significance of land taxation as a revenue source for local governments. The paper also offers a statistical model for estimating land tax revenues based on the Estonian Land Board valuation maps, the land cadastre and tax rates selected by local municipalities and then contrasts the estimates with actual data obtained from the Estonian National Tax Board.

After independence in 1991, the Estonian government introduced a new tax system that replaced the Soviet system, and the state budget was completely “decoupled” from the USSR’s All-Union budget. On May 10, 1993, the Estonian parliament passed the Law on Land Tax as part of a reform agenda dealing with budgetary reform in general and land reform in particular. The path followed by Estonia is similar to that prescribed by the World Bank for many former Soviet republics. Guided by “western” principles of taxation, the Estonian tax system was designed to achieve efficiency in resource use as well as to meet national and local budgetary needs.

The land tax is one of several revenue sources collected from people and enterprises in Estonia. Although the land tax was established as a state tax with shared revenues between the state and local governments, it was quickly designated as a local tax with its proceeds dedicated for local budgets. Estonia also recognizes the efficiency of a special tax on land value, even though at the time of this study it accounted for only seven percent of local revenues.

Several conclusions emerge from this part of the study. First, a tax on land offers special efficiency benefits, although its implementation needs to be considered carefully. Second, for land to be a viable tax source serious attempts should be made to enhance the efficiency of financial and insurance markets, especially in rural areas. Third, land valuation should reflect two elements: the value of present attributes and the value of these attributes in the future, because a parcel of land valued at the best use of these attributes today may not capture their full value in the future.

Finally and perhaps most importantly for economies in transition, valuation and taxation of land should be viewed in the context of a “learning curve.” With the progress of the economy in general and land markets in particular, land taxation should be strengthened through annual valuation to enhance the tax capacity of municipal governments and to encourage the optimal development of land use over time.

Attiat F. Ott is professor of economics and director of the Institute for Economic Studies at Clark University in Worcester, MA. This article is adapted from three new working papers resulting from research supported by the Lincoln Institute.

From the President

Land Policies for Urban Development
Gregory K. Ingram, Julho 1, 2006

The Lincoln Institute sponsored a wide-ranging international conference in June on “Land Policies for Urban Development.” A few of the major themes and messages from the presentations are summarized below.

The three most populous developing countries, China, India, and Indonesia, with 40 percent of the world’s population, are entering the stage of rapid urbanization simultaneously. By 2030, they are projected to add an additional 2.2 billion persons to urban areas, increasing the world’s urban population by nearly 80 percent over the 2000 figure of 2.8 billion. The related infrastructure investment needs are likely to reduce or eliminate any perceived savings surplus in the world. Economic growth and urbanization in most East Asian countries have occurred in coastal regions and near ports. In India, however, urbanization and growth are currently focused on inland cities and on information technology rather than on labor-intensive manufacturing. This may be due to weaknesses in traditional infrastructure services, particularly in transport.

A review of property tax practices across 25 countries found an extremely wide range of practices in terms of tax base definitions, tax rate levels, and assessment practices. In most developing countries property tax rates are very low (a fraction of one percent of market values). Nevertheless, property taxes are one of the few revenue sources under local control and are an important component of local government revenues. Simplicity was found to be a virtue of property tax regimes in developing countries, because complexity raises administrative costs and erodes public support for property taxes.

Efforts to measure land values in urban areas of the United States—either by analyzing vacant land sales or by subtracting the value of the structure from property sales—indicate that they have appreciated more rapidly than construction costs since 1985, with a 2005 value between $12 and $24 trillion. This compares to estimates for 1980 of about $3 trillion, suggesting that land values have increased four to eight times in a period when consumer prices have increased only 2.4 times. In addition, land values have been volatile, falling by around 40 percent from 1989 to 1995 in many urban markets before increasing rapidly in the past 10 years.

While average housing prices across the United States have increased faster than construction costs, increases in housing prices have been particularly sharp in urban areas on the West Coast and on the East Coast from the mid-Atlantic region to New England. In these coastal metropolitan areas, median single-family housing prices are nearly five times larger than median prices in the least expensive metropolitan areas in other regions.

Analysis across all U.S. metropolitan areas shows a strong association between the level of housing market regulation and the level of prices—metropolitan areas with the most regulations on residential development have the highest housing prices. Moreover, areas with the highest prices also have low growth rates of housing stocks. Together these findings suggest that rapid growth in housing prices in coastal cities is due in large part to growing impediments on the supply side of the market. Supply constraints may not be only a U.S. phenomenon. A review of planning experience in the United Kingdom showed that urban development corporations, which have the power to overrule local regulations, have been more effective than most other approaches in fostering urban revitalization.

