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A Critical Review of Property Tax Relief in Wisconsin

The School Levy Credit and the First Dollar Credit

Andrew Reschovsky

Sale of Building Rights

Overview and Evaluation of Municipal Experiences

Fernanda Furtado, Vera F. Rezende, Teresa C. Oliveira, and Pedro Jorgensen Jr.

Outorga Onerosa do Direito de Construir

Panorama e Avaliação de Experiências Municipais

Fernanda Furtado, Vera F. Rezende, Teresa C. Oliveira, and Pedro Jorgensen Jr

Land Lines, January 2010

Edited by Ann LeRoyer

Janeiro 2010, inglês

Desenvolvimento Econômico, Meio Ambiente, Habitação, Zoneamento e Uso do Solo, Imposto à Propriedade Imobiliária

Janeiro 2010, inglês

Desenvolvimento Econômico, Meio Ambiente, Habitação, Zoneamento e Uso do Solo, Imposto à Propriedade Imobiliária

Report from the President

Improving Access to Land and Tax Data

Gregory K. Ingram

Janeiro 2010, inglês

A major tragedy of empirical work is the low ratio of analysis to data, in part due to the lack of publicly available datasets. Many data collectors are reluctant to share data with other researchers until they have harvested all its new insights. Accordingly, researchers often collect new data because they cannot access existing information. […]

Habitação, Imposto à Propriedade Imobiliária, Tecnologia e Instrumentos, Valorização

Janeiro 2010, inglês

A major tragedy of empirical work is the low ratio of analysis to data, in part due to the lack of publicly available datasets. Many data collectors are reluctant to share data with other researchers until they have harvested all its new insights. Accordingly, researchers often collect new data because they cannot access existing information. […]

Habitação, Imposto à Propriedade Imobiliária, Tecnologia e Instrumentos, Valorização

Land Policy Issues in China

Joyce Yanyun Man

Janeiro 2010, inglês

As the world’s most populous country and its third largest economy, China and its rapid urbanization and development will represent one of the defining trends of the twenty-first century. Over the past 30 years, China has made remarkable economic and social progress, lifting hundreds of millions out of poverty and catapulting China onto the international […]

Desenvolvimento Econômico, Meio Ambiente, Imposto à Propriedade Imobiliária, Urbanização

Janeiro 2010, inglês

As the world’s most populous country and its third largest economy, China and its rapid urbanization and development will represent one of the defining trends of the twenty-first century. Over the past 30 years, China has made remarkable economic and social progress, lifting hundreds of millions out of poverty and catapulting China onto the international […]

Desenvolvimento Econômico, Meio Ambiente, Imposto à Propriedade Imobiliária, Urbanização