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America’s Megapolitan Areas

Robert E. Lang and Dawn Dhavale

Julho 2005, inglês

Megapolitan areas are integrated networks of metro- and micropolitan areas. The name “megapolitan” plays off Jean Gottmann’s 1961 “megalopolis” label by using the same prefix. We find that the United States has ten such areas, six in the eastern part of the U.S. and four in the West (see Figure 1). Megapolitan areas extend into […]

Planejamento Urbano e Regional, Desenvolvimento Econômico, Urbanização

Julho 2005, inglês

Megapolitan areas are integrated networks of metro- and micropolitan areas. The name “megapolitan” plays off Jean Gottmann’s 1961 “megalopolis” label by using the same prefix. We find that the United States has ten such areas, six in the eastern part of the U.S. and four in the West (see Figure 1). Megapolitan areas extend into […]

Planejamento Urbano e Regional, Desenvolvimento Econômico, Urbanização

Stabilizing Property Taxes in Volatile Real Estate Markets

Joan Youngman and Jane Malme

Julho 2005, inglês

Property taxes based on market value have many features that recommend them as a source of local government revenue. They promote visibility and accountability in public spending by providing property owners with a means of evaluating the costs and benefits of local government services. They can provide stable, independent local revenue that is not at […]

Desenvolvimento Econômico, Governo local, Imposto à Propriedade Imobiliária, Valorização

Julho 2005, inglês

Property taxes based on market value have many features that recommend them as a source of local government revenue. They promote visibility and accountability in public spending by providing property owners with a means of evaluating the costs and benefits of local government services. They can provide stable, independent local revenue that is not at […]

Desenvolvimento Econômico, Governo local, Imposto à Propriedade Imobiliária, Valorização

Property Tax Development in China

Chengri Ding

Julho 2005, inglês

The Lincoln Institute’s China Program was established several years ago, in part to develop training programs on property taxation policy and local government finance with officials from the State Administration of Taxation (SAT). The Institute and SAT held a joint forum on international property taxation in Shenzhen in December 2003, and more than 100 participants […]

Direitos de Propriedade e Solo, Zoneamento e Uso do Solo, Governo local, Imposto à Propriedade Imobiliária

Julho 2005, inglês

The Lincoln Institute’s China Program was established several years ago, in part to develop training programs on property taxation policy and local government finance with officials from the State Administration of Taxation (SAT). The Institute and SAT held a joint forum on international property taxation in Shenzhen in December 2003, and more than 100 participants […]

Direitos de Propriedade e Solo, Zoneamento e Uso do Solo, Governo local, Imposto à Propriedade Imobiliária

Política de financiación de la vivienda en Chile

Los últimos 30 años

Mario Navarro

Julho 2005, espanhol

Una versión más actualizada de este artículo está disponible como parte del capítulo 7 del CD-ROM Perspectivas urbanas: Temas críticos en políticas de suelo de América Latina. Como Visiting Fellow en el Lincoln Institute y Loeb Fellow de la Harvard University Graduate School of Design durante el curso académico 2004–2005, Mario Navarro ha emprendido un […]

Planejamento Urbano e Regional, Habitação, Pobreza e Inequidade, Finanças Públicas

Julho 2005, espanhol

Una versión más actualizada de este artículo está disponible como parte del capítulo 7 del CD-ROM Perspectivas urbanas: Temas críticos en políticas de suelo de América Latina. Como Visiting Fellow en el Lincoln Institute y Loeb Fellow de la Harvard University Graduate School of Design durante el curso académico 2004–2005, Mario Navarro ha emprendido un […]

Planejamento Urbano e Regional, Habitação, Pobreza e Inequidade, Finanças Públicas

Housing Finance Policy in Chile

The Last 30 Years

Mario Navarro

Julho 2005, inglês

As a visiting fellow at the Lincoln Institute and a Loeb Fellow at Harvard University Graduate School of Design during the 2004–2005 academic year, Mario Navarro has undertaken a critical analysis of the innovative housing finance policy developed in Chile over the last 30 years. The objective of the study, summarized here, is to help […]

Planejamento Urbano e Regional, Habitação, Pobreza e Inequidade, Finanças Públicas

Julho 2005, inglês

As a visiting fellow at the Lincoln Institute and a Loeb Fellow at Harvard University Graduate School of Design during the 2004–2005 academic year, Mario Navarro has undertaken a critical analysis of the innovative housing finance policy developed in Chile over the last 30 years. The objective of the study, summarized here, is to help […]

Planejamento Urbano e Regional, Habitação, Pobreza e Inequidade, Finanças Públicas

Faculty Profile

Jack R. Huddleston

Julho 2005, inglês

Jack Huddleston is professor of urban and regional planning and is affiliated with the Gaylord Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He received his Ph.D. in economics from Oklahoma State University and worked as chief economic development planner and chief of local fiscal policy analysis for the State of Wisconsin prior […]

Planejamento Urbano e Regional, Desenvolvimento Econômico, Governo local

Julho 2005, inglês

Jack Huddleston is professor of urban and regional planning and is affiliated with the Gaylord Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He received his Ph.D. in economics from Oklahoma State University and worked as chief economic development planner and chief of local fiscal policy analysis for the State of Wisconsin prior […]

Planejamento Urbano e Regional, Desenvolvimento Econômico, Governo local

In Memoriam

Mario Lungo

Martim O. Smolka and Laura Mullahy

Julho 2005, inglês

We are deeply saddened to report that in early May the Lincoln Institute lost one of our key partners in the Program on Latin America and the Caribbean. Mario Lungo was knowledgeable, talented and prolific as a teacher, researcher and author. Moreover, he truly understood the mission of the Latin America Program and how he […]

Planejamento Urbano e Regional

Julho 2005, inglês

We are deeply saddened to report that in early May the Lincoln Institute lost one of our key partners in the Program on Latin America and the Caribbean. Mario Lungo was knowledgeable, talented and prolific as a teacher, researcher and author. Moreover, he truly understood the mission of the Latin America Program and how he […]

Planejamento Urbano e Regional

Junho 2005, inglês

Documentos de trabalho