The ownership of second homes (for own use, not for rent to others) has been growing rapidly in the United States, and about 5.6 percent of all U.S. housing units were second homes in 2004. The main determinants of second-home ownership are income, wealth, and age of the household head. Second-home ownership is highest for those in their sixties, suggesting that the aging of the baby boom generation will increase second-home ownership. Additional research (and better data) is required to determine if this trend is related to the location or characteristics of a household’s primary residence.

The complete collection of papers and commentaries presented at the conference will be published as an edited volume in 2007.

Faculty Profile

Ethan Seltzer
Outubro 1, 2010

Ethan Seltzer is a professor in the Nohad A. Toulan School of Urban Studies and Planning at Portland State University. He previously served for six years as the director of the school, and prior to that for eleven years as the founding director of Portland State’s Institute of Portland Metropolitan Studies.

Before joining Portland State in 1992 he served as the land use supervisor for Metro, the regional government in the Portland area; assistant to Portland City Commissioner Mike Lindberg; assistant coordinator for the Southeast Uplift Neighborhood Program in Portland; and coordinator of the Drinking Water Project for the Oregon Environmental Council.

Seltzer received his Ph.D. in City and Regional Planning and Master of Regional Planning from the University of Pennsylvania. His doctoral dissertation examined the role of citizen participation in environmental planning. Current research interests include regional planning, regionalism, regional development, and planning in the Pacific Northwest.

In addition to his current work with the Lincoln Institute, his publications include chapters titled Maintaining the Working Landscape: The Portland Metro Urban Growth Boundary, in Regional Planning for Open Space, edited by Arnold van der Valk and Terry van Dijk (Routledge 2009); and It’s Not an Experiment: Regional Planning at Metro, 1990 to the Present, in The Portland Edge, edited by Connie Ozawa (Island Press 2004).

Land Lines: How did you become associated with the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy?

Ethan Seltzer: Regional planning has been at the center of my career for a long time. I used to be the land use supervisor for Metro, the regional government in the Portland metropolitan region. In the late 1980s we were just starting work on what is now the Region 2040 Growth Concept. Part of that work involved seeking out new ideas about planning, land use, land management, and related topics, and through that search, I started to engage with the Lincoln Institute. A few years later, I was part of a planning project organized through the Regional Plan Association in New York that brought U.S. and Japanese planners together. I met Armando Carbonell (chair of the Institute’s Department of Planning and Urban Form) through that process, and we have remained collaborators on a number of projects since then.

Land Lines: What was the first project you conducted for the Lincoln Institute?

Ethan Seltzer: The first one I recall had to do with re-establishing a dialogue around regional planning and building on the ideas put forth by the old Regional Plan Association of America going back to the 1920s. I was also a part of numerous Lincoln Institute seminars, including one held in Chicago on the relationships and interdependencies between cities and suburbs. The papers were published by the Institute in 2000 in the book Urban-Suburban Interdependencies, edited by Rosalind Greenstein and Wim Wiewel. Since then I have been involved in several Institute-sponsored projects and events, most recently in conjunction with the showing of the film Portland: Quest for the Livable City as part of the Making Sense of Place documentary film series.

Land Lines: How has your association with the Lincoln Institute influenced your research?

Ethan Seltzer: I think the Lincoln Institute is one of the only, maybe the only, institution that has consistently focused on the confluence of issues associated with planning practice, place, regionalism, and land use. There are few other places that address these issues in such a thoughtful, deliberate manner. The support that the Lincoln Institute provides for thinking and writing about these issues is part of what makes it possible for me to find both an audience and like-minded colleagues. There are other networks important to me as well, notably the connections provided by the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning. Nonetheless, the Lincoln Institute is uniquely a forum for the things that I am most interested in and where I hope to contribute.

Land Lines: What are your current projects for the Lincoln Institute?

Ethan Seltzer: I am working on a book on regional planning in America with an explicit focus on practice. I teach courses in regional planning and, though there is an interesting literature on the reasons why regional planning might make sense and the stark challenges to pulling it off, there is not much information available regarding what regional planners do, and how regional planning is distinguished from other types of planning (i.e., city, urban, transportation).

With support from the Lincoln Institute, and in collaboration with coeditor Armando Carbonell, I was able to recruit a group of talented authors and put together a series of chapters that, we expect, will more completely present what gets done in the name of regional planning in the United States today. We also hope this project will provide a basis for better understanding the unique aspects of regional planning practice.

