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Taxing and Untaxing Land

Open Space and Conservation Easements

Joan M. Youngman

Setembro 2006, inglês

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Preservação Fundiária, Zoneamento e Uso do Solo

Setembro 2006, inglês

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Preservação Fundiária, Zoneamento e Uso do Solo

Land Lines, July 2006

Edited by Ann LeRoyer

Julho 2006, inglês

Planejamento Urbano e Regional, Meio Ambiente, Assentamentos Informais, Direitos de Propriedade e Solo, Zoneamento e Uso do Solo, Urbanização

Julho 2006, inglês

Planejamento Urbano e Regional, Meio Ambiente, Assentamentos Informais, Direitos de Propriedade e Solo, Zoneamento e Uso do Solo, Urbanização

From the President

Land Policies for Urban Development

Gregory K. Ingram

Julho 2006, inglês

The Lincoln Institute sponsored a wide-ranging international conference in June on “Land Policies for Urban Development.” A few of the major themes and messages from the presentations are summarized below. The three most populous developing countries, China, India, and Indonesia, with 40 percent of the world’s population, are entering the stage of rapid urbanization simultaneously. […]

Habitação, Governo local, Urbanização

Julho 2006, inglês

The Lincoln Institute sponsored a wide-ranging international conference in June on “Land Policies for Urban Development.” A few of the major themes and messages from the presentations are summarized below. The three most populous developing countries, China, India, and Indonesia, with 40 percent of the world’s population, are entering the stage of rapid urbanization simultaneously. […]

Habitação, Governo local, Urbanização


Costs, Benefits, and Public Policy

Daniel P. McMillen

Julho 2006, inglês

In the past decade, nearly 50 mansions have been demolished and replaced in the historic Chicago suburb of Kenilworth. Four demolition permits are currently pending review, while permits have been approved for two other historically significant houses. To slow the teardown trend, Kenilworth has enacted a nine-month waiting period between issuance of a demolition permit […]

Habitação, Direitos de Propriedade e Solo, Zoneamento e Uso do Solo, Governo local

Julho 2006, inglês

In the past decade, nearly 50 mansions have been demolished and replaced in the historic Chicago suburb of Kenilworth. Four demolition permits are currently pending review, while permits have been approved for two other historically significant houses. To slow the teardown trend, Kenilworth has enacted a nine-month waiting period between issuance of a demolition permit […]

Habitação, Direitos de Propriedade e Solo, Zoneamento e Uso do Solo, Governo local

Smart Growth in Maryland

Facing a New Reality

Gerrit-Jan Knaap and Dru Schmidt-Perkins

Julho 2006, inglês

In the nearly 35 years since Bosselman and Callies (1972) published The Quiet Revolution in Land Use Control, land use policies in states across the nation have continued to change and evolve. The state of Maryland offers a good example. The history of land use policy in Maryland records a variety of conservation, development, and […]

Planejamento Urbano e Regional, Meio Ambiente, Zoneamento e Uso do Solo, Governo local

Julho 2006, inglês

In the nearly 35 years since Bosselman and Callies (1972) published The Quiet Revolution in Land Use Control, land use policies in states across the nation have continued to change and evolve. The state of Maryland offers a good example. The history of land use policy in Maryland records a variety of conservation, development, and […]

Planejamento Urbano e Regional, Meio Ambiente, Zoneamento e Uso do Solo, Governo local

Tributos inmobiliarios e informalidad

Desafíos para América Latina

Martim O. Smolka and Claudia M. De Cesare

Julho 2006, espanhol

Una versión más actualizada de este artículo está disponible como parte del capítulo 7 del CD-ROM Perspectivas urbanas: Temas críticos en políticas de suelo de América Latina. La informalidad desenfrenada, tan emblemática de las grandes ciudades de países en vías de desarrollo, plantea muchos retos a los sistemas de tributación inmobiliaria. Por ejemplo, los derechos […]

Habitação, Assentamentos Informais, Pobreza e Inequidade, Imposto à Propriedade Imobiliária

Julho 2006, espanhol

Una versión más actualizada de este artículo está disponible como parte del capítulo 7 del CD-ROM Perspectivas urbanas: Temas críticos en políticas de suelo de América Latina. La informalidad desenfrenada, tan emblemática de las grandes ciudades de países en vías de desarrollo, plantea muchos retos a los sistemas de tributación inmobiliaria. Por ejemplo, los derechos […]

Habitação, Assentamentos Informais, Pobreza e Inequidade, Imposto à Propriedade Imobiliária

Property Taxation and Informality

Challenges for Latin America

Martim O. Smolka and Claudia M. De Cesare

Julho 2006, inglês

Rampant informality, so emblematic of large cities in developing countries, poses many challenges for property taxation systems. For instance, tenure rights in informal settlements are often obscure or even unknown; buildings are constructed gradually over time, self-construction is common, and the whole unit may never be finished; property value depends on vague or intangible factors […]

Habitação, Assentamentos Informais, Pobreza e Inequidade, Imposto à Propriedade Imobiliária

Julho 2006, inglês

Rampant informality, so emblematic of large cities in developing countries, poses many challenges for property taxation systems. For instance, tenure rights in informal settlements are often obscure or even unknown; buildings are constructed gradually over time, self-construction is common, and the whole unit may never be finished; property value depends on vague or intangible factors […]

Habitação, Assentamentos Informais, Pobreza e Inequidade, Imposto à Propriedade Imobiliária

Faculty Profile

Margaret Dewar

Julho 2006, inglês

Margaret Dewar is the Emil Lorch Professor of Architecture and Urban Planning at the Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning at the University of Michigan. She directs the Detroit Community Partnership Center through which University of Michigan faculty and students work with community-based organizations and city agencies on community-identified neighborhood issues. Dewar is also […]

Planejamento Urbano e Regional, Desenvolvimento Econômico, Urbanização

Julho 2006, inglês

Margaret Dewar is the Emil Lorch Professor of Architecture and Urban Planning at the Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning at the University of Michigan. She directs the Detroit Community Partnership Center through which University of Michigan faculty and students work with community-based organizations and city agencies on community-identified neighborhood issues. Dewar is also […]

Planejamento Urbano e Regional, Desenvolvimento Econômico, Urbanização