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Climate Change and the Colorado River

Lincoln Institute Dialogue Addresses Water Management Challenges

By Katharine Wroth

Setembro 2021, inglês

  This summer, the U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) declared the first official water shortage on the Colorado River. The declaration triggers mandatory cuts in withdrawals from the river, which supports more than 40 million people and 4.5 million acres of agriculture across seven U.S. states and two states in Mexico. While the announcement […]

Mudanças Climáticas, Meio Ambiente, Água

Setembro 2021, inglês

  This summer, the U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) declared the first official water shortage on the Colorado River. The declaration triggers mandatory cuts in withdrawals from the river, which supports more than 40 million people and 4.5 million acres of agriculture across seven U.S. states and two states in Mexico. While the announcement […]

Mudanças Climáticas, Meio Ambiente, Água

New Master’s Program

Lincoln Institute Launches Educational Partnership with UNED

By Carmen Gloria Huenchual Arancibia

Setembro 2021, inglês

  The Lincoln Institute of Land Policy and the National University of Distance Education in Spain (UNED) have partnered to offer a unique new master’s program on land policy and urban development. It is one of the few graduate programs in the world that explores both the legal framework and the fiscal and planning tools […]

Setembro 2021, inglês

  The Lincoln Institute of Land Policy and the National University of Distance Education in Spain (UNED) have partnered to offer a unique new master’s program on land policy and urban development. It is one of the few graduate programs in the world that explores both the legal framework and the fiscal and planning tools […]

Room for Growth

Exploring the Planned Expansion of Shenzhen, China

By Katharine Wroth

Setembro 2021, inglês

  Two hours east of the bustling metropolitan area of Shenzhen, China, a new city is taking shape in Guangdong Province. Formally known as the Shenzhen-Shanwei Special Cooperation Zone (SSSCZ), this 180-square-mile area is a national demonstration project that’s becoming something of a living laboratory for urban design, spatial planning, and land policy. Initially established […]

Planejamento Urbano e Regional, Urbanização, Recuperação de Mais-Valias

Setembro 2021, inglês

  Two hours east of the bustling metropolitan area of Shenzhen, China, a new city is taking shape in Guangdong Province. Formally known as the Shenzhen-Shanwei Special Cooperation Zone (SSSCZ), this 180-square-mile area is a national demonstration project that’s becoming something of a living laboratory for urban design, spatial planning, and land policy. Initially established […]

Planejamento Urbano e Regional, Urbanização, Recuperação de Mais-Valias

Property Taxes

What Everybody Needs to Know

Ronald C. Fisher

Setembro 2021, inglês

Documentos de trabalho

Governo local, Imposto à Propriedade Imobiliária

Setembro 2021, inglês

Documentos de trabalho

Governo local, Imposto à Propriedade Imobiliária

The Evolution of a Land Trust

Placing Social Transformation at the Center of the Conservation Effort

Fernando Lloveras San Miguel

Setembro 2021, inglês

Documentos de trabalho

Mudanças Climáticas, Meio Ambiente, Preservação Fundiária

Setembro 2021, inglês

Documentos de trabalho

Mudanças Climáticas, Meio Ambiente, Preservação Fundiária

Mandating Access to Affordable Housing, City by City

Is France’s Fair-Share SRU Law a Model for U.S. Metropolitan Areas?

Yonah Freemark

Setembro 2021, inglês

Documentos de trabalho


Setembro 2021, inglês

Documentos de trabalho


Nuevo programa de posgrado

Máster en Políticas de Suelo y Desarrollo Urbano Sostenible

Por Carmen Gloria Huenchual Arancibia

Setembro 2021, espanhol

  El Instituto Lincoln de Políticas de Suelo y la Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED) se han unido para desarrollar un nuevo programa de máster con un contenido original. Se trata de uno de los pocos programas de posgrado a nivel mundial que reúne sistemáticamente los marcos legales y herramientas que sostienen la […]

Setembro 2021, espanhol

  El Instituto Lincoln de Políticas de Suelo y la Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED) se han unido para desarrollar un nuevo programa de máster con un contenido original. Se trata de uno de los pocos programas de posgrado a nivel mundial que reúne sistemáticamente los marcos legales y herramientas que sostienen la […]

Mayor’s Desk

Reflecting on Equity and Regeneration in Cleveland

By Anthony Flint

Setembro 2021, inglês

  Cleveland native Frank G. Jackson, the city’s longest-serving mayor, has been an advocate for building equity and opportunity in this postindustrial city since taking office in 2006. Mayor Jackson is a lifelong resident of the Central neighborhood, where he began his career in elected office as a City Council member. He later served as […]

Planejamento Urbano e Regional, Desenvolvimento Econômico, Governo local, Pobreza e Inequidade

Setembro 2021, inglês

  Cleveland native Frank G. Jackson, the city’s longest-serving mayor, has been an advocate for building equity and opportunity in this postindustrial city since taking office in 2006. Mayor Jackson is a lifelong resident of the Central neighborhood, where he began his career in elected office as a City Council member. He later served as […]

Planejamento Urbano e Regional, Desenvolvimento Econômico, Governo local, Pobreza e Inequidade