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Urban Sustainability

Smaller Legacy Cities and Greening in the Age of COVID-19

By Emma Zehner

Novembro 2020, inglês

From creating parks in Richmond, Virginia, to investing in green infrastructure in Buffalo, New York, small cities are embracing sustainability as a tool that can address multiple challenges.

Novembro 2020, inglês

From creating parks in Richmond, Virginia, to investing in green infrastructure in Buffalo, New York, small cities are embracing sustainability as a tool that can address multiple challenges.

Mayor Kate Gallego speaks from a podium.

El escritorio del alcalde

Sustentabilidad y forma urbana en Phoenix

Por Anthony Flint

Novembro 2020, espanhol

  Phoenix es la quinta ciudad más grande y la metrópolis con mayor índice de crecimiento de los Estados Unidos. Kate Gallego es la segunda alcaldesa mujer electa en la historia de Phoenix; y, con sus 39 años, es la alcaldesa de una ciudad importante más joven del país. Según ella, orientar este crecimiento implica […]

Planejamento Urbano e Regional, Mudanças Climáticas, Habitação, Infraestrutura, Água

Novembro 2020, espanhol

  Phoenix es la quinta ciudad más grande y la metrópolis con mayor índice de crecimiento de los Estados Unidos. Kate Gallego es la segunda alcaldesa mujer electa en la historia de Phoenix; y, con sus 39 años, es la alcaldesa de una ciudad importante más joven del país. Según ella, orientar este crecimiento implica […]

Planejamento Urbano e Regional, Mudanças Climáticas, Habitação, Infraestrutura, Água

Land Matters Podcast

Episode 16: Reflections on a Changing Desert Southwest from Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego

By Anthony Flint

Novembro 2020, inglês

  The city of Phoenix, America’s fifth-largest metropolis, is going through some major changes—in demographics, voting patterns, and the physical landscape that has long defined the region. In this episode of the Land Matters podcast, Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego, reelected to a second term in November, reflects on a supercharged political season, the battle against […]

Habitação, Água

Novembro 2020, inglês

  The city of Phoenix, America’s fifth-largest metropolis, is going through some major changes—in demographics, voting patterns, and the physical landscape that has long defined the region. In this episode of the Land Matters podcast, Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego, reelected to a second term in November, reflects on a supercharged political season, the battle against […]

Habitação, Água

Strategic Interaction in Urban Infrastructure Finance

A Spatial Panel Econometric Analysis of Chinese Prefecture-Level Cities

Can Chen, Kenneth A. Kriz, and Shuanglin Lin

Outubro 2020, inglês

Documentos de trabalho

Desenvolvimento Econômico, Infraestrutura, Governo local, Finanças Públicas

Outubro 2020, inglês

Documentos de trabalho

Desenvolvimento Econômico, Infraestrutura, Governo local, Finanças Públicas

Geospatial Technology

Lincoln Institute of Land Policy Launches Center for Geospatial Solutions

By Will Jason

Outubro 2020, inglês

  The Lincoln Institute of Land Policy today launched a new enterprise to expand the use of advanced technology for land and water conservation—The Center for Geospatial Solutions (CGS). The center will give people and organizations the tools they need to manage land and water resources with precision, at the scale required to confront pressing […]

Planejamento Urbano e Regional, Meio Ambiente, Preservação Fundiária, Tecnologia e Instrumentos, Água

Outubro 2020, inglês

  The Lincoln Institute of Land Policy today launched a new enterprise to expand the use of advanced technology for land and water conservation—The Center for Geospatial Solutions (CGS). The center will give people and organizations the tools they need to manage land and water resources with precision, at the scale required to confront pressing […]

Planejamento Urbano e Regional, Meio Ambiente, Preservação Fundiária, Tecnologia e Instrumentos, Água

Helping Homeowners

Creating Mortgage Assistance Programs That Work: Lessons From the Great Recession

By Liz Farmer

Outubro 2020, inglês

  As the pandemic wears on and unemployment remains in the high single digits, nearly 10 million Americans are now either behind on their housing payments or have little confidence they will be able to make their next payment on time. Federal and state moratoriums stopped evictions and foreclosures temporarily, but simply hitting a pause […]


Outubro 2020, inglês

  As the pandemic wears on and unemployment remains in the high single digits, nearly 10 million Americans are now either behind on their housing payments or have little confidence they will be able to make their next payment on time. Federal and state moratoriums stopped evictions and foreclosures temporarily, but simply hitting a pause […]


Towards Fiscally Healthy Michigan Local Governments

Outubro 2020, inglês

Outras publicações

Finanças Públicas

Outubro 2020, inglês

Outras publicações

Finanças Públicas

Illustration of three people climbing up a mountain.

COVID-19, Structural Racism, and Community Investment

Notes Toward a Just Recovery

Outubro 2020, inglês

  The following is an excerpt from an issue brief by the Center for Community Investment at the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy. To read or download the full brief, visit   Crises by their very nature are times of disruption. Our customary activities and ingrained mental models, things that seem natural and inevitable, […]

Desenvolvimento Econômico, Pobreza e Inequidade

Outubro 2020, inglês

  The following is an excerpt from an issue brief by the Center for Community Investment at the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy. To read or download the full brief, visit   Crises by their very nature are times of disruption. Our customary activities and ingrained mental models, things that seem natural and inevitable, […]

Desenvolvimento Econômico, Pobreza e Inequidade