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Annotated Bibliography on Land Value Taxation and Value Capture 2007–2013

Jeffrey I. Chapman

Novembro 2015, inglês

Documentos de trabalho

Tributação Imobiliária, Recuperação de Mais-Valias

Novembro 2015, inglês

Documentos de trabalho

Tributação Imobiliária, Recuperação de Mais-Valias

Aumento de resiliencia al cambio climático en asentamientos informales de dos ciudades latinoamericanas

Condega y Cartagena

Mona Serageldin, Alfredo Stein, Alejandra Mortarini, Carolina Morgan, Warren Hagist, Sheelah Gobar, and Luis Sevilla Fajardo

Novembro 2015, espanhol

Documentos de trabalho

Novembro 2015, espanhol

Documentos de trabalho

Land Lines, October 2015

Edited by Maureen Clarke

Outubro 2015, inglês

In this issue, we feature articles on water as a cash crop in the West, technology cures for municipal fiscal health, and the Working Cities challenge.

Planejamento Urbano e Regional, Finanças Públicas, Tecnologia e Instrumentos, Urbanização

Outubro 2015, inglês

In this issue, we feature articles on water as a cash crop in the West, technology cures for municipal fiscal health, and the Working Cities challenge.

Planejamento Urbano e Regional, Finanças Públicas, Tecnologia e Instrumentos, Urbanização

Message from the President

Helping Communities to Help Themselves

By George W. McCarthy

Outubro 2015, inglês

Before joining the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, I covered the Detroit beat for almost a decade for the Ford Foundation. There I was able to witness firsthand the unprecedented challenges involved in reversing the fortunes of the most powerful and important U.S. city of the mid-20th century. The enormity of these challenges called forth […]

Planejamento Urbano e Regional, Desenvolvimento Econômico, Tecnologia e Instrumentos, Urbanização

Outubro 2015, inglês

Before joining the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, I covered the Detroit beat for almost a decade for the Ford Foundation. There I was able to witness firsthand the unprecedented challenges involved in reversing the fortunes of the most powerful and important U.S. city of the mid-20th century. The enormity of these challenges called forth […]

Planejamento Urbano e Regional, Desenvolvimento Econômico, Tecnologia e Instrumentos, Urbanização

Muni Finance

The Visual Budget Lets Taxpayers Follow the Money

By Loren Berlin

Outubro 2015, inglês

An informed citizenry is an empowered one, but educating taxpayers and voters can be difficult. While most people care deeply about various community issues—such as whether to build a new library branch or provide curbside recycling—very few of us spend our limited free time paging through spreadsheets to understand the specifics of a municipal budget […]

Governo local, Imposto à Propriedade Imobiliária, Finanças Públicas, Tecnologia e Instrumentos

Outubro 2015, inglês

An informed citizenry is an empowered one, but educating taxpayers and voters can be difficult. While most people care deeply about various community issues—such as whether to build a new library branch or provide curbside recycling—very few of us spend our limited free time paging through spreadsheets to understand the specifics of a municipal budget […]

Governo local, Imposto à Propriedade Imobiliária, Finanças Públicas, Tecnologia e Instrumentos

The Super Ditch

Can Water Become a Cash Crop in the West?

By Scott Campbell

Outubro 2015, inglês

Peter Nichols is an avid outdoorsman and one of Colorado’s leading water law attorneys. It’s not uncommon to see him enter the lobby of his Boulder office at Berg Hill Greenleaf & Ruscitti—a room with stone, hardwoods, and a sharp-dressed receptionist—in wrinkled attorney attire and a pair of worn river sandals. By his own reckoning, […]

Desenvolvimento Econômico, Meio Ambiente, Direitos de Propriedade e Solo, Preservação Fundiária

Outubro 2015, inglês

Peter Nichols is an avid outdoorsman and one of Colorado’s leading water law attorneys. It’s not uncommon to see him enter the lobby of his Boulder office at Berg Hill Greenleaf & Ruscitti—a room with stone, hardwoods, and a sharp-dressed receptionist—in wrinkled attorney attire and a pair of worn river sandals. By his own reckoning, […]

Desenvolvimento Econômico, Meio Ambiente, Direitos de Propriedade e Solo, Preservação Fundiária

Back to the Future

The Working Cities Challenge Helps MA Cities Rebuild on Industrial Pasts

By Billy Hamilton

Outubro 2015, inglês

Holyoke, a city of about 40,000 in western Massachusetts, was one of the nation’s first planned industrial communities. Beginning in the late 1840s, Boston investors transformed what had been a farming area into a mill town, taking advantage of its location along the Connecticut River. The investors wanted to manufacture cotton textiles. But over time […]

Planejamento Urbano e Regional, Desenvolvimento Econômico, Finanças Públicas, Urbanização

Outubro 2015, inglês

Holyoke, a city of about 40,000 in western Massachusetts, was one of the nation’s first planned industrial communities. Beginning in the late 1840s, Boston investors transformed what had been a farming area into a mill town, taking advantage of its location along the Connecticut River. The investors wanted to manufacture cotton textiles. But over time […]

Planejamento Urbano e Regional, Desenvolvimento Econômico, Finanças Públicas, Urbanização


Chattanooga—La gigaciudad

Rob Walker

Outubro 2015, espanhol

El acceso universal a internet de alta velocidad es un sueño generalizado en estos tiempos. Todos, desde el presidente de Google, Inc. hasta cualquiera de nosotros, lo hemos anhelado. Y la prensa tecnológica se inunda de irritadas críticas, preguntándose por qué las velocidades de banda ancha habituales en los Estados Unidos están tan retrasadas con […]

Planejamento Urbano e Regional, Tecnologia e Instrumentos, Urbanização

Outubro 2015, espanhol

El acceso universal a internet de alta velocidad es un sueño generalizado en estos tiempos. Todos, desde el presidente de Google, Inc. hasta cualquiera de nosotros, lo hemos anhelado. Y la prensa tecnológica se inunda de irritadas críticas, preguntándose por qué las velocidades de banda ancha habituales en los Estados Unidos están tan retrasadas con […]

Planejamento Urbano e Regional, Tecnologia e Instrumentos, Urbanização