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Access to Land, Local Taxes and Financing of Urban Development

The Case of Santiago, Chile

Camilo Arriagada Luco and Daniela Simioni

Agosto 2007, inglês

Documentos de trabalho

Agosto 2007, inglês

Documentos de trabalho

Value Capture for Urban Development

An Inter-American Comparison

Martim O. Smolka and David Amborski

Agosto 2007, inglês

Documentos de trabalho

Agosto 2007, inglês

Documentos de trabalho

The Illinois Property Tax

History and Structure

Nathan B. Anderson and Therese J. McGuire

Agosto 2007, inglês

Documentos de trabalho

Agosto 2007, inglês

Documentos de trabalho

Land Lines, July 2007

Edited by Ann LeRoyer

Julho 2007, inglês

Planejamento Urbano e Regional, Desenvolvimento Econômico, Habitação, Direitos de Propriedade e Solo, Finanças Públicas, Urbanização

Julho 2007, inglês

Planejamento Urbano e Regional, Desenvolvimento Econômico, Habitação, Direitos de Propriedade e Solo, Finanças Públicas, Urbanização


An Unintended Consequence of Assessment Limitations

Richard F. Dye and Daniel P. McMillen

Julho 2007, inglês

Public policy changes often have unintended consequences—side effects, feedback effects, benefits to individuals not in the target group, unexpected costs, perverse incentives, new opportunities to game the system, and the like. Early experiences with assessment limitation measures reveal an unanticipated result: some property owners seemingly targeted to benefit from lower assessments may be harmed instead.

Habitação, Direitos de Propriedade e Solo, Governo local, Imposto à Propriedade Imobiliária

Julho 2007, inglês

Public policy changes often have unintended consequences—side effects, feedback effects, benefits to individuals not in the target group, unexpected costs, perverse incentives, new opportunities to game the system, and the like. Early experiences with assessment limitation measures reveal an unanticipated result: some property owners seemingly targeted to benefit from lower assessments may be harmed instead.

Habitação, Direitos de Propriedade e Solo, Governo local, Imposto à Propriedade Imobiliária

Report From the President


Gregory K. Ingram

Julho 2007, inglês

The Institute’s June 2007 Land Policy Conference focused on decentralization—the degree to which local and provincial governments exercise power, make decisions about their revenues and expenditures, and are held accountable for outcomes. Because the services,regulatory constraints, and institutional environments provided by local governments are major factors in the location decisions of households and firms in […]

Desenvolvimento Econômico, Governo local, Finanças Públicas

Julho 2007, inglês

The Institute’s June 2007 Land Policy Conference focused on decentralization—the degree to which local and provincial governments exercise power, make decisions about their revenues and expenditures, and are held accountable for outcomes. Because the services,regulatory constraints, and institutional environments provided by local governments are major factors in the location decisions of households and firms in […]

Desenvolvimento Econômico, Governo local, Finanças Públicas

Housing Rural Migrants in China’s Urbanizing Villages

Yan Song

Julho 2007, inglês

The annual rate of urbanization in China has increased rapidly from 17.9 percent in 1978 to 39.1 percent in 2002, accompanied by rural-to-urban migration on a massive scale. More than 70 million rural migrants were working and living in urban areas at the end of 2000. This influx of population has created a unique urban […]

Habitação, Assentamentos Informais, Direitos de Propriedade e Solo, Urbanização

Julho 2007, inglês

The annual rate of urbanization in China has increased rapidly from 17.9 percent in 1978 to 39.1 percent in 2002, accompanied by rural-to-urban migration on a massive scale. More than 70 million rural migrants were working and living in urban areas at the end of 2000. This influx of population has created a unique urban […]

Habitação, Assentamentos Informais, Direitos de Propriedade e Solo, Urbanização

Taking Land Around the World

International Trends in the Use of Eminent Domain

Antonio Azuela

Julho 2007, inglês

Compulsory purchase, expropriation, eminent domain, or simply “taking” are different names for the legal institution that allows governments to acquire property against the will of its owner in order to fulfill some public purpose. This tool has been used for a long time as a major instrument of land policy, but now it is subject […]

Planejamento Urbano e Regional, Infraestrutura, Direitos de Propriedade e Solo, Urbanização

Julho 2007, inglês

Compulsory purchase, expropriation, eminent domain, or simply “taking” are different names for the legal institution that allows governments to acquire property against the will of its owner in order to fulfill some public purpose. This tool has been used for a long time as a major instrument of land policy, but now it is subject […]

Planejamento Urbano e Regional, Infraestrutura, Direitos de Propriedade e Solo, Urbanização