The working title for the book is American Regional Planning: Practice and Prospect. Coauthors include Tim Beatley, Robert Fishman, Kate Foster, John Fregonese and CJ Gabbe, Frank and Deborah Popper, Manuel Pastor and Chris Benner, Gerrit Knaap and Rebecca Lewis, Fritz Steiner, and Bob Yaro. The manuscript will be completed this fall and the book will be published in the spring of 2011.

Land Lines: Regional planning seems to be a really challenging idea in America. Why are you so interested in it?

Ethan Seltzer: You are absolutely right, but it’s often hard to find a place in the scheme of things for regions and regional planning. The history of America is told with broad, sweeping regions in mind—the South, New England, the West—but the history of planning in America is largely one of local institutions, states, and the federal government.

Regional planning, then, is both present at the outset and a latecomer to the planning game. The institutional turf is quite congested. Although the need for better regional coordination and planning actually predates the “invention” of modern city planning in America (consider that the Burnham Plan for Chicago was a regional plan), regional planning has never been able to mount a convincing challenge to the profoundly local emphasis of planning.

Still, it simply makes too much sense to put aside regional planning for long. One need not be a rocket scientist to recognize that many of the things we care about and depend on are not well managed or defined by local jurisdictions. When I worked as the land use supervisor for Metro in Portland, I was struck by the fact that everyone—rich, poor, and in-between—lived regional lives. That is, households in our region were working, socializing, recreating, worshipping, schooling, and sleeping in territories of their own devising, none of which corresponded to any single local jurisdiction. Consequently, planning by jurisdiction, which is the norm in Oregon and elsewhere, becomes a more complicated proposition. It really makes one wonder for whom the planning is intended. If it is simply about maintaining local property values, then we’ve both made that task overly complicated and are poorly serving a whole host of larger values, goals, and objectives.

However, the other thing that struck me while working for Metro is that if people don’t feel empowered to address the issues right in front of them when they walk out the front of their house or apartment building, then they will never relate to the kinds of things we are talking about at the regional scale. Local empowerment made regional planning and growth management possible. Local and regional, then, go hand in hand, and you cannot have one without the other.

Having worked at the regional level, served as president of my local planning commission, and provided planning assistance to neighborhood associations early in my career, I am familiar with the ongoing tensions between these scales—the scale at which we live in the region, and the scale at which we are empowered at the locality. I think this tension is always going to be present, and I am under no illusions that it will evaporate or that the region will “win” any time in the future.

Still, I, like others, keep coming back to the region because to ignore it is to give up on things that are important to our sense of place and quality of life. The region helps us understand the world and how it works, and makes one look deeply into the causal relationships that link us together and to the natural world. I guess the ecologist in me will never give up on that.

Land Lines: What other kinds of research topics have you been investigating?

Ethan Seltzer: I guess you could summarize my work under several headings. I have written about planning in Portland, particularly regional planning and the way that Metro developed a regional growth management plan. That work has been incorporated in publications and projects in the United States, Japan, and the Netherlands.

More recently, I have been engaged in the work of America 2050 on megaregions. I have provided information about Cascadia, the megaregion of the Pacific Northwest, and participated in several research seminars organized to further our understanding of the nature of megaregions, planning for megaregions, and the utility of that concept for better understanding issues associated with sustainability and competitiveness in the years ahead.

I have also worked with Connie Ozawa, a colleague at Portland State, on the kinds of skills needed by entry-level planners, and therefore the nature of the relationship between graduate planning education and planning practice. I am also working with colleagues at the University of Oregon and Oregon State University to investigate the dynamics underlying and opportunities for bridging the “urban/rural” divide in Oregon. A book on that topic will be published by Oregon State Press in 2011. The fundamental themes that tie all of this together have to do with place and practice—the place being the Portland metropolitan region and the Pacific Northwest, and the practice being what actually gets done by planners.

Land Lines: Any last thoughts?

Ethan Seltzer: In an interesting way, the Lincoln Institute’s association with the ideas of Henry George and their extension into thematic areas of land as property, taxation, and land planning is very contemporary. The challenges we face in the United States and globally due to climate change and instability, the pressure for sustainability, urbanization, and the future of our cities and metropolitan regions all come together around these themes.

Ultimately, the challenges that we talk about in sweeping terms must make sense and be addressed democratically and locally. Pulling that off in a manner that acknowledges the global context for local action is really about infusing what we do as planners and academicians with a new ethical commitment to acknowledging and acting at the true scales at which these issues operate.