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Sara Bronin speaks into a microphone. The background shows her power point presentation.

Land Matters Podcast

Episode 8: Hartford, Ready for a Reboot

By Anthony Flint

Dezembro 2019, inglês

  Situated almost exactly in between Boston and New York, Hartford, Connecticut, is a classic mid-sized legacy city with great potential for reinvention. In this episode of the Land Matters podcast, planning commissioner Sara Bronin talks about the cutting-edge urban planning practices she hopes will put the city back on the map, after decades of […]

Planejamento Urbano e Regional, Desenvolvimento Econômico, Governo local

Dezembro 2019, inglês

  Situated almost exactly in between Boston and New York, Hartford, Connecticut, is a classic mid-sized legacy city with great potential for reinvention. In this episode of the Land Matters podcast, planning commissioner Sara Bronin talks about the cutting-edge urban planning practices she hopes will put the city back on the map, after decades of […]

Planejamento Urbano e Regional, Desenvolvimento Econômico, Governo local

Photograph shows an aerial view of a landscape with sky and blue mountains in the distance

The Unmalling of America

How Municipalities Are Navigating the Changing Retail Landscape

By Gregory Scruggs

Dezembro 2019, inglês

  The struggling Bangor Mall is a national parable of changing retail habits. Built on a former dairy farm in Maine, the mall threw open its doors in October 1978, growing to serve up to two-thirds of the state’s population with a plum location off a main thoroughfare, Interstate 95, in the middle of the […]

Desenvolvimento Econômico, Governo local, Imposto à Propriedade Imobiliária

Dezembro 2019, inglês

  The struggling Bangor Mall is a national parable of changing retail habits. Built on a former dairy farm in Maine, the mall threw open its doors in October 1978, growing to serve up to two-thirds of the state’s population with a plum location off a main thoroughfare, Interstate 95, in the middle of the […]

Desenvolvimento Econômico, Governo local, Imposto à Propriedade Imobiliária

A rendering shows families and people walking and socializing in the foreground and buildings and construction in the background.

City Tech

Privacy, Equity, and the Future of the Smart City

By Rob Walker

Dezembro 2019, inglês

  As a rule, 12-acre development projects don’t tend to receive national or international attention. But that hasn’t been the case for Quayside, a parcel off Lake Ontario in Toronto. Two years ago, Waterfront Toronto—the government entity overseeing the redevelopment and reconfiguration of a larger swath of real estate along the Don River that includes […]

Planejamento Urbano e Regional, Infraestrutura, Tecnologia e Instrumentos

Dezembro 2019, inglês

  As a rule, 12-acre development projects don’t tend to receive national or international attention. But that hasn’t been the case for Quayside, a parcel off Lake Ontario in Toronto. Two years ago, Waterfront Toronto—the government entity overseeing the redevelopment and reconfiguration of a larger swath of real estate along the Don River that includes […]

Planejamento Urbano e Regional, Infraestrutura, Tecnologia e Instrumentos

A group of students poses with their bikes in the middle of a bike tour.

Curriculum Innovation

Lincoln Institute Seeks Examples of Innovative Urban Planning Coursework

By Emma Zehner

Dezembro 2019, inglês

  Over the past ten years, more than 200 students at Stanford University have had the chance to work with Bay Area government agencies and nonprofits on real-world projects related to digital inclusion, transit-oriented development, youth development, and other urban challenges. Through a combination of in-class instruction and fieldwork-based learning, Deland Chan’s Sustainable Cities course […]

Dezembro 2019, inglês

  Over the past ten years, more than 200 students at Stanford University have had the chance to work with Bay Area government agencies and nonprofits on real-world projects related to digital inclusion, transit-oriented development, youth development, and other urban challenges. Through a combination of in-class instruction and fieldwork-based learning, Deland Chan’s Sustainable Cities course […]

Inclusionary Housing

Creating and Maintaining Equitable Communities

By Rick Jacobus

Dezembro 2019, inglês

Habitação, Governo local, Pobreza e Inequidade

Dezembro 2019, inglês

Habitação, Governo local, Pobreza e Inequidade

A family consisting of an older woman

Inclusionary Housing

Creating and Maintaining Equitable Communities

Rick Jacobus

Dezembro 2019, inglês

Notas de políticas públicas

Habitação, Governo local, Pobreza e Inequidade

Dezembro 2019, inglês

Notas de políticas públicas

Habitação, Governo local, Pobreza e Inequidade

Una fotografía de la cabeza y los hombros de un hombre sonriente

Mensaje del presidente

Lecciones que nunca se aprendieron

Por George W. McCarthy

Novembro 2019, espanhol

  “Ojalá no supiera ahora lo que no sabía antes”.   Era un verso al pasar en la balada “Against the Wind” (“Contra el viento”) de Bob Seger de 1980, una reflexión sobre la inocencia y el remordimiento. Si bien le parecía que sonaba raro y no era gramaticalmente correcto, Seger lo conservó porque a […]

Planejamento Urbano e Regional, Habitação, Infraestrutura, Pobreza e Inequidade, Finanças Públicas

Novembro 2019, espanhol

  “Ojalá no supiera ahora lo que no sabía antes”.   Era un verso al pasar en la balada “Against the Wind” (“Contra el viento”) de Bob Seger de 1980, una reflexión sobre la inocencia y el remordimiento. Si bien le parecía que sonaba raro y no era gramaticalmente correcto, Seger lo conservó porque a […]

Planejamento Urbano e Regional, Habitação, Infraestrutura, Pobreza e Inequidade, Finanças Públicas

Un gráfico muestra cómo funciona una farola inteligente. Las etiquetas muestran dónde se ubican características como la notificación de emergencia


El alumbrado se hace más inteligente, ¿y nosotros?

Por Rob Walker

Novembro 2019, espanhol

  En 1879, una delegación de funcionarios de Detroit tomó un barco a vapor y cruzó el lago Erie hacia Cleveland; allí, examinó el primer alumbrado eléctrico de la nación. Tres semanas antes, el inventor e ingeniero Charles Brush había encendido el interruptor de una decena de “lámparas de arco” en una plaza pública. “La […]

Infraestrutura, Governo local, Tecnologia e Instrumentos

Novembro 2019, espanhol

  En 1879, una delegación de funcionarios de Detroit tomó un barco a vapor y cruzó el lago Erie hacia Cleveland; allí, examinó el primer alumbrado eléctrico de la nación. Tres semanas antes, el inventor e ingeniero Charles Brush había encendido el interruptor de una decena de “lámparas de arco” en una plaza pública. “La […]

Infraestrutura, Governo local, Tecnologia e Instrumentos