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Thumbnail image for a fact sheet about water-resilient agriculture

Water-Resilient Agriculture

Water-Resilient Agriculture

December 2022, English

Other Publications

Environment, Water

December 2022, English

Other Publications

Environment, Water

Towards Fiscally Healthy Michigan Local Governments

October 2020, English

Other Publications

Public Finance

October 2020, English

Other Publications

Public Finance

The Variety of Property Tax Limits

Goals, Consequences, and Alternatives

Joan M. Youngman

November 2007, English

Other Publications

Local Government, Property Tax

November 2007, English

Other Publications

Local Government, Property Tax

Taxing and Untaxing Land

Open Space and Conservation Easements

Joan M. Youngman

September 2006, English

Other Publications

Land Conservation, Land Use and Zoning

September 2006, English

Other Publications

Land Conservation, Land Use and Zoning

Taxing and Untaxing Land

Current Use Assessment of Farmland

Joan M. Youngman

September 2005, English

Other Publications

Land Use and Zoning, Property Tax

September 2005, English

Other Publications

Land Use and Zoning, Property Tax

Tax Base Sharing

Local Response to Fiscal Federalism

Paul Smith

January 1979, English

Other Publications

Land Use and Zoning, Local Government, Property Tax, Public Finance

January 1979, English

Other Publications

Land Use and Zoning, Local Government, Property Tax, Public Finance

May 2017, English

Other Publications

Property Tax

Eminent Domain and Social Conflict in Five Latin American Metropolitan Areas

Edited by Antonio Azuela

June 2017, English

Other Publications

Land and Property Rights, Land Conflict Resolution

June 2017, English

Other Publications

Land and Property Rights, Land Conflict Resolution

From the House to the Ground: Insights Into the Challenges of Implementing State Housing Policies

Jenny Schuetz, Julia Gill, Semida Munteanu, and Sydney Zelinka

September 2023, English

As housing affordability concerns increase, state legislatures are increasingly intent on implementing reform. New insights from a workshop held by the Lincoln Institute and Brookings Metro offer a look at the challenges and opportunities along the way.

Policy Downloads


September 2023, English

As housing affordability concerns increase, state legislatures are increasingly intent on implementing reform. New insights from a workshop held by the Lincoln Institute and Brookings Metro offer a look at the challenges and opportunities along the way.

Policy Downloads
